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Letter G

GParadox file
GAPPLAUSE data chart
G16GoldED for DOS compiled config
G3G3 fax file
G8Cubicomp PictureMaker green channel image data (24bit 3D animation)
G8PicLab raw graphics (one byte per pixel)
GALCorel Multimedia Manager Album
GALHewlett-Packard Graphics GALlery
GAMFax (GammaFax)
GBChinese text
GBGameboy game
GBLGloBaL module in Basic program
GBLVAXTPU editor GloBaL definitions
GBRGimp BRush
GC1Golden Common Lisp 1.1 source code file
GC3Golden Common Lisp 3.1 source code file
GCDGeneric CAD Drawing format (vector)
GDFGEOS Dictionary File
GDFModem-Konfiguration vom T-Online Decoder
GDSMcDonnell-Douglas Things
GEGEcho config file
GEDWicat image
GEDGoldED for DOS compiled config file
GEDGraphics (Graphic Environment Document) (Arts & Letters)
GEDEnerGraphics graphics editor file
GEFGraphics Exchange Format
GEMVentura Publisher vector image
GEMMetafile (GEM)
GEMMetafile (Ventura Publisher)
GENCompiled template (dBASE Application Generator)
GENVentura Publisher GENerated text file
GEOVideoScape 3D object
GEOGoldED for OS/2 compiled config file
GEOGeoworks Geode (GEOS executable)
GERGERman documentation
GEXGEcho config file
GFMetaFont font file
GFBGIFBlast compressed GIF image
GFIGenigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GFOSGI Radiosity
GFTFont file (GEM/NeoPaint)
GFXInstant Artist image
GFXGenigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GHONorton Ghost image
GHSNorton Ghost image part (name.gho, name0001.ghs, name0002.ghs...)
GIBChart (Graph-in-the-Box)
GIDGeneral InDex of a Win 95 help file
GIFCompuServe bitmap image (Graphics Interchange Format)
GIFFCompuServe bitmap image (Graphics Interchange Format)
GIMGenigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GISErdas gray-scale bitmap image
GIWPresentation (Graph-in-the-Box for Windows)
GIXGenigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GKHEnsoniq disk image (sound) (VFX SD EPS ASR TS)
GKSGraphics Kernel System
GLAnimation (GRASP - GRAphical System for Presentation format)
GLGALink script
GLBGLoBal module in Basic program
GLMGlim datafile
GLOGLObal module in Basic program
GLOAuxiliary for glossary (LaTeX)
gloTeX Glossar
GLSAcross datafile
GLYMS Word GLossarY
GMBitmap image (Autologic files)
GM2Bitmap image (mode 2 black/white) (Autologic files)
GM4Bitmap image (mode 4 gray-scale) (Autologic files)
GMPGeomorph tile map (SPX)
GNAGenigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GNTGenerated code (Micro Focus COBOL/2)
GNXGenigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GOGraphOn bitmap image
GOBJGeoworks object code (non-error-checking version)
GOCGeoworks GOC language source code file
GOESatellite image data (GOES file) (McIDAS system)
GOESSatellite image data (GOES file) (McIDAS system)
GOHGeoworks Goc language header file
GOULDBitmap image (Gould scanner file)
GPGeoworks Geode parameter file
GPGofer project (Haskell language dialect)
GP4GTX Group IV format
GPGGNU Privacy Guard
GPHFreelance Graphics for OS/2
GPHGraph (Lotus 1-2-3/G)
GPKCompressed Omnigo file archive (Geos package)
GQEpson's page description language (printer)
GR2Win 3.x screen driver
GR3Windows 3.0 Screen Grabber
GRAMS Graph chart
GRASigmaPlot datafile
GRASPAnimation (GRAphical System for Presentation format)
GRAYBitmap image (raw gray bytes)
GRBBitmap image B&W binary (GROB Graphic Object) (HP-48sx calculator)
GRBMs-DOS Shell Monitor file
GRDAdobe Photoshop gradient file
GRDDrivers for GRX (graphics library)
GRDEFGeoworks UI resource file
GRFStanford image
GRFGraph file (Graph Plus/Charisma)
GRIBGridded Binary (FM 92-VIII Ext. GRIdded Binary file) (WMO CBS)
GRNDrivers for GRX (graphics library)
GRPWindows 3.x program GRouP file
GRPPixBase pictures GRouP
GRYImage (Raw GREY)
GSGofer script (Haskell language dialect)
GS1GraphShow presentation
GSDGSM internet realtime audio
GSDProfessional Draw vector image
GSMSound (GSM 6.10 prI-ETS 300 036 13kbit/s) (Internet phones)
GSPGeometer's Sketchpad sketch
GSSGeometer's Sketchpad script
GSWGraphShow worksheet
GTARGNU tar compressed file archive
GTXRaster graphics (GTX Group IV)
GUPPopMail data
GVGrandView outline
GWMDraw-Business vector graphic
GWXGenigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GWZGenigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GXLGenus graphics library
GYMGeoworks generic symbol file
GZLGo!Zilla filelist

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