Filename Extensions

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Letter W

WApplause Word chart file
W30Ventura Publisher printer font (AST TurboLaser)
W31Windows 3.1 startup file
W44dBASE temporary file for Sort or Index
W51WordPerfect 5.1 document
W60WordPerfect 6.0 document
W61WordPerfect 6.1 document
W95Windows 95 related file
WABWindows address book file
WADWar Allocation Daemon (Doom, Doom2, Rise of Triad)
WAPWap application project (Ericsson WapIDE)
WASProComm source script
WAVWave PCM sound file
WAXAudio Advanced Streaming Format
WAXProComm compiled script
WB1Quattro Pro/Win spreadsheet
WB2Quattro Pro/Win spreadsheet
WB3Quattro Pro/Win spreadsheet
WBDWinBüro database file
WBFWindows batch file
WBKMS Word auto-backup document
WBKWordPerfect for Windows workbook file
WBLArgo WebLoad II upload file
WBMPWAP bitmap image
WBTWilsonWare WinBatch batch file
WCDWordPerfect for Windows macro token list
WCHWordPerfect for Windows macro facility file
WCMWordPerfect for Windows macro file
WCMMS Works data transmission file
WCPWordPerfect for Windows product information description
WDInfoSelect data file
WDBMS Works database
WEBCorel Xara web document
WEBOOGLWeb Object Oriented Graphics Library
WFMdBASE Form Designer form object
WFNCoreldraw font file
WFTWaveFronT 3D object
WFXWinFaX file
WG1Lotus 1-2-3/G worksheet
WG2Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2 worksheet
WGPGame data (Wild Board Games)
WHIPBitmap image (WHIP file)
WHTMS NetMeeting Whiteboard-document
WI8WinTranslator word database file
WICGarbage, fake compressed data. Your files are in WINFILE.DLL
WIDVentura Publisher width table
WIFWeaving information file
WIFWindow intermediate file template
WILWinImage data
WINFoxPro window file
WINdBASE window file
WINTruevision Targa bitmap image
WINSMakefile for WINS platform (EPOC)
WIZMS Word wizard file
WIZMS Publisher wizard file
WK1Lotus 123 spreadsheet file
WK2Lotus 123 spreadsheet file
WK3Lotus 123 spreadsheet file
WK4Lotus 123 spreadsheet file
WKBWordPerfect for Windows document
WKESpreadsheet (Lotus 123 educational version)
WKQQuattro Pro spreadsheet file
WKSLotus 123 spreadsheet file
WKSSymphony spreadsheet file
WKSMS Works spreadsheet file
WKSXLISP workspace file
WKZWingz spreadsheet file
WL?Data file of the game Wolfenstein
WLDData files of flight simulators
WLFArgo WebLoad I upload file
WLGDrWatson log file
WLKVirtus Walkthrough graphic file
WLLMS Word add-in
WLRVirtual Reality Modeling Language file
WMWindows Media
WMAAdvanced Streaming Format audio file (Windows Media Audio)
WMCWordPerfect macro file
WMCMathCad backup of startup files
WMCWordMARC text file
WMFWindows meta file (vector and bitmap image)
WMLWireless Markup Language document (WAP)
WMPWindows Magic icon palette
WMVMovie file (Window Media Video)
WNNeXT WriteNow text document
WNFCorelDraw outline font description (native format)
WOAWindows 3.x swap file
WOBRIO Designer Pro object file
WOCWindows OrgChart organization file
WOWGrave Composer music file (8 channels)
WPWordPerfect document
WP4WordPerfect 4 document
WP5WordPerfect 5 document
WP6WordPerfect 6 document
WPDWordPerfect display driver file
WPDWindows printer driver
WPFWorldPort Fax file
WPFWordPerfect form
WPGWordPerrfect bitmap or vector image
WPGDrawPerfect bitmap or vector image
WPJWatcom C/C++ project file
WPKWordPerfect for Windows macro file
WPMWordPerfect macro file
WPPWordPerfect color palette file
WPSMS Works document
WPSWordPerfect document
WPTWordPerfect template
WPWNovel PerfectWorks document
WQ!Quattro Pro compressed spreadsheet
WQ1Quattro Pro spreadsheet
WQ2Quattro Pro 5 spreadsheet
WR1Symphony v1.1/1.2/2 spreadsheet
WRDCharisma template
WRDPsion Series 3 text document
WRIWindows Write (WinWrite) document
WRKSymphony v1/1.01 spreadsheet
WRLVRML worlds file
WRPWarp compressed Amiga file archive
WRSWordPerfect printer driver
WRZVRML worlds file
WSWindows script file
WSAPL Worksheet
WSWordStar 5.0/6.0 document
WS1WordStar for Windows 1.x document
WS2WordStar for Windows 2/2000 document
WS3WordStar for Windows 3 document
WS4WordStar for Windows 4 document
WS5WordStar for Windows 5 document
WS6WordStar for Windows 6 document
WS7WordStar for Windows 7 document
WSCRIO Designer Pro scene file
WSDWordStar document
WSHWindows Scripting Host file
WSPFortran PowerStation workspace
WSQWavelet-packet Scalar Quantization bitmap format
WSRCx-wais source
WSTWordStar text file
WSZWinamp Skin Zip file
WT8WinTranslator word database file
WTDWintune document file
WTKWinTalk file (URL address of person to talk to)
WTXWintune document file
WVEPsion Series 3 Palmtop sound file (8kHz)
WVLWavelet compressed bitmap image
WVXAudio/Video Windows Media
WWBWordPerfect button bar
WWKWordPerfect keyboard layout
WXPEXP for Windows document
WZSMS wizards files

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