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Buchstabe V
Erw. | Beschreibung |
V | Bitmap image (subsampled raw YUV file) |
V | ReaGeniX Code Generator consistency check support file |
V | Vivid 2.0 main input file for an image |
VAL | Paradox for Windows validity checks and referential integrity |
VAL | dBASE Application Generator values list object file |
VAN | VistaPro animation file |
VAP | NetWare 2.xx value added process |
VAR | Icon Author variable file |
VBG | Visual Basic group project |
VBL | Visual Basic user control Licensing file |
VBP | Visual Basic project |
VBR | Visual Basic remote automation registration file |
VBS | Video Bit Stream |
VBS | VBScript |
VBW | Visual Basic project workspace |
VBX | Visual Basic extension (custom control) |
VBZ | Visual Basic Setup Wizard launch file |
VC | Vivid 2.0 include file with color definitions |
VC | VisiCalc spreadsheet |
VCA | Visual Clip Art file |
VCE | Sound file for games |
VCF | Outlook Express VCard file |
VCF | Vevi configuration file |
VCP | VGACOPY diskimage file |
VCR | Arvid VCR driver |
VCS | Netscape Calendar data file |
VCW | MS Visual C++ visual workbench information |
VCX | VisiCalc advanced spreadsheet |
VDA | Truevision Targa bitmap image |
VDA | Graphics (VDA-FS surface data) |
VDI | Digital Research GEM bitmap image file |
VDO | Story Board video image |
VDO | VDOLive Script video |
VDR | ComputerEasy Draw drawing file |
VDR | VideoDirector movie file |
VDU | Detailer 3D file |
VEH | Vector data (SPANS VEH/VEC format) |
VEW | Lotus Approach view file (earlier versions 3.0) |
VEW | GroupWise for Windows file |
VEW | Clipper 5 view file |
VFA | FontLab database file |
VFF | Sun TAAC Image File Format bitmap image |
VFF | DESR VFF greyscale bitmap image |
VFM | Ventura Publisher Font Metrics file |
VFM | Voter voting form |
VFN | Voter voting form for customers |
VGA | OS/2 bitmap image |
VGA | VGA display font |
VGD | Generic CADD VGA display driver |
VGR | Ventura Publisher graphics |
VGR | Draftsman Plus Vektorgrafik |
VI | Jovian Logic VI video capture board bitmap image |
VI | Watcom Vi editor script file |
VIC | VICAR - Video Image Communication and Retrieval graphic file |
VICAR | VICAR - Video Image Communication and Retrieval graphic file |
VID | Visual Image Directory file |
VID | YUV12C M-Motion frame buffer bitmap file |
VID | MS Word screen device driver file |
VID | MS-DOS Shell Monitor file |
VIF | 1bit CCITT Group 4 bitmap image (Verity Image Format) |
VIF | Bitmap image (Khoros Visualization Image File Format) |
VIFF | Bitmap image (Khoros Visualization Image File Format) |
VIK | Viking graphics |
VIR | Virus or infected file |
VIS | StudioPro 3D file |
VIS | Vista graphics file |
VIT | Bitmap image (VITec scanner raster format) |
VIV | VivoActive movies and audio file |
VIVO | VivoActive movies and audio file |
VLB | Corel Ventura library file |
VLM | Netware virtual loadable module |
VM | Geoworks virtual memory file (or localization file) |
VMC | DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender virtual memory configuration |
VMF | Ventura Publisher font characteristics |
VMS | Text file containing VMS specific info |
VO | Vivid 2.0 include file with object definition |
VOB | MPEG-2 movie |
VOC | Creative Lab's Soundblaster digitized sound file (PlayVoc) |
VOD | Video On Demand |
VOF | VZ Programmer object folder |
VOR | StarWriter2.0 document template |
VORT | Very Ordinary Rendering Toolkit bitmap image |
VOX | Dialogic sound file |
VP | Ventura Publisher publication file |
VP | 3D Studio video posting |
VPF | Vector Product Format file |
VPG | VPGraphics graphic file |
VPH | Virtual Pascal help file |
VPI | Virtual Pascal unit file |
VPR | Visual Prolog resource file |
VQE | SoundVQ plugin locater file |
VQF | Music file (Transform-domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization) |
VQL | SoundVQ plugin locater file |
VRM | Virtual reality modeling language file |
VRM | QuattroPro overlay file |
VRM | Watcom Visual Rexx (VRexx) language source code file |
VRML | Virtual reality modeling language file |
VRP | WATCOM VXRexx project file |
VRS | WordPerfect video resource |
VRT | Virtual world file |
VSC | McAfee VirusScan configuration file |
VS | Vivid 2.0 include file with surface definition |
VSD | ViSio drawing file |
VSH | McAfee VirusShield configuration file |
VSD | Visio Chart-Diagramm |
VSM | VisSim simulation model |
VSP | SPX sprite |
VSS | Visio smartshapes file |
VST | Truevision Targa Vista bitmap image file |
VST | Visio template |
VSW | Visio workspace data |
VTD | XVT-Draw vector graphic file |
VUE | MS Schedule+ configuration file |
VUE | 3D Studio animation file |
VUE | dBASE IV view file |
VUE | FoxPro view file |
VVD | Minolta element file |
VW | Volkswriter text file |
VWR | PC Tools viewer file |
VXD | MS Windows virtual device driver, 32 bit |
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