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Buchstabe L
Erw. | Beschreibung |
L | L-System fractal (Fractint) |
L | Lex language source code file |
L | Linker directive file (WATCOM wlink) |
L | Lisp language source code file |
LA | Netscape packetized audio (LiveAudio) |
LAB | Datafile (NCSS/SOLO) |
LAB | Mailing labels (Q+E for Ms Excel) |
LAB | LabelMaker Pro Barcode |
LAM | Streaming audio metafile (Netscape Media Player) |
LAN | Erdas true colour bitmap image |
LAN | Novell NetWare LAN Drivers |
LANDSAT | Bitmap image (EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file) |
LAT | 3D-Object (µLathe) |
LATEX | LaTeX text document |
LAY | Word chart LAYout (APPLAUSE) |
LBG | dBASE IV label generator data |
LBL | Label file (dBASE IV/Clipper 5/dBFast) |
LBM | Linear BitMap image (XLib) |
LBO | dBASE IV compiled label |
LBR | Compressed file archive (LU) |
LBR | Lotus 1-2-3 display driver |
LBT | FoxPro additional (FPT) label description file |
LBX | FoxPro main (DBF) label description file |
LCF | Linker Control File (Norton Guides compiler) |
LCH | IBM Works for OS/2 chart |
LCK | LoCK file (especially for database access control) |
LCL | Data (FTP Software PC/TCP) |
LCN | WordPerfect lection |
LCS | Datafile (ACT! History Files) |
LCW | Spreadsheet (Lucid 3-D) |
LD | Telix Long Distance codes file |
LD1 | dBASE overlay file |
LDB | MS Access Record-Locking Information |
LDB | Data filer database (IBM Works for OS/2) |
LDF | Data filer form (IBM Works for OS/2) |
LDF | Geoworks Library Definition File |
LDI | LDIF file (address book interchange format) |
LDIF | LDIF file (address book interchange format) |
LDL | Paradox library file |
LE | Executable image (DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender) |
LEG | Legacy document |
LES | Lesson file (Works) |
LEV | LEVel file (eg. NetHack 3.x) |
LEX | LEXicon (dictionary) file |
LEX | MS lexicon file |
LFD | LucasArts resource file (LucasArts games) |
LFT | Laser printer font (ChiWriter) |
LG | Compressed file archive (Arhangel) |
LG | LoGo procedure definitions (LSRHS Logo) |
LGC | Windows application log, used for optimizations |
LGD | Windows application log, used for optimizations |
LGE | Windows application log, used for optimizations |
LGF | Windows application log, used for optimizations |
LGO | LoGO for header and footer (SuperFax) |
LGO | Windows 3.x startup LoGO code |
LHA | Lempel Ziv Huffman archive |
LHS | Literate Haskell source code file |
LHW | Compressed Amiga file archive (LHWarp) |
LHZ | Compressed file archive (LHA) |
LIB | LIBrary file (several programming languages) |
LIC | LICense file |
LIF | Archive, used by Knowledge Dynamics' Install.exe |
LIF | Compressed file archive (CA Clipper installer) |
LIF | Logical Interchange Format data file (Hewlett-Packard) |
LIM | Compressed file archive (Limit) |
LIN | AutoCAD LINe types |
LIN | Vector data (ARC format) |
LIS | VAX LISting |
LIS | FIBU data file |
LISPM | Bitmap image (Lisp Machine file) |
LIT | Movie |
LIT | Microsoft Reader eBook |
LJ | Bitmap image (HP LaserJet graphics file) |
LKU | T9000 linkable unit |
LL3 | Laplink III related file (document) |
LMA | Netscape packetized audio (LiveAudio) |
LMP | Demo for Doom (3D PC game) |
LMP | Label-Manager file |
LN03 | Bitmap image (DEC LN03+ Sixel file) |
LNG | Language definition file |
LNG | Language extensions (Lahey Fortran) |
LNK | Shortcut Windows 9x (LiNK) |
LNK | Linker script (.RTLink) |
LOC | Localisation string resource header file |
LOD | Load file |
LOF | Auxiliary file for List Of Figures (LaTeX) |
LOG | Log File |
LOT | Auxiliary file for List Of Tables (LaTeX) |
LP | Lightscape 3D Object |
LPC | TEKO printer driver |
LPC | Sound (Linear Predictive Coding) |
LPD | Nuts and Bolts file (Helix) |
LQT | Music (Liquid Audio) |
LRC | Intel Video Phone file |
LRF | MS C/C++ Linker Response File |
LRG | Macromedia xRes native (SGI Platforms) |
LRP | IBM Works for OS/2 report |
LRS | WordPerfect for Win Language ReSource file |
LRT | Yacc log file |
LSA | LightScape Technologies ASCII data |
LSB | LightScape Technologies binary data |
LSL | Paradox library file |
LSP | LiSP language source code file (AutoLISP/Xlisp) |
LSS | Spreadsheet (Legato/IBM Works for OS/2) |
LST | 1st Reader keyboard macro |
LST | LiSTing (e.g. source code) |
LST | Oracle spool file |
LST | List file |
LTL | Paradox library file |
LTM | Bitmap image (EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file) |
LTM | Form (Lotus Forms) |
LTP | Press International, 1st Press or Timeworks Publisher file |
LTX | Mathematical text document (LaTeX) |
LWD | LotusWorks text document |
LWF | Luratech Wavelet |
LWO | LightWave Objects file |
LWP | Lotus Word Pro document |
LWP | IBM Works for OS/2 document |
LWS | LightWave Scene file |
LYR | Song LYRics (ASCII) |
LZD | Difference file for binaries (Ldiff 1.20) |
LZH | Lempel Ziv Huffman archive |
LZS | Compressed file archive (LARC) |
LZW | Compressed Amiga file archive (LHWarp) |
LZX | Archive, often used on Amiga |
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