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Buchstabe C

CC source
CCompressed unix file archive (compact)
C--C-- language source code file (Sphinx C--)
C++C++ language source code file
C00Ventura Publisher print file
C01Typhoon wave files
C4Bitmap image (1bit) (JEDMICS CCITT4 format)
C64Commodore 64 bitmap image
C86C language source code file (Computer Innovation C86)
CAInitial cache data for root domain servers (Telnet)
CA0Borland Installer packed and splitted file
CA7Beta 44 job file
CABArchive format (Microsoft CABinet File)
CACdBASE IV executable when caching on/off
CADDrafix CAD document
CALCALS Compressed B&W bitmap image (Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support)
CALSuperCalc spreadsheet
CALWindows 3.x CALendar file
CALMS Schedule+ 1.0 file
CALCyberAudioLibrary link
CALSBitmap image (Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support)
CAMCasio QV digital CAMera image
CAMMinolta CAM file
CANNavigator Fax
CAPVentura Publisher CAPtion
CAPProComm/Telix session CAPture file
CAPCompressed music file
CAPCapture-File (Telix)
CASC + ASM language source (Turbo C)
CASEEnCase Evidence Case File
CATdBASE/CP Backup CATalogue-file
CATIntelliCharge CATegorization file (Quicken)
CATRational Rose logical package
CAT3D F/X object library
CATGame data file
CBMS Clean Boot file
CBCCubiCalc fuzzy logic system
CBIColumn BInary formatted file (IBM mainframe systems)
CBIChessbase Index
CBLCobol language source code file
CBMXLib compiled bitmap image
CBSMasterWord button bar configuration
CBTComputer Based Training
CBTTurboPascal QuickTour data file
CCC++ language source code file (gcc)
CCVisual dBASE custom class
CCAData (cc:Mail)
CCADClarisCAD data
CCBVisual Basic animated button configuration
CCCCurtain Call bitmap image (native format)
CCFSymphony communications configuration file
CCFOS/2 Multimedia Viewer configuration file
CCHOES Systems Photomodeler Photochip file (thumbnail)
CCHCorelChart chart
CCICCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding
CCITTCCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding
CCLIntalk Communication Command Language file
CCMLotus CC:Mail mailbox
CCOBtx Graphics file (XBTX)
CCOData (CyberChat)
CCRFBitmap image (Calcomp Raster File) (B&W or 1bit CMYK for printers)
CCTMacromedia Director Shockwave cast
CDCD description (DN)
CDACD Audio song
CDBCardScan Card DataBase
CDBMain database (Turbo C Utilities)
CDFMS Channel Definition Format
CDFCommon Data Format, NSSDC scientific graphical format
CDFCyberspace Description Format, ASCII format describing VRML worlds
CDFUnidata netCDF graphics
CDFComma delimited format
CDICompact Disk Interactive (Phillips CD-I IFF file)
CDKAtari Calamus document
CDLCADKey CAD language file
CDMVisual dBASE Custom Data Module
CDMNovell NetWare Disk Drivers NPA
CDMMusic format (compressed)
CDRCorelDraw vector image
CDRRaw audio-CD data
CDTCorelDraw template file
CDXFoxPro compound index
CDXCorel Draw compressed drawing
cdxCompund index (FoxPro)
CDXFileAssist data file (Norton Desktop 3.0)
CEComputer Eyes (Digital Vision IFF bitmap)
CEFCA Clipper workbench application
CEGTempra Show/Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics bitmap image
CELAutoDesk Animator/3D Studio Cel animation (bitmap)
CELBitmap image (15/32bit) (Lumena CEL file) (Time Arts software)
CELCIMFast Event Language file
CERSecurity CERtificate
CERLahey Fortran compilation error messages
CFImake ConFiguration
CF#Configuration file (BiModem)
CFBComptons multimedia file
CFBInmos binary configuration file
CFGConfiguration file
CFLCorelFLOW chart
CFMCorel Font Master
CFMHyperText Markup Language file (WWW-page)
CFMVisual dBASE customer form
CFMColdFusion template
CFNAtari Calamus font data
CFOC Form Object file (Turbo C Utilities)
CFPFax (The Complete Fax Portable)
CFRCFR Guidance (NRC Inspection Manual)
CFSInmos configuration file
CFTCFast graphics file (Disney Animation Studio)
CGAVentura Publisher CGA display font
CGACGA driver file
CGACGA graphic file
CGICommon Gateway Interface script (WWW)
CGLCodeGuard error log
CGMComputer Graphics Metafile vector-image
CGMComputer Graphics Metafile (Freelance / Vektor)
cgmComputer Graphics Metafile (Harvard Graphics, Lotus)
CGMVektorgrafik im Computer-Graphics-Metafile-Format
CHOS/2 configuration file
CHCA Clipper header file
CH1Freelance CHart
CH3Harvard Graphics v3.0 CHart/image
CH4Charisma 4.0 presentation
CHDFontChameleon font descriptor
CHIChiwriter document
CHKCHKdsk/ScanDisk recovered data
CHKWordPerfect for Win temporary file
CHKBackup file (DOS ChsDsk /F)
CHKCluster file (CHKDSK)
CHKLISTMSMSAV report (Microsoft AntiVirus)
CHLConfiguration History Log
CHMCompiled HTML file, functional comparable with .hlp
CHNEthnograph 3 data
CHNApplication (start with mit RUN.COM)
CHPCorel Ventura Publisher Chapter
CHRBorland language stroke font file
CHRBorland BGI Stroked Font
CHTHarvard Graphics Graphwriter II/SoftCraft Presenter chart/image
CHTdBASE interface file
CHWHTML Help general index, funtional comparable with .gid
CHZCHARC compressed file archive
CIFEasy CD Creator CD Image File
CIFVentura Publisher chapter information
CIFCaltech Intermediate Format image
CIFIUCr Crystallographic Information File
CILArt Gallery clip gallery download package
CIMC Text Mode Image File (The Ultimate Draw)
CIMSimCity 2000 game data
CINDigital moving Picture eXchange bitmap by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
CINOS/2 INI file change control file
CIXDatabase index (Turbo C Utilities)
CK1Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1)
CK2Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2)
CK3Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3)
CK4Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 4)
CK5Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 5)
CK6Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 6)
CKBBorland C++ 4.x keyboard mapping
CLCommon LISP language source code file
CL3Easy CD Creator CD layout
CLAClarion source
CLASSJava bytecode (compiled class - application)
CLBSuper NoteTab CLipBook template
CLBCorelMosaic image archiv
CLCCorelMosaic image catalog
CLDTerraGen cloud layer file
CLDCA Clipper debugger configuration file
CLDLYRTerraGen cloud layer file
CLGDatabase of Disk Catalog
CLHCorelMosaic Bildarchiv (alte Version)
CLLCrickSoftware Clicker File
CLOCloe image
CLPWindows Clipboard file
CLPQuattro Pro/PCPaint/Pictor bitmap CLiP-art
CLPCA Clipper compiler responce file
CLPQuattro Pro clipart graphics file
CLR1st Reader CoLoR binary screen image
CLRPhotostyler CoLoR definitions
CLRBoxer/2 CoLoR scheme
CLRColor settings
CLSVisual Basic class module
CLSC++ class definition file
CLSWisoGermany street map
CLWMFC Class Wizard information (Ms VC++)
CMUnix Puzzle bitmap image (8bit)
CMCraftMan data
CMBRIEF macro file
CMBXtree for Windows button bar
CMDREXX batch file (OS/2)
CMDdBASE command file
CMD1st Reader external command menu
CMDWaffle command file
CMDNorton Utilities menu file
CMFCorel matafile
CMFSound Blaster synthesized FM-sound (Creative Music File)
CMGChessmaster saved game
CMKCard Shop Plus card
CMLCML document (Chemical Markup Language)
CMMCEnvi CMM script
CMPJPEG bitmap image (Lead CMP compression)
CMPAddress document of Route 66
CMPPhotofinish Calibration MaP
CMPCompressed data (PKWare compression library)
CMPCraftMan data
CMPCorelDraw header file for PostScript printer files
CMPMS Word for DOS user dictionary
CMPJPEG Pixelgrafik
CMRTCraftMan data
CMUBitmap image (Carnegie Mellon University, WMF)
CMUWMBitmap image (Carnegie Mellon University, WMF)
CMVCorelMove/CorelDraw 4.0 animation
CMXCorel Presentation Exchange vector image
CMYCorel CMYK-color palette
CMYKRaw cyan, magenta, yellow and black bytes bitmap image
CN2ClickNet network management
CNCCNC general program data
CNFCoNFiguration-file (program - printer setup)
CNMWindows application menu options and setup file
CNQCompuworks Design shop file
CNTHelp Contents File
CNTRational Rose 98 contents tab file
CNVWord for Windows support file used for import CoNVersion (=DLL)
CNVWordPerfect for Win temporary file
COACaligari trueSpace 3D object (ASCII)
COBCaligari trueSpace 3D object (binary)
COBCobol language source code file
CODUUPC Code definition table
CODForecast Plus/Ms Multiplan/StatPac Gold datafile
CODBoxer/2 printer CODe definition file
CODFORTRAN program compiled CODe
CODSource code in assembler with original C code as comments (Ms C)
CODTemplate source file (dBASE Application Generator)
CODVideotext file
COLCOLor palette (Autodesk Animator - many)
COLMS Multiplan spreadsheet
COMDOS or CP/M executable (COMmand), mostly smaller than 64 Kb
CONSimdir CONfiguration file
CONADW Knowledge Ware consolidation file
CONDuke Nukem 3D configuration file
CONFUnix Configuration information
COOCOOkie file
COREBitmap image (Core Software Tech CORE IDC file)
COVVIP-Fax cover file
CP8CP8 256 Gray Scale image
CPBCommPlus phonebook file
CPCCompressed image (Cartesian Perceptual Compression)
CPDCorel PrintOffice drawing
CPDFax Cover document
CPDComplaints Desk script
CPEFax cover page
CPFFax (The Complete Fax)
CPIBitmap image (Colorlab Processed Image)
CPICode Page Information file (DOS)
CPJCeQuadrat CD ProJect file
CPLWindows Control Panel Module
CPLCompel presentation
CPOCorel Print House data
CPPC++/TurboC source
CPPCA-Cricket Presents presentation
CPRCorel Presents presentation
CPSQEMM backup of startup files
CPSColor PostScript
CPSChecksum file (chklist.cps)
CPTCorel PhotoPaint bitmap image
CPTCompact Pro archive format (Macintosh) extpc102.exe
CPTdBASE encrypted memo file
CPTCA-Cricket Presents Template
CPXCompressed drawing (Corel Presentation Exchange)
CPZCOMPOZ music text file
CRAAdvanced CRAck file (usually text)
CRFBitmap image (Calcomp Raster File) (B&W or 1bit CMYK for printers)
CRFMASM/Zortech C++ Cross-reference
CRGRaster-Grafik (Calamus)
CRKCRacK file (usually text)
CRPCorel Presents Runtime Presentation
CRPVisual dBASE Custom RePort file
CRPdBASE IV encrypted database
CRSWordPerfect 5.1 File Conversion Resource
CRSWisoGermany street map
CRTInternet security CeRTificate
CRTOracle terminal settings information
CRUCRUSH compressed file archive
CSAComma Delimited textfile
CSCCorel Script script
CSDCorel WFN-Boss data file
CSGGraph (Statistica/w)
CSHUnix shell script (csh)
CSLMBitmap image (Zeiss CSLM file)
CSMBorland C++ 4.5 precompiled headers
CSPPC Emcee Screen Image
CSSCascading Style Sheets
CSSStats+/Statistica datafile
CSTMacromedia Director CaST (resource) file
CSVComma Separated Values
CSVCompuShow adjusted EGA/VGA palette
CSVComma Separated Values text file
CSYEPOC Polymorphic DLL
CTSciTex Continuous Tone bitmap image (32bit CMYK), see .SCT
CTBitmap image (32bit) (Iris CT format) (Iris printers)
CTCPC Installer control file
CTFSymphony character code translation file
CTFCharacter code Translation File
CTLVisual Basic ConTroL file
CTLdBASE IV/Aldus Setup ConTroL file
CTLSetup information
CTRCorelTrace configuration file
CTSPermanent location ConTentS (ABC programming language)
CTXVisual Basic user control binary file
CTXPGP ciphertext file
CTXCourse TeXt file (Microsoft online guides)
CTXCompressed text
CTXPGP signature file
CTXWord and Works data file
CTYSim City saved city
CUBEBitmap image (Cubicomp/Vertigo image file) (Cubicomp PictureMaker)
CUBIBitmap image (Cubicomp/Vertigo image file) (Cubicomp PictureMaker)
CUEMS Cue Cards data
CUFC Utilities Form definition (Turbo C Utilities)
CURWindows 3.x/95/NT Cursor Resource
CURGames data file
CURSORSun Cursor
CUTDr. Halo bitmap image
CVArchive (Corel Versions)
CVMS CodeView information screen
CV4Codeview-colorfile (Visual C++)
CVFSuperStor compressed volume
cvfCompressed Volume File
CVGCalamus image format
CVPWinFax cover page
CVSCanvas bitmap image
CVTdBASE IV backup file for ConVerTed database file
CVWCodeView color file
CW2Chemische Strukturformeln von ChemWindows
CWAForm File (C-Worthy)
CWKClarisWorks document
CWLClarisWorks library
CWSClarisWorks stationery
CXCodeMapper script
CXTMacromedia Director Protected Cast (resource) file
CXXC++ language source code file (Zortech C++, gcc)

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