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Buchstabe N
Erw. | Beschreibung |
NA2 | Netscape Communicator addressbook |
NAB | Netscape Communicator addressbook |
NAP | Vector image (Naplps format) (VideoShow/EnerGraphics) |
NAPLPS | Vector image (North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax) |
NAV | MS Network component? |
NB | Text document (Nota Bene) |
NBZ | AutoRoute data file |
NC | Graphics (Unidata netCDF) |
NC | Instructions for NC (Numerical Control) machine (CAMS) |
NC | Preprosessed GOC source code file (non-error-checking version) (GEOS) |
NCB | Class browsing information (MS Developer Studio) |
NCC | CNC (Computer Numeric Control) control file (CamView 3D) |
NCD | Norton Change Directory file |
NCF | Novell NetWare ConFiguration |
NCM | Nokia Communicator configuration message |
NCS | Netscape Conference Call file |
NCSA | Bitmap image (Hierarchical Data File) (NCSA) |
NDB | Network database (Intellicom/Compex) |
NDL | Lotus Notes data |
NDL | Inmos hardware network description file |
NDL | Nodelist file |
NDX | Non-maintained dBASE database index |
NEO | Atari NeoChrome bitmap image |
NET | Network configuration/info file |
NETCDF | Scientific data NETwork Common Data Format |
NEW | New info |
NEWS | NeWS bitmap image |
NFB | Bildschirmschoner (MS Scenes) |
NFF | Haines Neutral File Format, minimal 3D scene description language |
NFF | WorldToolKit Neutral File Format (ASCII) used for virtual reality |
NFO | MsInfo document |
NFO | Filioview database |
NFO | Netware Folio help format |
NFO | Info file |
NFO | Bildschirmschoner (MS Scenes) |
NG | Online documentation database (Norton Guide) |
NGB | Nonogram puzzle |
NGO | NG linker object file (NGML) |
NGS | NG compiler source file (NGC) |
NIF | Bitmap image (Navy Interchange File Format) |
NIF | Binary hardware network initialisation file |
NIFF | Bitmap image (Navy Interchange File Format) |
NIL | Icon Library |
NITF | National Imagery Transmission Format |
NL | Norton Desktop Icon Library |
NLM | Netware Loadable Module (Novell Netware) |
NLS | National language support - Code Page |
NLX | FormWorx form |
NON | NONogram puzzle |
NOT | NOTation or NOTe |
NOTE | WordPerfect for Mac help document |
NOW | Textfile (Readme.Now) |
NP | Project schedule (Nokia Planner) (Visual Planner 3.x) |
NPI | Source for DGEN.EXE interpreter (dBASE Application Generator) |
NPS | Lotus Agenda File |
NRF | Bitmap image (Neutral Raster File) |
NRI | Nero - Burning Rom (CD-burner software) file |
NS2 | Lotus Notes data |
NS3 | Lotus Notes data |
NSF | Lotus Notes data |
NSG | Lotus Notes data |
NSH | Lotus Notes data |
NSS | Norton ScreenSaver module (NC - NDW Screen Saver) |
NST | NoiseTracker/Protracker music module, originaly from Amiga |
NSX | Compound index file (SuccessWare SIX 3.00) |
NT | Windows NT startup files |
NTF | Lotus Notes data |
NTR | Executable ascii text file (strip header and rename) (NetRun) |
NTS | Executable ascii text file (strip header and rename) (NetSend) |
NTS | Norton tutorial |
NTX | Clipper database index |
NUF | Message for new users on their 1st call (Procomm Plus) |
NULL | NULL image |
NWS | Outlook Express NeWS file |
NWS | Latest NeWS info text file |
NXT | Sound (NeXT format) |
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