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Buchstabe W
Erw. | Beschreibung |
W | Applause Word chart file |
W30 | Ventura Publisher printer font (AST TurboLaser) |
W31 | Windows 3.1 startup file |
W44 | dBASE temporary file for Sort or Index |
W51 | WordPerfect 5.1 document |
W60 | WordPerfect 6.0 document |
W61 | WordPerfect 6.1 document |
W95 | Windows 95 related file |
WAB | Windows address book file |
WAD | War Allocation Daemon (Doom, Doom2, Rise of Triad) |
WAP | Wap application project (Ericsson WapIDE) |
WAS | ProComm source script |
WAV | Wave PCM sound file |
WAX | Audio Advanced Streaming Format |
WAX | ProComm compiled script |
WB1 | Quattro Pro/Win spreadsheet |
WB2 | Quattro Pro/Win spreadsheet |
WB3 | Quattro Pro/Win spreadsheet |
WBD | WinBüro database file |
WBF | Windows batch file |
WBK | MS Word auto-backup document |
WBK | WordPerfect for Windows workbook file |
WBL | Argo WebLoad II upload file |
WBMP | WAP bitmap image |
WBT | WilsonWare WinBatch batch file |
WCD | WordPerfect for Windows macro token list |
WCH | WordPerfect for Windows macro facility file |
WCM | WordPerfect for Windows macro file |
WCM | MS Works data transmission file |
WCP | WordPerfect for Windows product information description |
WD | InfoSelect data file |
WDB | MS Works database |
WEB | Corel Xara web document |
WEBOOGL | Web Object Oriented Graphics Library |
WER | Microsoft Windows Error Reporting fiel |
WFM | dBASE Form Designer form object |
WFN | Coreldraw font file |
WFT | WaveFronT 3D object |
WFX | WinFaX file |
WG1 | Lotus 1-2-3/G worksheet |
WG2 | Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2 worksheet |
WGP | Game data (Wild Board Games) |
WHIP | Bitmap image (WHIP file) |
WHT | MS NetMeeting Whiteboard-document |
WI8 | WinTranslator word database file |
WIC | Image created with the J Wavelet codec wavelet compression algorithm |
WID | Ventura Publisher width table |
WIF | Weaving information file |
WIF | Window intermediate file template |
WIL | WinImage data |
WIN | FoxPro window file |
WIN | dBASE window file |
WIN | Truevision Targa bitmap image |
WINS | Makefile for WINS platform (EPOC) |
WIZ | MS Word wizard file |
WIZ | MS Publisher wizard file |
WK1 | Lotus 123 spreadsheet file |
WK2 | Lotus 123 spreadsheet file |
WK3 | Lotus 123 spreadsheet file |
WK4 | Lotus 123 spreadsheet file |
WKB | WordPerfect for Windows document |
WKE | Spreadsheet (Lotus 123 educational version) |
WKQ | Quattro Pro spreadsheet file |
WKS | Lotus 123 spreadsheet file |
WKS | Symphony spreadsheet file |
WKS | MS Works spreadsheet file |
WKS | XLISP workspace file |
WKZ | Wingz spreadsheet file |
WL? | Data file of the game Wolfenstein |
WLD | Data files of flight simulators |
WLF | Argo WebLoad I upload file |
WLG | DrWatson log file |
WLK | Virtus Walkthrough graphic file |
WLL | MS Word add-in |
WLR | Virtual Reality Modeling Language file |
WM | Windows Media |
WMA | Advanced Streaming Format audio file (Windows Media Audio) |
WMC | WordPerfect macro file |
WMC | MathCad backup of startup files |
WMC | WordMARC text file |
WMF | Windows meta file (vector and bitmap image) |
WML | Wireless Markup Language document (WAP) |
WMP | Windows Magic icon palette |
WMV | Movie file (Window Media Video) |
WN | NeXT WriteNow text document |
WNF | CorelDraw outline font description (native format) |
WOA | Windows 3.x swap file |
WOB | RIO Designer Pro object file |
WOC | Windows OrgChart organization file |
WOW | Grave Composer music file (8 channels) |
WP | WordPerfect document |
WP4 | WordPerfect 4 document |
WP5 | WordPerfect 5 document |
WP6 | WordPerfect 6 document |
WPD | WordPerfect display driver file |
WPD | Windows printer driver |
WPF | WorldPort Fax file |
WPF | WordPerfect form |
WPG | WordPerrfect bitmap or vector image |
WPG | DrawPerfect bitmap or vector image |
WPJ | Watcom C/C++ project file |
WPK | WordPerfect for Windows macro file |
WPM | WordPerfect macro file |
WPP | WordPerfect color palette file |
WPS | MS Works document |
WPS | WordPerfect document |
WPT | WordPerfect template |
WPW | Novel PerfectWorks document |
WQ | Spreadsheet |
WQ! | Quattro Pro compressed spreadsheet |
WQ1 | Quattro Pro spreadsheet |
WQ2 | Quattro Pro 5 spreadsheet |
WR1 | Symphony v1.1/1.2/2 spreadsheet |
WRD | Charisma template |
WRD | Psion Series 3 text document |
WRI | Windows Write (WinWrite) document |
WRK | Symphony v1/1.01 spreadsheet |
WRL | VRML worlds file |
WRP | Warp compressed Amiga file archive |
WRS | WordPerfect printer driver |
WRZ | VRML worlds file |
WS | Windows script file |
WS | APL Worksheet |
WS | WordStar 5.0/6.0 document |
WS1 | WordStar for Windows 1.x document |
WS2 | WordStar for Windows 2/2000 document |
WS3 | WordStar for Windows 3 document |
WS4 | WordStar for Windows 4 document |
WS5 | WordStar for Windows 5 document |
WS6 | WordStar for Windows 6 document |
WS7 | WordStar for Windows 7 document |
WSC | RIO Designer Pro scene file |
WSD | WordStar document |
WSH | Windows Scripting Host file |
WSP | Fortran PowerStation workspace |
WSQ | Wavelet-packet Scalar Quantization bitmap format |
WSRC | x-wais source |
WST | WordStar text file |
WSZ | Winamp Skin Zip file |
WT8 | WinTranslator word database file |
WTD | Wintune document file |
WTK | WinTalk file (URL address of person to talk to) |
WTX | Wintune document file |
WVE | Psion Series 3 Palmtop sound file (8kHz) |
WVL | Wavelet compressed bitmap image |
WVX | Audio/Video Windows Media |
WWB | WordPerfect button bar |
WWK | WordPerfect keyboard layout |
WXP | EXP for Windows document |
WZS | MS wizards files |
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