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Buchstabe C
Erw. | Beschreibung |
C | C source |
C | Compressed unix file archive (compact) |
C-- | C-- language source code file (Sphinx C--) |
C++ | C++ language source code file |
C00 | Ventura Publisher print file |
C01 | Typhoon wave files |
C4 | Bitmap image (1bit) (JEDMICS CCITT4 format) |
C64 | Commodore 64 bitmap image |
C86 | C language source code file (Computer Innovation C86) |
CA | Initial cache data for root domain servers (Telnet) |
CA0 | Borland Installer packed and splitted file |
CA7 | Beta 44 job file |
CAB | Archive format (Microsoft CABinet File) |
CAC | dBASE IV executable when caching on/off |
CAD | Drafix CAD document |
CAL | CALS Compressed B&W bitmap image (Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support) |
CAL | SuperCalc spreadsheet |
CAL | Windows 3.x CALendar file |
CAL | MS Schedule+ 1.0 file |
CAL | CyberAudioLibrary link |
CALS | Bitmap image (Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support) |
CAM | Casio QV digital CAMera image |
CAM | Minolta CAM file |
CAN | Navigator Fax |
CAP | Ventura Publisher CAPtion |
CAP | ProComm/Telix session CAPture file |
CAP | Compressed music file |
CAP | Capture-File (Telix) |
CAS | C + ASM language source (Turbo C) |
CASE | EnCase Evidence Case File |
CAT | dBASE/CP Backup CATalogue-file |
CAT | IntelliCharge CATegorization file (Quicken) |
CAT | Rational Rose logical package |
CAT | 3D F/X object library |
CAT | Game data file |
CB | MS Clean Boot file |
CBC | CubiCalc fuzzy logic system |
CBF | Chessbase-File |
CBI | Column BInary formatted file (IBM mainframe systems) |
CBI | Chessbase Index |
CBL | Cobol language source code file |
CBM | XLib compiled bitmap image |
CBS | MasterWord button bar configuration |
CBT | Computer Based Training |
CBT | TurboPascal QuickTour data file |
CC | C++ language source code file (gcc) |
CC | Visual dBASE custom class |
CCA | Data (cc:Mail) |
CCAD | ClarisCAD data |
CCB | Visual Basic animated button configuration |
CCC | Curtain Call bitmap image (native format) |
CCF | Symphony communications configuration file |
CCF | OS/2 Multimedia Viewer configuration file |
CCH | OES Systems Photomodeler Photochip file (thumbnail) |
CCH | CorelChart chart |
CCI | CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding |
CCITT | CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding |
CCL | Intalk Communication Command Language file |
CCM | Lotus CC:Mail mailbox |
CCO | Btx Graphics file (XBTX) |
CCO | Data (CyberChat) |
CCRF | Bitmap image (Calcomp Raster File) (B&W or 1bit CMYK for printers) |
CCT | Macromedia Director Shockwave cast |
CD | CD description (DN) |
CDA | CD Audio song |
CDB | Clipboard |
CDB | CardScan Card DataBase |
CDB | Main database (Turbo C Utilities) |
CDF | MS Channel Definition Format |
CDF | Common Data Format, NSSDC scientific graphical format |
CDF | Cyberspace Description Format, ASCII format describing VRML worlds |
CDF | Unidata netCDF graphics |
CDF | Comma delimited format |
CDI | Compact Disk Interactive (Phillips CD-I IFF file) |
CDK | Atari Calamus document |
CDL | CADKey CAD language file |
CDM | Visual dBASE Custom Data Module |
CDM | Novell NetWare Disk Drivers NPA |
CDM | Music format (compressed) |
CDR | CorelDraw vector image |
CDR | Raw audio-CD data |
CDT | CorelDraw template file |
CDX | FoxPro compound index |
CDX | Corel Draw compressed drawing |
cdx | Compund index (FoxPro) |
CDX | FileAssist data file (Norton Desktop 3.0) |
CE | Computer Eyes (Digital Vision IFF bitmap) |
CEF | CA Clipper workbench application |
CEG | Tempra Show/Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics bitmap image |
CEL | AutoDesk Animator/3D Studio Cel animation (bitmap) |
CEL | Bitmap image (15/32bit) (Lumena CEL file) (Time Arts software) |
CEL | CIMFast Event Language file |
CER | Security CERtificate |
CER | Lahey Fortran compilation error messages |
CF | Imake ConFiguration |
CF# | Configuration file (BiModem) |
CFB | Comptons multimedia file |
CFB | Inmos binary configuration file |
CFG | Configuration file |
CFL | CorelFLOW chart |
CFM | Corel Font Master |
CFM | HyperText Markup Language file (WWW-page) |
CFM | Visual dBASE customer form |
CFM | ColdFusion template |
CFN | Atari Calamus font data |
CFO | C Form Object file (Turbo C Utilities) |
CFP | Fax (The Complete Fax Portable) |
CFR | CFR Guidance (NRC Inspection Manual) |
CFS | Inmos configuration file |
CFT | CFast graphics file (Disney Animation Studio) |
CGA | Ventura Publisher CGA display font |
CGA | CGA driver file |
CGA | CGA graphic file |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface script (WWW) |
CGL | CodeGuard error log |
CGM | Computer Graphics Metafile vector-image |
CGM | Computer Graphics Metafile (Freelance / Vektor) |
cgm | Computer Graphics Metafile (Harvard Graphics, Lotus) |
CGM | Vektorgrafik im Computer-Graphics-Metafile-Format |
CH | OS/2 configuration file |
CH | CA Clipper header file |
CH1 | Freelance CHart |
CH3 | Harvard Graphics v3.0 CHart/image |
CH4 | Charisma 4.0 presentation |
CHA | CHAT (IRC data) |
CHAT | CHAT (IRC data) |
CHD | FontChameleon font descriptor |
CHI | Chiwriter document |
CHK | CHKdsk/ScanDisk recovered data |
CHK | WordPerfect for Win temporary file |
CHK | Backup file (DOS ChsDsk /F) |
CHK | Cluster file (CHKDSK) |
CHKLISTMS | MSAV report (Microsoft AntiVirus) |
CHL | Configuration History Log |
CHM | Compiled HTML file, functional comparable with .hlp |
CHN | Ethnograph 3 data |
CHN | Application (start with mit RUN.COM) |
CHP | Corel Ventura Publisher Chapter |
CHR | Borland language stroke font file |
CHR | Borland BGI Stroked Font |
CHT | Harvard Graphics Graphwriter II/SoftCraft Presenter chart/image |
CHT | dBASE interface file |
CHW | HTML Help general index, funtional comparable with .gid |
CHZ | CHARC compressed file archive |
CIF | Easy CD Creator CD Image File |
CIF | Ventura Publisher chapter information |
CIF | Caltech Intermediate Format image |
CIF | IUCr Crystallographic Information File |
CIL | Art Gallery clip gallery download package |
CIM | C Text Mode Image File (The Ultimate Draw) |
CIM | SimCity 2000 game data |
CIN | Digital moving Picture eXchange bitmap by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers |
CIN | OS/2 INI file change control file |
CIX | Database index (Turbo C Utilities) |
CK1 | Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1) |
CK2 | Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2) |
CK3 | Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3) |
CK4 | Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 4) |
CK5 | Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 5) |
CK6 | Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 6) |
CKB | Borland C++ 4.x keyboard mapping |
CL | Common LISP language source code file |
CL3 | Easy CD Creator CD layout |
CLA | Clarion source |
CLASS | Java bytecode (compiled class - application) |
CLB | Super NoteTab CLipBook template |
CLB | CorelMosaic image archiv |
CLC | CorelMosaic image catalog |
CLD | TerraGen cloud layer file |
CLD | CA Clipper debugger configuration file |
CLDLYR | TerraGen cloud layer file |
CLG | Database of Disk Catalog |
CLH | CorelMosaic Bildarchiv (alte Version) |
CLL | CrickSoftware Clicker File |
CLO | Cloe image |
CLP | Windows Clipboard file |
CLP | Quattro Pro/PCPaint/Pictor bitmap CLiP-art |
CLP | CA Clipper compiler responce file |
CLP | Quattro Pro clipart graphics file |
CLR | 1st Reader CoLoR binary screen image |
CLR | Photostyler CoLoR definitions |
CLR | Boxer/2 CoLoR scheme |
CLR | Color settings |
CLS | Visual Basic class module |
CLS | C++ class definition file |
CLS | WisoGermany street map |
CLW | MFC Class Wizard information (Ms VC++) |
CM | Unix Puzzle bitmap image (8bit) |
CM | CraftMan data |
CM | BRIEF macro file |
CMB | Xtree for Windows button bar |
CMD | REXX batch file (OS/2) |
CMD | dBASE command file |
CMD | 1st Reader external command menu |
CMD | Waffle command file |
CMD | Norton Utilities menu file |
CMF | Corel matafile |
CMF | Sound Blaster synthesized FM-sound (Creative Music File) |
CMG | Chessmaster saved game |
CMK | Card Shop Plus card |
CML | CML document (Chemical Markup Language) |
CMM | CEnvi CMM script |
CMP | JPEG bitmap image (Lead CMP compression) |
CMP | Address document of Route 66 |
CMP | Photofinish Calibration MaP |
CMP | Compressed data (PKWare compression library) |
CMP | CraftMan data |
CMP | CorelDraw header file for PostScript printer files |
CMP | MS Word for DOS user dictionary |
CMP | JPEG Pixelgrafik |
CMR | Movie |
CMRT | CraftMan data |
CMU | Bitmap image (Carnegie Mellon University, WMF) |
CMUWM | Bitmap image (Carnegie Mellon University, WMF) |
CMV | CorelMove/CorelDraw 4.0 animation |
CMX | Corel Presentation Exchange vector image |
CMY | Corel CMYK-color palette |
CMYK | Raw cyan, magenta, yellow and black bytes bitmap image |
CN2 | ClickNet network management |
CNC | CNC general program data |
CNF | CoNFiguration-file (program - printer setup) |
CNM | Windows application menu options and setup file |
CNQ | Compuworks Design shop file |
CNT | Help Contents File |
CNT | Rational Rose 98 contents tab file |
CNV | Word for Windows support file used for import CoNVersion (=DLL) |
CNV | WordPerfect for Win temporary file |
COA | Caligari trueSpace 3D object (ASCII) |
COB | Caligari trueSpace 3D object (binary) |
COB | Cobol language source code file |
COD | UUPC Code definition table |
COD | Forecast Plus/Ms Multiplan/StatPac Gold datafile |
COD | Boxer/2 printer CODe definition file |
COD | FORTRAN program compiled CODe |
COD | Source code in assembler with original C code as comments (Ms C) |
COD | Template source file (dBASE Application Generator) |
COD | Videotext file |
COL | COLor palette (Autodesk Animator - many) |
COL | MS Multiplan spreadsheet |
COM | DOS or CP/M executable (COMmand), mostly smaller than 64 Kb |
CON | Simdir CONfiguration file |
CON | ADW Knowledge Ware consolidation file |
CON | Duke Nukem 3D configuration file |
CONF | Unix Configuration information |
COO | COOkie file |
CORE | Bitmap image (Core Software Tech CORE IDC file) |
COV | VIP-Fax cover file |
CP8 | CP8 256 Gray Scale image |
CPB | CommPlus phonebook file |
CPC | Compressed image (Cartesian Perceptual Compression) |
CPD | Corel PrintOffice drawing |
CPD | Fax Cover document |
CPD | Complaints Desk script |
CPE | Fax cover page |
CPF | Fax (The Complete Fax) |
CPI | Bitmap image (Colorlab Processed Image) |
CPI | Code Page Information file (DOS) |
CPJ | CeQuadrat CD ProJect file |
CPL | Windows Control Panel Module |
CPL | Compel presentation |
CPO | Corel Print House data |
CPP | C++/TurboC source |
CPP | CA-Cricket Presents presentation |
CPR | Corel Presents presentation |
CPS | QEMM backup of startup files |
CPS | Color PostScript |
CPS | Checksum file (chklist.cps) |
CPT | Corel PhotoPaint bitmap image |
CPT | Compact Pro archive format (Macintosh) extpc102.exe |
CPT | dBASE encrypted memo file |
CPT | CA-Cricket Presents Template |
CPX | Compressed drawing (Corel Presentation Exchange) |
CPZ | COMPOZ music text file |
CRA | Advanced CRAck file (usually text) |
CRF | Bitmap image (Calcomp Raster File) (B&W or 1bit CMYK for printers) |
CRF | MASM/Zortech C++ Cross-reference |
CRG | Raster-Grafik (Calamus) |
CRK | CRacK file (usually text) |
CRP | Corel Presents Runtime Presentation |
CRP | Visual dBASE Custom RePort file |
CRP | dBASE IV encrypted database |
CRS | WordPerfect 5.1 File Conversion Resource |
CRS | WisoGermany street map |
CRT | Internet security CeRTificate |
CRT | Oracle terminal settings information |
CRU | CRUSH compressed file archive |
CSA | Comma Delimited textfile |
CSC | Corel Script script |
CSD | Corel WFN-Boss data file |
CSG | Graph (Statistica/w) |
CSH | Unix shell script (csh) |
CSLM | Bitmap image (Zeiss CSLM file) |
CSM | Borland C++ 4.5 precompiled headers |
CSP | PC Emcee Screen Image |
CSQ | Queries |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets |
CSS | Stats+/Statistica datafile |
CST | Macromedia Director CaST (resource) file |
CSV | Comma Separated Values |
CSV | CompuShow adjusted EGA/VGA palette |
CSV | Comma Separated Values text file |
CSY | EPOC Polymorphic DLL |
CT | SciTex Continuous Tone bitmap image (32bit CMYK), see .SCT |
CT | Bitmap image (32bit) (Iris CT format) (Iris printers) |
CTC | PC Installer control file |
CTF | Symphony character code translation file |
CTF | Character code Translation File |
CTL | Visual Basic ConTroL file |
CTL | dBASE IV/Aldus Setup ConTroL file |
CTL | Setup information |
CTR | CorelTrace configuration file |
CTS | Permanent location ConTentS (ABC programming language) |
CTX | Visual Basic user control binary file |
CTX | PGP ciphertext file |
CTX | Course TeXt file (Microsoft online guides) |
CTX | Compressed text |
CTX | PGP signature file |
CTX | Word and Works data file |
CTY | Sim City saved city |
CUBE | Bitmap image (Cubicomp/Vertigo image file) (Cubicomp PictureMaker) |
CUBI | Bitmap image (Cubicomp/Vertigo image file) (Cubicomp PictureMaker) |
CUE | MS Cue Cards data |
CUF | C Utilities Form definition (Turbo C Utilities) |
CUR | Windows 3.x/95/NT Cursor Resource |
CUR | Games data file |
CURSOR | Sun Cursor |
CUT | Dr. Halo bitmap image |
CV | Archive (Corel Versions) |
CV | MS CodeView information screen |
CV4 | Codeview-colorfile (Visual C++) |
CVF | SuperStor compressed volume |
cvf | Compressed Volume File |
CVG | Calamus image format |
CVP | WinFax cover page |
CVS | Canvas bitmap image |
CVT | dBASE IV backup file for ConVerTed database file |
CVW | CodeView color file |
CW2 | Chemische Strukturformeln von ChemWindows |
CWA | Form File (C-Worthy) |
CWEB | C Web |
CWK | ClarisWorks document |
CWL | ClarisWorks library |
CWS | ClarisWorks stationery |
CX | CodeMapper script |
CXT | Macromedia Director Protected Cast (resource) file |
CXX | C++ language source code file (Zortech C++, gcc) |
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