Filename Extensions

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Letter S

SAssembly language source code file.S for cpp (Unix)
SForeign assembly source file (Modula-3)
SMultiEdit macro source file
SScheme language source code file
S$$Sprint temporary sort file
S&AFIBU data file
S1KS1000 Simnet format
S3ISample file (Digiplayer/ST3)
S3MScream Tracker III music (16 channels)
SAFSpatial Archive Interchange Format
SAIFSpatial Archive Interchange Format
SAMDocument (Samna/Lotus Ami, Ami Pro)
SAMSample file
SAMText (Ami Pro)
SARSAR compressed file archive
SASSAS source code file (VMS)
SAVSaved backup/configuration data
SBAudio file (Signed Byte)
SBDStoryboard Editor data file
SBICreative Labs Sound Blaster Instrument
SBKEmu SoundFont Bank (AWE32 Bank) (Convert (c) Villena)
SBKToolbook (Asymetrix ToolBook)
SBLStonu Brook Pascal library
SBPDml program (Superbase 4)
SBRSource Browser support file
SBTSuberbase 4 Windows notes related to record
SCParadox PAL script
SCFramework II display driver
SC?ColoRIX, EGA Paint
SC2MS Schedule+ 7.x export
SC3Renamed dBASE III screen mask file (dBASE IV)
SC3Harvard Graphics 3.x screen device driver
SCASCA datafile
SCANThunderscan image file
SCCMSX (= MicroSoft eXtended home computer) bitmap image
SCDSCoDL film recorder (SCODL = Scan Conversion Object Description Language)
SCDMS Schedule+ 7.x contacts
SCDGrafik (SCODL Scan Conversion Object Description Language)
SCENESculpt 3D/4D 3D object (Amiga)
SCFWindows Explorer Shell Command File
SCFScoreMaker multimedia show
SCFSymphony spelling checker configuration
SCGBitmap image (ColoRIX)
SCHProject schedule (Schedule Publisher/Ms Schedule+)
SCHScheme (P CAD/Orcad)
SCIScitex Continuous Tone (CT2T) bitmap image
SCIFax (SciFax)
SCISystem Configuration Information
SCMLotus ScreenCam Movie
SCMScheme language source code file
SCNCalgari trueSpace2 File Format
SCNMinolta SCeNe file
SCNKermit screen dump or file
SCOScore (best results in games)
SCODLBitmap image (Agfa slide file)
SCPDial-Up Networking Script
SCPColoRIX bitmap image
SCRWindows SCReensaver (executable)
SCRSCReen snapshot (Microsoft Screen Capture format)
SCRBitmap image (ColoRIX or Sun rasterfile)
SCRFax image
SCRForth screen (source) file
SCRLocoScript screen font
SCRScript (1st Reader/Kermit/TeleMate/AutoCAD)
SCTSciTex Continuous Tone bitmap image
SCTFoxPro additional (FPT) screen description file
SCUColoRIX bitmap image
SCXColoRIX bitmap image
SCXChart (Stanford Chart)
SCXFoxPro main (DBF) screen description file
SCYReaGeniX security file
SCZWingz data
SDSound (Entropic Sound Data format)
SD0Dali Raw image?
SD1Dali Raw image?
SD2Dali Raw image?
SDASoftware Distribution Network file archive description
SDBSidekick database
SDFSource Definition File (Sourcer)
SDFSystem Data Format file (fixed lenght ascii text)
SDFSpace Delimited File
SDFSystem Data Format
SDFClipart (AmiPro)
SDISuper Data Interchange
SDISoftware Distribution Network Info file
SDKRoland S-550/S-50/W-30 Disk Image
SDLParsys hardware network description file
SDLAlias Wavefront Scene Description Language
SDLSmartDraw Library
SDMLSpatial Data Modeling Language (VRML) by Silicon Graphics
SDNSoftware Distribution Network compressed file archive (pak251.exe)
SDODokument (Signum)
SDPIBM Storyboard PIC image
SDPRealAudio Scalable Multicast
SDRSounder music
SDRSmartDraw drawing
SDSMIDI Sample sound (DUMP Standard File)
SDTSmartDraw Template
SDTSSpatial Data Transfer Standard
SDWAmidraw vector image
SDXSample DUMP Exchange File
SEAStuffIT Expander archive format (Macintosh)
SECDiskreet encrypted file
SECPretty Good Privacy secret key ring file
SECDisney Animation Studio secured animation file
SEPTagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap image
SEPPrinter separator page
SEQAtari STAD bitmap image/animation
SEQBubble Chamber Sequential Instruction File
SERGespeichertes Objekt aus HP NewWave
SESClarion Modula-2 session info
SETSETup data or info
SET1st Reader configuration
SETSymphony driver sets created by Install
SFSignature instructions file
SFIRCAM Sound File (CSound package/MixView sound sample editor)
SFWPS attribute storage (OS/2 WorkPlace Shell)
SF2E-mu SoundFont
SFBHP soft font
SFFScene File Format
SFISIS Framegrabber image
SFIPrinter font (HP LaserJet landscape) (Ventura Publisher)
SFLPCL 4 bitmap font (landscape) (Intellifont/Ventura Publisher)
SFOBitstream font file - fontware format
SFPPcl 4 bitmap font (portrait) (Intellifont/Ventura Publisher)
SFSPcl 5 scalable font file (Intellifont)
SFTChiWriter screen font
SFWSeattle Film Works graphics
SFXSelf-extracting file archive script (RAR)
SG1Graphics (Stanford Graphics)
SGDLahey Blackbeard help file
SGFStarwriter document with graphics
SGISilicon Graphics workstation, Irix RGB bitmap image
SGMIETF SGML document (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
SGMLIETF SGML document (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
SGTSave/get keyboard macro (Signature)
SGVVektorgrafik von Star-Writer (neue Version)
SGXLahey Fortran help file index
SHSHell script (Unix sh or bash) (ASCII)
SHSHAR archiv file
SH3Harvard Graphics 3.0 presentation
SHARSHell ARchive script (Unix)
SHBW95 shortcut to a document
SHBCorelShow background/presentation
SHDMetatools' Bryce Support file (Materials catalogue)
SHDW95 spool file
SHGSegmented HyperGraph bitmap image
SHKShrinkIt compressed Apple II file archive
SHMSHell Macro (WordPerfect Library)
SHNSHorteN compressed audio file
SHPImage Format
SHPPrintmaster icon library
SHPAutoCAD shape file and source file for text fonts
SHRUnix Shell Archive (ASCII) (SHAR)
SHSW95 shell scrap object
SHTMLSSI-HTML (SSI=Server-Side Include): dynamic HTML page
SHWPresentation (Harvard Graphics/CorelShow)
SHXAutoCAD shape entities
SISoftImage image, see also .PIC
SIDC64 tunes and sound effects file (PlaySID)
SIFSetup Installation File
SIFVector data (ISIF format)
SIGSIGnature file (ThunderByte AntiVirus/PopMail/PGP)
SIGCurrent program settings (Signature)
SIKMS Word backup file (SIcherungsKopie)
SIMSIMPLE script source (Telix)
SIRBitmap image (Solitaire file)
SISPsion software installation file
SITStuffIT Expander archive format, often used on the Macintosh
SIXBitmap image (DEC LN03+ Sixel file)
SIXELBitmap image (DEC LN03+ Sixel file)
SKASkat 2095 game data file
SKCARDStarfish SideKick datafile
SKRPGP private (secret) keyring
SKYMultiplan SYLK spreadsheet file
SLS-Lang language source code file
SLBAutoesk Autocad Slide Library
SLBSymbols library (P-CAD)
SLCTelix compiled SALT script
SLCSalt-Code (Telix)
SLDAutodesk Autocad Slide
SLISlide (MAGICorp Slide Service)
SLKSYLK data format (SYmbolic LinK) (Excel/MultiPlan)
SLLSound file
SLPPro/E render file
SLTSalt Script Application Language script source (Telix)
SMSoftSpoken Mailer maillist
SMScriptMaker script
SMSmalltalk language source code file
SMSamna Word text document
SMCFile for a Nintendo emulator?
SMILotus SMartIcon
SMISmarticondefinition (Lotus)
SMMAmi Pro macro
SMNFont (ParaGraph's WorkScript format)
SMPSaMPleVision sound
SMTSmart Ware II text file
SNSound Club Editor compressed song file
SNDRaw/Sun/NeXT/Tandy/Apple Macintosh sound (old formats)
SNGSong (midi sound) (Midisoft Studio/Prism)
SNGMidi-Song (Cubase)
SNMNetscape folder cache for it's e-mail client?
SNOSnobol4 language source code file
SNPAccess 97 report SNaPshot file
SNPBook-shelf for .BOO (READIBM)
SNPOutput video format from Computer Eyes equipment
SOFortran 90 shared object
SOLMATRA prelude solids
SOLSolution eg. game walkthroughs
SOMQuattro Pro network serial numbers
SOMParadox sort information
SONSBStudio II song
SOUSBStudio II sound data
SPSplint compressed file archive
SPASpanish documentation
SPCBitmap image (Atari compressed Spectrum file)
SPCMS Multiplan program
SPCSNES Audio (music)
SPCWordPerfect for Win temporary file
SPCText to speech
SPDPrinter driver
SPDHarvard Graphics 3.0 scalable font (Speedo)
SPDPostscript printer mini driver
SPDMicrografx Font
SPFBitmap image (SPiFf= Still Picture Interchange File Format)
SPFEnerGraphics slide presentation file
SPGSprint glossary
SPIFFBitmap image (SPIFF= Still Picture Interchange File Format)
SPKSpark compressed file archive (Acorn)
SPLShockwave Flash Object
SPLSplint compressed file archive
SPLCustomized printer driver (Sprint)
SPLPersonal spell dictionary (Signature)
SPLSample file
SPLSpool file (Windows 3.x printing)
SPMWordPerfect data
SPOTSPOT satellite bitmap image
SPPSprint printer file
SPRSizzler animation
SPRSprint document letter
SPRFoxPro generated executable screen file
SPRSpreadsheet (Psion Series 3)
SPRSprite (graphics image)
SPRITESizzler animation
SPSSPSS language source code file
SPSSprint screen driver
SPTSpitbol language source code file
SPTSplit (one part of multi-part file)
SPTSupport file (MITAC disk/system management utility pack)
SPTFractalFaction movie information
SPUAtari compressed Spectrum bitmap image
SPWSigmaPlot worksheet
SPXFoxPro compiled executable screen file
SPXScreen Peace Screensaver
SQDSquish message base
SQISquish message base index
SQLSQL report or query
SQLSquish message base last read pointers
SQZSqueeze Compressed file archive
SRBitmap image (Sun Rasterfile)
SRCSourcefiles (DataFlex)
SRFBitmap Image (Sun Raster File)
SRFMAPTerraGen SuRFace map (landscape renderer)
SRFTerraGen SuRFace map (landscape renderer)
SRGPowerPoint 8.0 Auto-Content Wizard Self-ReGistration data file
SRPQuickLink script
SSSplash bitmap image
SSScreen Saver (DN)
SSDDatafile (SAS/PC)
SSFEnable spreadsheet
SSHSecure Shell document (DataFellows)
SSIHTML with server side includes
SSLParadox saved program
SSMRealAudio Standard Streaming Metafile
SSPSAS Transport datafile
SSQODBC script
SSTSatellite image data (AVHRR file) (IDIDAS/SSTMAP/IMGMAP)
STScream Tracker instrument library
STLittle Smalltalk language source code file
STNeoPaint stamp
STAStatistica data file
STAReflection 4.0 saved state
STASpinmaker Plus stack
STAMod4Win saved status file
STBStun library (Genus GX Kernel)
STDStandard file (something...)
STDProsa state transition diagram graphics file
STDCrash Course track file (Game)
STEPISO-10303 STEP product data
STFShrinkToFit compressed file archive
STFSetup information file
STFStructured file
STFMicrosoft Setup table file
STGIndyCar car configuration file
STLStereolithography 3D object
STLParadox temporary program
STMScream Tracker II music (4 channels)
STMProsa state transition diagram model file
STOPascal stub OBJ file (Genus GX Kernel)
STPISO-10303 STEP product data
STRGate3 table structure file
STRStructure list object file (dBASE Application Generator)
STSMS C/C++ project status info
STSScream Tracker song format
STSMemMaker status report file
STWSmartTerm for Windows data file
STXSmarText electronic book
STXMusic format
STXTax form (CA-Simply Tax)
STYWord print format templae
STYAmi Pro stylesheet
STYLatex stylesheet
SUBRational Rose component package
SUISuit library (Simple User Interface Toolkit)
SULGfa Raytrace image?
SUNBitmap image (Sun raster file format)
SUNIFFBitmap image (Sun TAAC Image File Format)
SUPBitmap image (Startup screen)
SUPWordPerfect for Win Supplementary dictionary
SV1Transport Tycoon saved game file
SVDMS Word document autosave file
SVFVector image (Simple Vector Format)
SVGMS Word glossary autosave file
SVQMusic file
SVRCompressed virtual world for WWW
SVSMS Word style sheet autosave file
SVXSound (Amiga 8SVX format)
SWAudio file (signed word)
SWAMacromedia Shockwave music (MPEG-1 Layer III with special header)
SWFShockWave Flash, Animated Vector Format
SWGSWAG Pascal Snippets file (SWAG Reader)
SWPWindows 95 swap file
SWPSprint document backup
SWTVisual Basic Setup Wizard Template file
SXP3D Studio process file
SY1Ami Pro Smartpix symbol library
SY3Harvard Graphics 3.x symbol file
SYDQEMM backup file
SYDSysEdit backup file
SYKExcel SYLK spreadsheet format
SYLKExcel SYLK spreadsheet format
SYMLotus Freelance symbol library
SYMHarvard Graphics 2 graphics symbols
SYMP-CAD component symbols
SYMBorland C++ precompiled headers
SYMProgram symbol table (many compilers and linkers)
SYMMS Windows graphics symbols
SYNBitmap image (SDSC Synu image file)
SYNMS Word 5 synonym file
SYNUBitmap image (SDSC Synu image file)
SYSSystem file - device driver or hardware configuration info
SYSSygraph datafile
SYSSystat datafile
SYSSPS datafile
SYWHarvard Graphics graphics symbols
SYWYamaha SY-85/SY-99 Wave File

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