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Buchstabe B
Erw. | Beschreibung |
B&W | 1st Reader bitmap image (mono binary screen image) |
B&W | Black & White bitmap image (atari - mac) |
b&w | Grafik (Imagelab Image) |
B_W | Black & White bitmap image (atari - mac) |
B | APPLAUSE Batch list |
B | Basic language source code file |
B | Modula-3 base program |
B~K | Backup file |
B1N | 1st Reader bitmap image (both mono and color binary screen image) |
B30 | Printer font (JLaser - Cordata) (Ventura Publisher) |
B4 | Helix Nuts and Bolts file |
B44 | Netzplan |
B64 | StuffItEncoded encoded file archive (ascii) (base64 MIME) |
B8 | Cubicomp PictureMaker red channel image data (24bit 3D animation) |
B8 | PicLab bitmap image (one byte per pixel) plane two |
B8 | RAW Grafik |
BAB | Die Autobahnen for WisoGermany |
BAC | BACkup |
BAD | BAD file |
BAK | Backup |
BAL | Ballade music score |
BAR | dBASE Application Generator horizontal bar menu object file |
BAR | Unix BAR compressed file archive |
BAS | Basic source |
BAT | MS-DOS batch file (Executable) |
BB | Papyrus database backup |
BBL | TeX/BibTeX BiBLiographic reference |
BBM | Deluxe Paint bitmap image, used for animations (IFF-Brush) |
BBNNG | Bitmap image (BBN BitGraph terminal Display Pixel Data (DPD) sequence) |
BBP | Bezier surface file |
BBS | Hudson-style messagebase (FTN software) |
BBS | Text from Bulletin Board System |
BCH | Datalex EntryPoint 90 datafile |
BCH | dBASE Application Generator object file |
BCH | dBASE BatCH process object file |
BCM | MS Works Communications script backup |
BCO | Bitstream outline font description |
BCO | Outline font |
BCP | Borland C++ makefile |
BCS | Windows95 browse information |
BCT | Clarion backup dictionary |
BCW | Borland C++ 4.5 workspace (Environment settings) |
BDB | MS Works database backup |
BDC | Lingvo dictionary |
BDF | Adobe Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format stores Adobe screen fonts as ASCII |
BDF | BUpdate binary update file |
BDF | Egret datafile |
BDF | NuGraf Scene file |
BDR | MS Publisher BorDeR |
BDT | Lingvo dictionary |
BEX | PGP Binary EXtracted public key |
BEXPK | PGP Binary EXtracted Public Key |
BEZ | Bezier surface file |
BEZ | Bitstream outline font description |
BEZ | Font file |
BEZ | Micrografx Bitfont (Designer) |
BF2 | Bradford 2 font |
BFC | Windows 95 BrieFCase |
BFF | WorldToolKit Neutral File Format (binary) used for virtual reality |
BFM | Font metrics (unix/Frame) |
BFM | Macro of Fenestra for Windows |
BFX | Fax-File (BitFax) |
BG | Backgammon for Windows game |
BG | Lotus Agenda File |
BGA | OS/2 graphic array |
BGI | Borland Graphics Interface (Device driver for graphical adapters) |
BHX | BinHex compressed file ascii archive |
BI | Visual Basic for DOS Include file |
BIB | Bibliographie (ASCII) |
BIB | BIBliography (ASCII) |
BIB | Papyrus database - not compatible with TeX format |
BIF | Binary Image File |
BIF | Binary Information File (ASCII file describing image) |
BIF | GroupWise initialization file |
BIF | Image Capture board bitmap image (b&w Binary Image Format) |
BIFF | XLITE 3D file |
BIG | Chinese text (old version) |
BIG5 | Chinese text (old version) |
BIL | Satellite image (8bit GIS tape format) (SPOT image) |
BIN | (BINair) machine language |
BIN | Binary file |
BIN | MacBinary archive format often used on Macintosh |
BIN | MacBinary-Format (8 bit Format) |
BIN | SGI Powerflip |
BIO | OS/2 BIOs |
bit | TeX printer driver output file |
BIT | X11 bitmap image |
BIX | BIX compressed file archive |
BK! | WordPerfect for Win document backup |
bk | Backup-File (WordPerfect) |
BK | JetFax faxbook |
BK1 | WordPerfect for Win timed backup file for document window 1 |
BK2 | WordPerfect for Win timed backup file for document window 2 |
BK3 | WordPerfect for Win timed backup file for document window 3 |
BK4 | WordPerfect for Win timed backup file for document window 4 |
BK5 | WordPerfect for Win timed backup file for document window 5 |
BK6 | WordPerfect for Win timed backup file for document window 6 |
BK7 | WordPerfect for Win timed backup file for document window 7 |
BK8 | WordPerfect for Win timed backup file for document window 8 |
BK9 | WordPerfect for Win timed backup file for document window 9 |
BKI | IBM BookManager BacKup Index |
BKP | Write/TurboVision DialogDesigner BacKuP file |
BKS | IBM BookManager BooKSelf |
BKS | MS Works spreadsheet backup |
BKS | Works backup file |
BKW | FontEdit mirror image of font set |
BL | Brettliste einer Mailbox (Crosspoint) |
BLD | Basic BLoaDable image |
BLD | BASIC file in BLOAD format |
BLG | ARCSOLO Backup LoG |
BLG | BibTex log |
BLK | Amiga IFF ILBM image |
BLK | WordPerfect temporary file |
BM | X Windows system BitMap image |
BM1 | Apogee BioMenace game data |
BMF | Corel graphics (Binary Material Format) |
BMK | BookMarK file belonging to Windows help |
BMP | BitMaP image |
BMT | Ami Pro button image |
BMW | BuzzPlay music |
BNK | Adlib instrument bank |
BNR | Banner - Poster graphics BaNneR |
BOB | BOB bitmap image |
BOO | BOOtstrap (Kermit protocol binary file) |
BOO | Encoded file archive (ASCII) (Boo) |
BOO | IBM BookManager BOOk |
BOOK | Adobe FrameMaker book |
BOS | GameWizard file |
BOX | Lotus Notes MailBOX |
BOZ | Compressed file archive (bzip over zip) |
BPC | Business Plan Toolkit chart |
BPL | Borland Delphi 4 packed library |
BPP | Clarion Backup aPPlication |
BPS | MS Works document backup |
BPT | CorelDRAW Bitmap fills file |
BPX | Truevision Targa bitmap image, see .TGA |
BQY | BrioQuery file |
BR | Bridge script |
BR | Omnis7 data |
BRD | Eagle Layout File |
BRF | BRieF (dutch for letter) |
BRK | Brooktrout fax |
BRK | Mailer REXX script (The Brake!) |
BRL-CAD | Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD |
brsh | IFF-ILB-Brush (DPaint) |
BRUSH | Bitmap image (Xerox Doodle Brush file) |
BRX | A file for browsing an index of multimedia options |
BS1 | Apogee Blake Stone game data |
BS2 | BS2 archive |
BSA | BSArc compressed file archive |
BSC | BINSCII Apple II file archive |
bsc | Boyan Script-File |
BSC | MS Developer Studio browser information file |
BSC | MS Fortran Pwbrmake object file |
BSC | Source Browser database |
BSP | Quake map |
BST | BiblioTex file (BiblioTex=bibliography file for TeX) |
bsv | BASIC Bsave Graphics |
BSY | FTN soft BuSY flag |
BTL | Inmos BooTabLe file |
BTM | 4DOS/NDOS batch file (Batch To Memory) |
BTN | Button File (ButtonWare) |
BUB | Ipix Spherical panorama |
BUD | Quicken BackUp Disk |
BUFR | Binary Universal Form for the Representation |
BUFR | Meteorological data |
BUG | Bugs and Problems |
BUN | Audio (CakeWalk Audio BUNdle file) |
BUP | Backup |
BUT | BUTton definitions (Buttons!) |
BV1 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file below insert point in Doc 1 |
BV2 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file below insert point in Doc 2 |
BV3 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file below insert point in Doc 3 |
BV4 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file below insert point in Doc 4 |
BV5 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file below insert point in Doc 5 |
BV6 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file below insert point in Doc 6 |
BV7 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file below insert point in Doc 7 |
BV8 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file below insert point in Doc 8 |
BV9 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file below insert point in Doc 9 |
BW | Silicon Graphics image |
BWB | Visual Baler spreadsheet application |
BWR | Kermit buglist (BeWaRe) |
BWV | Business Wave file |
BYU | BYU Movie |
BZ | bzip compressed file archive |
BZ2 | bzip2 compressed file archive |
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