Filename Extensions
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Letter I
Ext. | Description |
I | Phase Vocorder analysis data |
I | Preprocessor output file (Borland C Preprocessor) |
I | Header File Assembler |
I3 | Interface source (Modula-3) |
IAX | Bitmap image (IBM Image Access eXecutive file) |
IBG | Planetary images by NASA (PDS format) |
IBM | Commodore Amiga graphics |
IBM | Compressed file archive (Internal IBM only) (ARCHDOS) |
IC | M3CG intermediate language file (Modula-3) |
IC1 | Bitmap image (Atari Image) |
IC2 | Bitmap image (Atari Image) |
IC3 | Bitmap image (Atari Image) |
ICA | IoCA ICon Archive (Image Object Content Architecture) |
ICA | Citrix file |
ICB | Truevision Targa bitmap image |
ICC | Bitmap image (Kodak ICC printer file) |
ICE | Lempel Ziv Huffman archive |
ICE | Cooltalk audio? |
ICL | Inon library |
ICM | ICC Printer/Monitor profile |
ICN | Icon Resource (RIP icon) |
ICN | Icon language source code file |
ICO | Windows 3.x/95/NT ICOn Resource |
ICON | Icon image (1bit) (Sun icon file) (Unix) |
ICP | IContact Parameter file (Unix) |
ICR | Bitmap image (NCSA Telnet Interactive Color Raster graphic file) |
ID | Disk identification file |
IDB | IDA database |
IDC | Bitmap image (Core Software Tech CORE IDC file) |
IDC | Document (Internet Database Connector) |
IDC | IDA C language source code file |
IDD | MIDI Instrument Definition |
IDE | Project (Borland C++ 4.x) |
IDF | MIDI-instrument definition |
IDF | Instruments drivers file |
IDL | Visual C++ interface definition file |
IDS | Imported names format (IDA) |
IDW | IntelliDraw vector image |
IDX | Index file |
IDX | Header information (CMYK image) (Stork format) |
IDX | Datenbank Index (Foxpro) |
IDX | FIBU data file |
IE? | PCTools Backup settings |
IEF | Bitmap image (Image Exchange Format) |
IFD | Form (JetForm Design) |
IFF | Bitmap image |
IFF | Sound (Amiga IFF/8SVX Audio Interchange File Format) |
IFF | TDI Explore & Alias Wavefront image |
IFF | DESR VFF greyscale bitmap image |
IFP | KnowledgeMan script |
IFS | YuvPak fractal image compressed file |
IFS | Installable File System (OS/2) |
IFS | Iterated Function System fractal (Fractint) |
IG | Modula-3 generic interface source |
IGES | 2D or 3D CAD model (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification format) |
IGF | Inset Systems metafile |
IGS | 2D or 3D CAD model (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification format) |
IHP | Watcom help file |
IHS | Inbound History (Bink/+) |
II | Preprocessed C++ source code (gcc) |
IIF | QuickBooks for Windows interchange file |
III | Intel IPhone-compatible |
IKO | Windows Icon Resource |
IL | hDC Designer Icon Library (=DLL) |
IL | Inline expansion file (Fortran 90) |
ILB | Scream Tracker data |
ILBM | Bitmap image (Amiga Interleaved BitMap format) |
ILK | Outline of program's format (incremental linker) (Ms ILink) |
IM | AIM Grey Scale image |
IM | Bitmap image (Sun raster file) |
IM1 | Bitmap image (1bit) (Sun raster file) |
IM24 | Bitmap image (24bit) (Sun raster file) |
IM32 | Bitmap image (32bit) (Sun raster file) |
IM8 | Bitmap image (8bit) (Sun raster file) |
IM8 | Sun Raster Grafik |
IMA | AIM Grey Scale image? |
IMA | Image (WinImage) |
IMA | Mirage vector image (EGO/Chart/Autumn) |
IMAGE | Disk image (Disk Copy/ShrinkWrap) |
IMG | Bitmap image, GEM Paint/Ventura |
IMG | Vivid image |
IMG | Disk image (Disk Copy/ShrinkWrap) |
IMP | Lotus IMProv Spreadsheet |
IMP | Compressed file archive (IMP) |
IMP | Pascal implementation |
IMQ | ImageQ image presentation |
IMQ | Planetary images by NASA (PDS format) |
IN | INput |
IN$ | Installation file (HP NewWave) |
IN3 | Harvard Graphics 3.0 input device driver |
INB | Test script (Vermont HighTest) |
INC | INClude file (several programming languages) |
IND | dBASE IV data index |
INF | Setup INFormation used in Windows |
INF | Hypertext help system file (OS/2) |
INFO | GNU info reader (output from texinfo) (unix) |
INFO | Amiga icon data |
INGR | Intergraph Raster File Format |
INI | INItialisation file used in Dos and Windows |
INK | Pantone reference fills file (CorelDraw) |
INL | C++ INLine function implementation |
INN | Micro Focus COBOL/2 overlay |
INS | Often used as INStallation file |
INS | Internet Communication Settings (MS IIS) |
INS | Adlib/Ensoniq INStrument file |
INS | WordPerfect datafile |
INT | Borland INTerface module source |
INT | Signature/Micro Focus COBOL/2 INTermediate code (semi-compiled) |
INT | FoxPro Code page file, collation sequence |
INX | Foxbase INdeX |
IO | CPIO compressed file archive |
IO | Modula-3 object file |
IOB | 3D object, Imagine 1, 2 or Turbo Silver |
IOC | Instant ORGcharting! organizational chart |
ION | As 'Descript.ion' a small textfile (file descriptions) (4DOS) |
IP | Interactive Physics data |
IP | Inspection Procedures (NRC Inspection Manual) |
IPL | Pantone Spot reference palette file (CorelDraw) |
IPS | IPScript (IPIX) |
IPX | Ipix Spherical panorama |
IQY | MS Excel web query file |
IRC | Sound (IRCAM format) |
IRIS | Silicon Graphics Raw Red, Green and Blue bytes image, see .RGB |
IRS | WordPerfect resource |
IRTP | Image (Graphicon-2000 Interactive Real-Time PHIGS) |
IS | Modula-3 intermediate assembly file |
ISD | RapidFile spelling checker dictionary |
ISH | Image Speeder Image |
ISH | Compressed file archive (ISH) |
ISO | Easy CD Creator CD image file |
ISO | ISO-9660 table |
ISP | Internet Service Provider settings (Ms IIS) |
ISU | Windows uninstall script by Stirling Technologies |
IT | Impulse Tracker music |
IT | Settings (intalk) |
ITA | ITAlian documentation |
ITF | InTerFace file (JPI TopSpeed Pascal) |
ITS | Internet Document Set |
IV | Inventor VRML Format by Silicon Graphics |
IVA | Surveillance Video File |
IVA | Dementia.4207 Virus File |
IVB | Bitmap image (Truevision Targa format) |
IVF | Indeo Video |
IVR | Virtual reality world (live picture) |
IVT | InfoViewer information title |
IVUE | Live Picture multi-view format |
IV-VRML | Inventor VRML Format document |
IW | Presentation flowchart (IconAuthor/HSC InterActive) |
IW | Idlewild screensaver |
IW44 | DjVu image |
IWA | IBM Writing Assistant text document |
IWP | Wang text document |
IX | Modula-3 linker information |
IZT | Binary token file (IZL) |
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