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Buchstabe A
Erw. | Beschreibung |
A## | NodeDiff/PointDiff-archiv |
A## | Part of a ARJ-archiv file |
A_T | A-TRAIN file |
A | ADA Quelltext |
A | Assembler source |
A | Object library |
A0? | ARJ multiple disk archive, disk 2, etc. |
A11 | AIIM image |
A31 | Authorware 3.x library |
A3M | Unpackaged file (Authorware for Macintosh) |
A3W | Unpackaged file (Authorware for Windows) |
A41 | Authorware 4.x library |
A4M | Unpackaged file (Authorware for Macintosh) |
A4P | Package without runtime (Authorware) |
A4W | Unpackaged file (Authorware for Windows) |
A51 | Authorware 5.x library |
A5W | Unpackaged file (Authorware for Windows) |
A8 | Cubicomp PictureMaker alpha channel image data (24bit 3D animation) |
A86 | A86 assembly language source code file |
AAC | Homeboy reference (music) |
AAM | Authorware Shocked file |
AAS | Authorware Shocked packet |
AB6 | ABStat datafile |
AB8 | ABStat datafile |
ABC | ABC FlowCharter 1.0 document |
ABC | ABC programming language general filename extension |
ABC | Athena 16 addressbook |
ABC | Musical notation language file (folk melodies) |
ABF | Adobe Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format (Adobe screen fonts) |
ABK | Avigo backup |
ABK | CorelDraw automatic backup |
ABM | Album file (Image PALS, PhotoPlus) |
ABR | Adobe Photoshop Brush |
ABS | Abscissa data file |
ABS | Abstracts (info file) |
ABS | MPEG sound |
AC$ | Spooled plot file (AutoCAD AutoSpool) |
ACA | Project Manager Workbench project |
ACAD | AutoCAD database file |
ACB | ACMB graphics |
ACB | Compressed file archive |
ACC | Program (DR-DOS - ViewMax) (GEM / resident) |
ACD | Audio (Sonic Foundry ACID bundle file) |
ACE | ACE-Archive |
ACF | Adobe Custom Filter for PhotoShop |
ACGI | ACGI Script (WWW) |
ACL | Corel Draw 6 keyboard Accelerator |
ACM | Audio Compression Module add-on to MSACM.DRV Windows driver |
ACM | Graphics file (ACMB format) |
ACMB | Graphics file (ACMB format) |
ACO | Adobe color palette |
ACP | Compressed file archive (ACB) |
ACP | MS Office Assistant preview file |
ACR | Bitmap image (American Collage of Radiology ACR-NEMA medical image file) |
ACR | DICOM/ACR image |
ACT | Action! presentation |
ACT | Actor source code file (Graphics cell) (Animation Works) |
ACT | Adobe Photoshop color table |
ACT | FoxPro Foxdoc Action Diagrams |
ACT | MS Office Assistant Actor |
ACV | Adobe Photoshop colour curves file |
ACV | Compress and decompress audio data (OS/2 driver) |
AD | AfterDark screensaver |
AD2 | ADPCM 2-bit compressed voice file (ZFAX) |
AD3 | ADPCM 3-bit compressed voice file (ZFAX) |
ADA | Ada source code |
ADB | Ada Package Body |
ADB | Appointment DataBase (HP 100LX organizer) |
ADC | Bitmap / 16 colors (Scanstudio) |
ADC | Lingvo dictionary |
ADC | Scanstudio bitmap image |
ADC | Sound (TI/MIT ADC format) |
ADD | Adapter Device Driver (OS/2) |
ADD | Compressed drive (SuperStor) |
ADEX | ADEX Corp. bitmap image |
adf | Adapter Description File (IBM) |
ADF | Admin Config file |
ADF | Administration configuration file |
ADF | Amiga Disk File |
ADF | PS/2 Microchannel adapter description file |
ADF | PS/2 Microchannel-Systemerweiterungstreiber |
ADI | AutoCAD Device-Independent binary plotter format |
ADL | MicroChannel Adapter Description Library file |
ADM | ADMinistrator policy template (Windows NT) |
ADM | After Dark MultiModule screensaver |
ADM | SCSI driver? |
ADN | Lotus 123 Add-In |
ADO | Adobe PhotoShop Duotone |
ADP | Astound Dynamite file |
ADP | FaxWorks setup file for fax modem interaction |
ADPCM | Sound (Intel/DVI Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation format) |
ADR | After Dark Randomizer screensaver |
ADR | Smart Address ADdRess book |
ADS | Ada Package Specification |
ADT | AdTech fax |
ADT | HP NewWave datafile for cardfile application |
ADT | Lingvo dictionary |
ADV | GUS device driver ( |
ADX | Aproach index file |
ADX | Archetype Designer document |
ADX | Lotus Approach dBASE index |
AEX | Alpha linked executable file |
AEX | PGP armored extracted public key |
AEXPK | PGP armored extracted public key |
AF2 | ABC FlowCharter 2.0 flowchart |
AF3 | ABC FlowCharter 3.0 flowchart |
AFC | Apple sound |
AFI | Truevision bitmap image |
AFL | Fonts for Allways (Lotus) |
AFL | Lotus Allways font file |
AFL | RubberFlex animation (AnimaFlex) |
AFM | Adobe Font Metrics |
AFM | HP NewWave datafile for cardfile application |
AFM | Postscript Font Metrics (Adobe) |
AFP | ABC FlowCharter shape palette |
AFT | ABC FlowCharter 3.0 template |
AFW | ABC FlowCharter 3.0 workspace |
AG | Lotus AGenda File |
AGF | Atlas geo file (ESRI GIS & Mapping software) |
AGN | Psion Series 3 Agenda |
AHN | Ahnentafel der Databecker Familienchronik |
AI | Adobe Illustrator vector image, subset of .EPS. Also used by Corel-TRACE |
AIF | ADW Knowledge Ware setup information |
AIF | Audio Interchange File Format from Apple/SGI, see AIFF |
AIF | EPOC Application Information File |
AIFC | Audio Interchange File Format with Compression (AIFF-C) sound from Apple/SGI |
AIFF | Audio Interchange File Format from Apple/SGI |
AIM | AOL Instant Message launch |
AIM | Asm Text Mode Image File (The Ultimate Draw) |
AIN | Ain compressed file archive |
AIO | APL file transfer format file |
AIP | Adobe Illustrator Extension, Tool or Filter |
AIP | Audiosoft parameter file |
AIR | Automatic Image Registration |
AIS | ACDSee Image Sequence |
AIS | Velvet Studio Instruments |
AIS | Xerox graphics (Array of Intensity Samples) |
AIX | HP NewWave datafile for cardfile application |
AKW | A-KeyWords (RoboHELP Help project Index Designer) |
AL | Alarme for Plug-In |
AL | ALAW format sound |
ALAW | ALAW format sound |
ALB | Backup for Plug-In Alarme |
ALB | JASC Image Commander graphics Album |
ALG | ARCSOLO Activity LoG |
ALIAS | ALiaS bitmap image (24bit RGB RLE), see .ALS |
ALL | Always format file for working pages |
ALL | Arts & Letters Library (Symbol and font files) |
ALL | FRQView filelist of all files |
ALL | Lotus 1-2-3 document |
ALL | WordPerfect general printer info |
ALL | WordPerfect printer driver |
ALO | Almanac support file |
ALPHA | Bitmap image (raw alpha bytes) |
ALS | Bitmap image (24bit RLE) (Alias/Vivid RayTracer) |
ALT | WordPerfect menu file |
AMC | Advanced MP3 Catalog file |
AMF | Advanced Module Format music |
AMG | Actor system image file |
AMG | AMGC compressed file archive |
AMS | Adobe Monitor Setup calibration file for PhotoShop |
AMS | Velvert Studio MOD MUSIC |
AMZ | Savegame extension for 'The Game of the Amazons' |
ANC | List of pattern colors (Canon Computer Pattern Maker) |
ANI | Animation |
ANI | NeoChrome movie |
ANI | Windows 95/NT animated cursor |
ANM | ANiMation from DeluxePaint, often used on Amiga |
ANN | Help notes |
ANN | Windows 3.x help ANNotations |
ANN | Windows print manager file |
ANS | ANSI-graphic |
ANS | ANSI-text |
ANT | SimAnt saved game data |
AOL | America On-Line related file |
AOS | Installable program (Nokia Communicator add-on software) |
AP | Datalex EntryPoint 90 datafile |
AP | Whap compressed Amiga file archive |
APC | Lotus printer driver characters |
APD | Aldus PageMaker Printer description |
APD | Lotus printer driver |
APF | Lotus printer driver fonts |
API | 1st Reader passed parameter file |
API | Adobe Acrobat Application Program Interface file |
API | Adobe Printer Ink file for PhotoShop |
API | Lotus printer driver |
APL | Manugraphics APL products work space |
APP | APPlication object file by dBASE Application Generator |
APP | Applikation (GEM) |
app | Applikation (NeXTstep) |
APP | Executable APPlication file (DR-DOS/NeXTstep/Atari/EPOC) |
APP | FoxPro generated APPlication |
APP | Symphony add-in APPlication |
APR | Employee Appraiser performance review |
APR | Lotus APpRoach view |
APS | MS Visual C++ data |
APT | Lotus Approach data and views |
APX | Borland C++ APpeXpert database |
APX | Lotus Approach-specific Paradox information |
AQL | America On-line for Windows DLL |
ARC | MS Schedule+ 1.0 file |
ARF | Automatic Response File |
ARH | Archivers definitions file (DN) |
ARI | ARI compressed file archive |
ARI | Aristotle audio |
ARJ | Robert Jung's ARJ compressed file archive |
ARK | ARC archive (CP/M port of ARC file archiver) |
ARK | Managing your Money achive |
ARK | QUARK compressed file archive |
ARR | Amber ARR bitmap image |
ARR | Arrangement (Cubase) |
ARR | Atari Cubase ARRangement |
ART | America Online image |
ART | Another Ray Tracer image |
ART | PFS: First Publisher image |
ART | Rasterfile Graphic (Art Director) |
ART | Vort image |
ART | Xara Studio image |
ARX | Compressed archive |
AS | AudioSoft file |
ASA | MS Visual InterDev data |
ASC | ASCII-text |
ASC | Autodesk 3D Studio 3D object, saved as ASCII |
ASC | PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) transport armored file |
ASD | Advanced Streaming format (ASF) Description file |
ASD | Astound presentation |
ASD | Lotus screen driver |
ASD | Word for Windows autosave file |
ASE | Velvet Studio sample |
ASF | Lotus screen font |
ASH | TASM ASsembly Header |
ASI | Turbo/Borland C++ ASsembler Include file |
ASIC | ASIC language source code file |
ASK | AskSam for Windows Datenbank |
ASM | ASseMbler source |
ASO | Astound Dynamite Objects |
ASO | Turbo Assembler ASsembler Object |
ASP | Active Server Pages: dynamic HTML page |
ASP | ASP (Association of Shareware Professionals) text |
ASP | Procomm Plus ASPect language script file |
AST | Adobe color Separtion Table for PhotoShop |
AST | Astound multimedia file |
AST | Claris Works assistant file |
ASV | DataCAD AutoSaVe |
ASX | Audio (Video?) (Advanced Streaming Redirector File) |
ASX | Cheyenne Backup script |
AT2 | Aldus Persuasion 2.0 Auto Template |
ATK | Bitmap image (Andrew Toolkit Raster Object file) |
ATM | Adobe Type Manager related file |
ATM | TerraGen atmosphere |
ATMSPHR | TerraGen atmosphere |
ATT | AT&T Group 4 bitmap graphics |
ATT | Ways AutoType word list |
ATW | Personal data (AnyTime Deluxe for Windows screensaver) |
AU | Sound Sun/NeXT/DEC |
AUD | Datafile from C&C |
AUT | IPIX automation |
AUX | ChiWriter AUXiliary dictionary |
AUX | TeX/LaTeX AUXiliary references |
AVA | Avagio publication |
AVB | AntiViral Toolkit Pro Bases |
AVB | Update file for AVP Antivirus |
AVC | AVP (virus scanner) antiviral database |
AVI | Video file / RIFF (Video for Windows) |
AVR | Audio Visual Research sound |
AVS | Application Visualization System animation |
AVS | Stardent AVS X bitmap image |
AVT | Avatar-coding files (A3E) |
AW | HP AdvanceWrite document |
AWA | Animation Works Accelerated movie |
AWD | Award BIOS file |
AWD | AWK language source code file |
AWD | Faxdocument (FaxView - Microsoft Fax At Work) |
AWK | AWK Script |
AWM | Animation Works Movie |
AWR | Telsis digitally stored audio |
AWX | Custom application wizard |
AX | Modula-3 linker information for libraries |
AYS | AY Paste 'Paste' file |
AYU | AY-Paste Uninstall information |
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