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Buchstabe R
Erw. | Beschreibung |
R | Paradox file |
R | Ratfor file (FORTRAN preprosessor) |
R2D | Reflex 2 Data |
R8 | Raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane one (PicLab) |
R8 | Red channel image data (24bit 3D animation) (Cubicomp PictureMaker) |
R8P | Intellifont Pcl 4 bitmap font file |
RA | RealAudio |
RA | Remote Access data file |
RAD | Radiance image file |
RAD | Reality AdLib Tracker 2-op FM music |
RAM | RealMedia |
RAR | Archiv (RAR) |
RAS | Sun Raster bitmap image |
RAST | Sun Raster bitmap image |
RAT | RATS datafile |
RAW | RAW grayscale/24-bit RGB bitmap image |
RAW | RAW PCM sound |
RAY | Rayshade |
RBF | Rbase datafile |
RBS | RealiMation 3D Object |
RC | Resource script (Ms C, C++/Borland C++/Resource WorkShop) |
RC | Emacs configuration record |
RC2 | MS Developer Studio not editable resources |
RCG | Netscape newsgroup file (netsc.rcg) |
RCT | MS Developer Studio resource template |
RCV | Version-Resource (Visual C++) |
RD3 | Ray Dream Designer 3 graphics |
RDEF | Geoworks UI resource file (old) |
RDF | Compiled UIC source code (Geoworks UI Compiler) |
RDI | Device independent bitmap file (RIFF RDIB format) |
RDL | Report / weitergegeben (Paradox) |
RDX | Reflex datafile |
REC | Windows Macrorecorder macro |
REC | EpiInfo datafile |
REC | ARCSERVE archivation protocol |
REC | Sprint record |
RED | Rational Rose module diagram |
RED | Clarion Modula-2 path info |
REF | Cross-reference |
REG | Registration information/key for W95 |
REG | Registration Script (Visual C++) |
REM | Remarks-File / Sourcer |
REP | REPort file made by several programs |
REP | Qwk reader REPly file |
REQ | REQuest |
RES | Visual Basic RESource file |
RES | Compiled resource (Ms C, C++/Borland C++) |
RES | XBoard resign conferences file |
RES | dBASE Resourcen |
REV | Geoworks revision file |
REX | Rexx language source code |
REX | PharLab executable file (old format) |
REX | Oracle report definition |
REXX | Rexx language source code |
REZ | Resource file |
RF | Bitmap image (Raster File) |
RF | RealFlash Clip |
RF | Sun raster Grafik |
RFM | Rich music format |
RFT | Revisable-Form Text Document Content Architecture by IBM (text file) (IBM DisplayWrite 4.0-5.1) |
RG | Bitmap image (1bit B&W 4bit CMYK) (Raster Graphics format) |
RGB | Silicon Graphics Raw Red, Green and Blue bytes bitmap image |
RGBA | Raw Red, Green, Blue and matte bytes |
RGX | Symbol tables etc. info (ReaGeniX code generator) |
RH | Resource Header (Borland C++/Visual C++) |
RI | Lotus 1-2-3 data |
RIB | 3D Reality graphics (Renderman Interface Bytestream) |
RIC | Ricoh fax |
RIF | Recource Interchange File Format bitmap image |
RIFF | Recource Interchange File Format bitmap image |
RIP | Remote Access graphics |
RIP | Quincy program crash report |
RIP | Telegrafx Remote Imaging Protocol (Maximus 3.0) |
RIR | Spaceward Satori family native (Windows) |
RIX | Bitmap image (RIX Softworks Paint Tool ColoRIX file) |
RKV | RKIVE compressed file archive |
RL4 | Bitmap image |
RL8 | Bitmap image |
RLA | Alias/Wavefront bitmap image |
RLB | Alias/Wavefront bitmap image, see RLA |
RLB | Harvard Graphics Win data |
RLC | Bitmap image (Run Length RLC file) |
RLC | Image Systems image |
RLD | Norton Commander 5.0 temporary file |
RLE | Run Length Encoded bitmap image, Compuserve or Windows |
RLE | Utah raster bitmap image |
RLZ | Realizer source code file (CA-Realizer) |
RM | RealMedia |
RMF | Beatnik Rich Music Format |
RMI | MIDI-sequention music (RIFF RMID format) |
RMK | Makefile (CA Clipper RMake) |
RMM | RealMedia audio (RealPlayer) |
RMP | RealAudio audio file |
RN | Xpl program (Nota Bene) |
RND | AutoCAD Autoshade rendering slide |
RND | PGP Random Seed |
RND | Rendering Slide |
RNG | Nokia Communicator ringing tone |
RNK | Dial-up shortcut |
RNO | Runoff file (VAX) |
RNX | RealPlayer audio |
ROFF | Unformatted manual page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff) |
ROL | Adlib syntesized music (Roland) |
ROM | Read Only Memory image (emulators/AONs) |
ROT | Rotater 3D image |
ROV | Rescure Rover game data |
RP | RealPix image |
RPB | CP Backup report |
RPD | RapidFile database |
RPF | AutoCAD pattern |
RPGM | Portable Image |
RPL | Document (Replica) |
RPL | RePLy message |
RPM | RealAudio plugin |
RPPM | Portable Image |
RPT | Crystal RePorTs for Visual Basic |
RPT | Source / Report (DataFlex) |
RS | Datenfile (Resource / Reassembler) |
RS_ | Resource fork of a Macintosh file (Mac-ette) |
RSA | PKCS7 signature, MD5 + RSA |
RSC | Compiled ReSourCe(s) |
RSG | Compiled resource header |
RSK | Risk project (RiskMan) |
RSL | PC Tools for Win ReSource Library |
RSl | Report (Paradox) |
RSP | ReSPonse file |
RSRC | ReSouRCe |
RSS | Resource source file |
RST | MS restore file |
RT | Rich Text |
RTF | Rich Text Format document |
RTFD | RTF-Packet (NeXT) |
RTL | Bitmap image (HP Raster Transfer Language) (HP colour printers) |
RTL | Norton Utilities runtime library |
RTL | Text file |
RTP | Software update file (.RTPatch) |
RTS | CA-Realizer runtime library |
RTX | Text document (MIME Richtext format) |
RUL | Rules (Echo-conference) |
RUN | PC Tools for Win batch file |
RUS | Russian text |
RV | RealVideo video |
RVW | ReVieW |
RWS | Borland C++ Resource Workshop Symbol file |
RWX | Criterion RenderWare script/extruded text? |
RWX | MEME Shape File |
RXD | Reflex datafile |
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