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Buchstabe N

NA2Netscape Communicator addressbook
NABNetscape Communicator addressbook
NAPVector image (Naplps format) (VideoShow/EnerGraphics)
NAPLPSVector image (North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax)
NAVMS Network component?
NBText document (Nota Bene)
NBZAutoRoute data file
NCGraphics (Unidata netCDF)
NCInstructions for NC (Numerical Control) machine (CAMS)
NCPreprosessed GOC source code file (non-error-checking version) (GEOS)
NCBClass browsing information (MS Developer Studio)
NCCCNC (Computer Numeric Control) control file (CamView 3D)
NCDNorton Change Directory file
NCFNovell NetWare ConFiguration
NCMNokia Communicator configuration message
NCSNetscape Conference Call file
NCSABitmap image (Hierarchical Data File) (NCSA)
NDBNetwork database (Intellicom/Compex)
NDLLotus Notes data
NDLInmos hardware network description file
NDLNodelist file
NDXNon-maintained dBASE database index
NEOAtari NeoChrome bitmap image
NETNetwork configuration/info file
NETCDFScientific data NETwork Common Data Format
NEWNew info
NEWSNeWS bitmap image
NFBBildschirmschoner (MS Scenes)
NFFHaines Neutral File Format, minimal 3D scene description language
NFFWorldToolKit Neutral File Format (ASCII) used for virtual reality
NFOMsInfo document
NFOFilioview database
NFONetware Folio help format
NFOInfo file
NFOBildschirmschoner (MS Scenes)
NGOnline documentation database (Norton Guide)
NGBNonogram puzzle
NGONG linker object file (NGML)
NGSNG compiler source file (NGC)
NIFBitmap image (Navy Interchange File Format)
NIFBinary hardware network initialisation file
NIFFBitmap image (Navy Interchange File Format)
NILIcon Library
NITFNational Imagery Transmission Format
NLNorton Desktop Icon Library
NLMNetware Loadable Module (Novell Netware)
NLSNational language support - Code Page
NLXFormWorx form
NONNONogram puzzle
NOTNOTation or NOTe
NOTEWordPerfect for Mac help document
NOWTextfile (Readme.Now)
NPProject schedule (Nokia Planner) (Visual Planner 3.x)
NPISource for DGEN.EXE interpreter (dBASE Application Generator)
NPSLotus Agenda File
NRFBitmap image (Neutral Raster File)
NRINero - Burning Rom (CD-burner software) file
NS2Lotus Notes data
NS3Lotus Notes data
NSFLotus Notes data
NSGLotus Notes data
NSHLotus Notes data
NSSNorton ScreenSaver module (NC - NDW Screen Saver)
NSTNoiseTracker/Protracker music module, originaly from Amiga
NSXCompound index file (SuccessWare SIX 3.00)
NTWindows NT startup files
NTFLotus Notes data
NTRExecutable ascii text file (strip header and rename) (NetRun)
NTSExecutable ascii text file (strip header and rename) (NetSend)
NTSNorton tutorial
NTXClipper database index
NUFMessage for new users on their 1st call (Procomm Plus)
NWSOutlook Express NeWS file
NWSLatest NeWS info text file
NXTSound (NeXT format)

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