Filename Extensions
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Letter S
Ext. | Description |
S | Assembly language source code file.S for cpp (Unix) |
S | Foreign assembly source file (Modula-3) |
S | MultiEdit macro source file |
S | Scheme language source code file |
S$$ | Sprint temporary sort file |
S&A | FIBU data file |
S1K | S1000 Simnet format |
S3I | Sample file (Digiplayer/ST3) |
S3M | Scream Tracker III music (16 channels) |
SAF | Spatial Archive Interchange Format |
SAIF | Spatial Archive Interchange Format |
SAL | SORITEC datafile |
SAM | Document (Samna/Lotus Ami, Ami Pro) |
SAM | Sample file |
SAM | Text (Ami Pro) |
SAR | SAR compressed file archive |
SAS | SAS source code file (VMS) |
SAV | Saved backup/configuration data |
SB | Audio file (Signed Byte) |
SBD | Storyboard Editor data file |
SBI | Creative Labs Sound Blaster Instrument |
SBK | Emu SoundFont Bank (AWE32 Bank) (Convert (c) Villena) |
SBK | Toolbook (Asymetrix ToolBook) |
SBL | Stonu Brook Pascal library |
SBP | Dml program (Superbase 4) |
SBR | Source Browser support file |
SBT | Suberbase 4 Windows notes related to record |
SC | Paradox PAL script |
SC | Framework II display driver |
SC? | ColoRIX, EGA Paint |
SC2 | MS Schedule+ 7.x export |
SC3 | Renamed dBASE III screen mask file (dBASE IV) |
SC3 | Harvard Graphics 3.x screen device driver |
SCA | SCA datafile |
SCAN | Thunderscan image file |
SCC | MSX (= MicroSoft eXtended home computer) bitmap image |
SCD | SCoDL film recorder (SCODL = Scan Conversion Object Description Language) |
SCD | MS Schedule+ 7.x contacts |
SCD | Grafik (SCODL Scan Conversion Object Description Language) |
SCENE | Sculpt 3D/4D 3D object (Amiga) |
SCF | Windows Explorer Shell Command File |
SCF | ScoreMaker multimedia show |
SCF | Symphony spelling checker configuration |
SCG | Bitmap image (ColoRIX) |
SCH | Project schedule (Schedule Publisher/Ms Schedule+) |
SCH | Scheme (P CAD/Orcad) |
SCI | Scitex Continuous Tone (CT2T) bitmap image |
SCI | Fax (SciFax) |
SCI | System Configuration Information |
SCM | Lotus ScreenCam Movie |
SCM | Scheme language source code file |
SCN | Calgari trueSpace2 File Format |
SCN | Minolta SCeNe file |
SCN | Kermit screen dump or file |
SCO | Score (best results in games) |
SCODL | Bitmap image (Agfa slide file) |
SCP | Dial-Up Networking Script |
SCP | ColoRIX bitmap image |
SCP | BITCOM script |
SCR | Windows SCReensaver (executable) |
SCR | DOS Debug SCRipt |
SCR | SCReen snapshot (Microsoft Screen Capture format) |
SCR | Bitmap image (ColoRIX or Sun rasterfile) |
SCR | Fax image |
SCR | Forth screen (source) file |
SCR | LocoScript screen font |
SCR | Script (1st Reader/Kermit/TeleMate/AutoCAD) |
SCT | SciTex Continuous Tone bitmap image |
SCT | FoxPro additional (FPT) screen description file |
SCU | ColoRIX bitmap image |
SCX | ColoRIX bitmap image |
SCX | Chart (Stanford Chart) |
SCX | FoxPro main (DBF) screen description file |
SCY | ReaGeniX security file |
SCZ | Wingz data |
SD | Sound (Entropic Sound Data format) |
SD0 | Dali Raw image? |
SD1 | Dali Raw image? |
SD2 | Dali Raw image? |
SDA | Software Distribution Network file archive description |
SDB | Sidekick database |
SDF | Source Definition File (Sourcer) |
SDF | System Data Format file (fixed lenght ascii text) |
SDF | Space Delimited File |
SDF | System Data Format |
SDF | Clipart (AmiPro) |
SDI | Super Data Interchange |
SDI | Software Distribution Network Info file |
SDK | Roland S-550/S-50/W-30 Disk Image |
SDL | Parsys hardware network description file |
SDL | Alias Wavefront Scene Description Language |
SDL | SmartDraw Library |
SDML | Spatial Data Modeling Language (VRML) by Silicon Graphics |
SDN | Software Distribution Network compressed file archive (pak251.exe) |
SDO | Dokument (Signum) |
SDP | IBM Storyboard PIC image |
SDP | RealAudio Scalable Multicast |
SDR | Sounder music |
SDR | SmartDraw drawing |
SDS | MIDI Sample sound (DUMP Standard File) |
SDT | SmartDraw Template |
SDTS | Spatial Data Transfer Standard |
SDW | Amidraw vector image |
SDX | Sample DUMP Exchange File |
SEA | StuffIT Expander archive format (Macintosh) |
SEC | Diskreet encrypted file |
SEC | Pretty Good Privacy secret key ring file |
SEC | Disney Animation Studio secured animation file |
SEP | Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap image |
SEP | Printer separator page |
SEQ | Atari STAD bitmap image/animation |
SEQ | Bubble Chamber Sequential Instruction File |
SER | Gespeichertes Objekt aus HP NewWave |
SES | Clarion Modula-2 session info |
SET | SETup data or info |
SET | 1st Reader configuration |
SET | Symphony driver sets created by Install |
SF | Signature instructions file |
SF | IRCAM Sound File (CSound package/MixView sound sample editor) |
SF | WPS attribute storage (OS/2 WorkPlace Shell) |
SF2 | E-mu SoundFont |
SFB | HP soft font |
SFF | Scene File Format |
SFI | SIS Framegrabber image |
SFI | Printer font (HP LaserJet landscape) (Ventura Publisher) |
SFL | PCL 4 bitmap font (landscape) (Intellifont/Ventura Publisher) |
SFN | SPX font |
SFO | Bitstream font file - fontware format |
SFP | Pcl 4 bitmap font (portrait) (Intellifont/Ventura Publisher) |
SFS | Pcl 5 scalable font file (Intellifont) |
SFT | ChiWriter screen font |
SFW | Seattle Film Works graphics |
SFX | Self-extracting file archive script (RAR) |
SG1 | Graphics (Stanford Graphics) |
SGD | Lahey Blackbeard help file |
SGF | Starwriter document with graphics |
SGI | Silicon Graphics workstation, Irix RGB bitmap image |
SGM | IETF SGML document (Standard Generalized Markup Language) |
SGML | IETF SGML document (Standard Generalized Markup Language) |
SGP | STATGRAPHICS Plus statistics |
SGT | Save/get keyboard macro (Signature) |
SGV | Vektorgrafik von Star-Writer (neue Version) |
SGX | Lahey Fortran help file index |
SH | SHell script (Unix sh or bash) (ASCII) |
SH | SHAR archiv file |
SH3 | Harvard Graphics 3.0 presentation |
SHAR | SHell ARchive script (Unix) |
SHB | W95 shortcut to a document |
SHB | CorelShow background/presentation |
SHD | Metatools' Bryce Support file (Materials catalogue) |
SHD | W95 spool file |
SHF | PGP Share |
SHG | Segmented HyperGraph bitmap image |
SHK | ShrinkIt compressed Apple II file archive |
SHM | SHell Macro (WordPerfect Library) |
SHN | SHorteN compressed audio file |
SHP | Image Format |
SHP | Printmaster icon library |
SHP | AutoCAD shape file and source file for text fonts |
SHR | Unix Shell Archive (ASCII) (SHAR) |
SHS | W95 shell scrap object |
SHTML | SSI-HTML (SSI=Server-Side Include): dynamic HTML page |
SHW | Presentation (Harvard Graphics/CorelShow) |
SHX | AutoCAD shape entities |
SI | SoftImage image, see also .PIC |
SID | C64 tunes and sound effects file (PlaySID) |
SIF | Setup Installation File |
SIF | Vector data (ISIF format) |
SIG | SIGnature file (ThunderByte AntiVirus/PopMail/PGP) |
SIG | Current program settings (Signature) |
SIK | MS Word backup file (SIcherungsKopie) |
SIM | SIMPLE script source (Telix) |
SIR | Bitmap image (Solitaire file) |
SIS | Psion software installation file |
SIT | StuffIT Expander archive format, often used on the Macintosh |
SIX | Bitmap image (DEC LN03+ Sixel file) |
SIXEL | Bitmap image (DEC LN03+ Sixel file) |
SKA | Skat 2095 game data file |
SKCARD | Starfish SideKick datafile |
SKR | PGP private (secret) keyring |
SKY | Multiplan SYLK spreadsheet file |
SL | S-Lang language source code file |
SLB | Autoesk Autocad Slide Library |
SLB | Symbols library (P-CAD) |
SLC | Telix compiled SALT script |
SLC | Salt-Code (Telix) |
SLD | Autodesk Autocad Slide |
SLI | Slide (MAGICorp Slide Service) |
SLK | SYLK data format (SYmbolic LinK) (Excel/MultiPlan) |
SLL | Sound file |
SLP | Pro/E render file |
SLT | Salt Script Application Language script source (Telix) |
SM | SoftSpoken Mailer maillist |
SM | ScriptMaker script |
SM | Smalltalk language source code file |
SM | Samna Word text document |
SMC | File for a Nintendo emulator? |
SMI | Lotus SMartIcon |
SMI | Smarticondefinition (Lotus) |
SMM | Ami Pro macro |
SMN | Font (ParaGraph's WorkScript format) |
SMP | SaMPleVision sound |
SMP | Sample |
SMT | Smart Ware II text file |
SN | Sound Club Editor compressed song file |
SND | Raw/Sun/NeXT/Tandy/Apple Macintosh sound (old formats) |
SNG | Song (midi sound) (Midisoft Studio/Prism) |
SNG | Midi-Song (Cubase) |
SNM | Netscape folder cache for it's e-mail client? |
SNO | Snobol4 language source code file |
SNP | Access 97 report SNaPshot file |
SNP | Book-shelf for .BOO (READIBM) |
SNP | Output video format from Computer Eyes equipment |
SO | Fortran 90 shared object |
SOL | MATRA prelude solids |
SOL | Solution eg. game walkthroughs |
SOM | Quattro Pro network serial numbers |
SOM | Paradox sort information |
SON | SBStudio II song |
SOU | SBStudio II sound data |
SP | Splint compressed file archive |
SPA | Spanish documentation |
SPC | Bitmap image (Atari compressed Spectrum file) |
SPC | MS Multiplan program |
SPC | SNES Audio (music) |
SPC | WordPerfect for Win temporary file |
SPC | Text to speech |
SPD | Printer driver |
SPD | Harvard Graphics 3.0 scalable font (Speedo) |
SPD | Postscript printer mini driver |
SPD | Micrografx Font |
SPF | Bitmap image (SPiFf= Still Picture Interchange File Format) |
SPF | EnerGraphics slide presentation file |
SPG | Sprint glossary |
SPH | Sphere |
SPIFF | Bitmap image (SPIFF= Still Picture Interchange File Format) |
SPK | Spark compressed file archive (Acorn) |
SPL | Shockwave Flash Object |
SPL | Splint compressed file archive |
SPL | Customized printer driver (Sprint) |
SPL | Personal spell dictionary (Signature) |
SPL | Sample file |
SPL | Spool file (Windows 3.x printing) |
SPM | WordPerfect data |
SPOT | SPOT satellite bitmap image |
SPP | Sprint printer file |
SPR | Sizzler animation |
SPR | Sprint document letter |
SPR | FoxPro generated executable screen file |
SPR | Spreadsheet (Psion Series 3) |
SPR | Sprite (graphics image) |
SPRITE | Sizzler animation |
SPS | SPSS language source code file |
SPS | Sprint screen driver |
SPT | Spitbol language source code file |
SPT | Split (one part of multi-part file) |
SPT | Support file (MITAC disk/system management utility pack) |
SPT | FractalFaction movie information |
SPU | Atari compressed Spectrum bitmap image |
SPW | SigmaPlot worksheet |
SPX | FoxPro compiled executable screen file |
SPX | Screen Peace Screensaver |
SQD | Squish message base |
SQI | Squish message base index |
SQL | SQL report or query |
SQL | Squish message base last read pointers |
SQZ | Squeeze Compressed file archive |
SR | Bitmap image (Sun Rasterfile) |
SRC | Sourcefiles (DataFlex) |
SRF | Bitmap Image (Sun Raster File) |
SRFMAP | TerraGen SuRFace map (landscape renderer) |
SRF | TerraGen SuRFace map (landscape renderer) |
SRG | PowerPoint 8.0 Auto-Content Wizard Self-ReGistration data file |
SRP | QuickLink script |
SS | Splash bitmap image |
SS | Screen Saver (DN) |
SSD | Datafile (SAS/PC) |
SSF | Enable spreadsheet |
SSH | Secure Shell document (DataFellows) |
SSI | HTML with server side includes |
SSL | Paradox saved program |
SSM | RealAudio Standard Streaming Metafile |
SSP | SAS Transport datafile |
SSQ | ODBC script |
SST | Satellite image data (AVHRR file) (IDIDAS/SSTMAP/IMGMAP) |
ST | Scream Tracker instrument library |
ST | Little Smalltalk language source code file |
ST | NeoPaint stamp |
STA | Statistica data file |
STA | Reflection 4.0 saved state |
STA | Spinmaker Plus stack |
STA | Mod4Win saved status file |
STB | Stun library (Genus GX Kernel) |
STD | Standard file (something...) |
STD | Prosa state transition diagram graphics file |
STD | Crash Course track file (Game) |
STEP | ISO-10303 STEP product data |
STF | ShrinkToFit compressed file archive |
STF | Setup information file |
STF | Structured file |
STF | Microsoft Setup table file |
STG | IndyCar car configuration file |
STL | Stereolithography 3D object |
STL | Paradox temporary program |
STM | Scream Tracker II music (4 channels) |
STM | Prosa state transition diagram model file |
STO | Pascal stub OBJ file (Genus GX Kernel) |
STP | ISO-10303 STEP product data |
STR | Gate3 table structure file |
STR | Structure list object file (dBASE Application Generator) |
STS | MS C/C++ project status info |
STS | Scream Tracker song format |
STS | MemMaker status report file |
STW | SmartTerm for Windows data file |
STX | SmarText electronic book |
STX | Music format |
STX | Tax form (CA-Simply Tax) |
STY | Word print format templae |
STY | Ami Pro stylesheet |
STY | Latex stylesheet |
SUB | Rational Rose component package |
SUI | Suit library (Simple User Interface Toolkit) |
SUL | Gfa Raytrace image? |
SUM | Summary |
SUN | Bitmap image (Sun raster file format) |
SUNIFF | Bitmap image (Sun TAAC Image File Format) |
SUP | Bitmap image (Startup screen) |
SUP | WordPerfect for Win Supplementary dictionary |
SV1 | Transport Tycoon saved game file |
SVD | MS Word document autosave file |
SVF | Vector image (Simple Vector Format) |
SVG | MS Word glossary autosave file |
SVQ | Music file |
SVR | Compressed virtual world for WWW |
SVS | MS Word style sheet autosave file |
SVX | Sound (Amiga 8SVX format) |
SW | Audio file (signed word) |
SWA | Macromedia Shockwave music (MPEG-1 Layer III with special header) |
SWF | ShockWave Flash, Animated Vector Format |
SWG | SWAG Pascal Snippets file (SWAG Reader) |
SWP | Windows 95 swap file |
SWP | Sprint document backup |
SWP | Swapfile |
SWT | Visual Basic Setup Wizard Template file |
SXP | 3D Studio process file |
SY1 | Ami Pro Smartpix symbol library |
SY3 | Harvard Graphics 3.x symbol file |
SYD | QEMM backup file |
SYD | SysEdit backup file |
SYK | Excel SYLK spreadsheet format |
SYLK | Excel SYLK spreadsheet format |
SYM | Lotus Freelance symbol library |
SYM | Harvard Graphics 2 graphics symbols |
SYM | P-CAD component symbols |
SYM | Borland C++ precompiled headers |
SYM | Program symbol table (many compilers and linkers) |
SYM | MS Windows graphics symbols |
SYN | Bitmap image (SDSC Synu image file) |
SYN | MS Word 5 synonym file |
SYNU | Bitmap image (SDSC Synu image file) |
SYS | System file - device driver or hardware configuration info |
SYS | Sygraph datafile |
SYS | Systat datafile |
SYS | SPS datafile |
SYW | Harvard Graphics graphics symbols |
SYW | Yamaha SY-85/SY-99 Wave File |
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