Filename Extensions
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Letter G
Ext. | Description |
G | Paradox file |
G | APPLAUSE data chart |
G16 | GoldED for DOS compiled config |
G3 | G3 fax file |
G8 | Cubicomp PictureMaker green channel image data (24bit 3D animation) |
G8 | PicLab raw graphics (one byte per pixel) |
GAL | Corel Multimedia Manager Album |
GAL | Hewlett-Packard Graphics GALlery |
GAM | Fax (GammaFax) |
GB | Chinese text |
GB | Gameboy game |
GBL | GloBaL module in Basic program |
GBL | VAXTPU editor GloBaL definitions |
GBR | Gimp BRush |
GC1 | Golden Common Lisp 1.1 source code file |
GC3 | Golden Common Lisp 3.1 source code file |
GCD | Generic CAD Drawing format (vector) |
GDF | GEOS Dictionary File |
GDF | Modem-Konfiguration vom T-Online Decoder |
GDS | McDonnell-Douglas Things |
GE | GEcho config file |
GED | Wicat image |
GED | GoldED for DOS compiled config file |
GED | Graphics (Graphic Environment Document) (Arts & Letters) |
GED | EnerGraphics graphics editor file |
GEF | Graphics Exchange Format |
GEM | Ventura Publisher vector image |
GEM | Metafile (GEM) |
GEM | Metafile (Ventura Publisher) |
GEN | Compiled template (dBASE Application Generator) |
GEN | Ventura Publisher GENerated text file |
GEO | VideoScape 3D object |
GEO | GoldED for OS/2 compiled config file |
GEO | Geoworks Geode (GEOS executable) |
GER | GERman documentation |
GEX | GEcho config file |
GF | MetaFont font file |
GFB | GIFBlast compressed GIF image |
GFI | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation |
GFO | SGI Radiosity |
GFT | Font file (GEM/NeoPaint) |
GFX | Instant Artist image |
GFX | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation |
GHO | Norton Ghost image |
GHS | Norton Ghost image part (name.gho, name0001.ghs, name0002.ghs...) |
GIB | Chart (Graph-in-the-Box) |
GID | General InDex of a Win 95 help file |
GIF | CompuServe bitmap image (Graphics Interchange Format) |
GIFF | CompuServe bitmap image (Graphics Interchange Format) |
GIM | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation |
GIS | Erdas gray-scale bitmap image |
GIW | Presentation (Graph-in-the-Box for Windows) |
GIX | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation |
GKH | Ensoniq disk image (sound) (VFX SD EPS ASR TS) |
GKS | Graphics Kernel System |
GL | Animation (GRASP - GRAphical System for Presentation format) |
GL | GALink script |
GLB | GLoBal module in Basic program |
GLM | Glim datafile |
GLO | GLObal module in Basic program |
GLO | Auxiliary for glossary (LaTeX) |
glo | TeX Glossar |
GLS | Across datafile |
GLY | MS Word GLossarY |
GM | Bitmap image (Autologic files) |
GM2 | Bitmap image (mode 2 black/white) (Autologic files) |
GM4 | Bitmap image (mode 4 gray-scale) (Autologic files) |
GMP | Geomorph tile map (SPX) |
GNA | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation |
GNT | Generated code (Micro Focus COBOL/2) |
GNX | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation |
GO | GraphOn bitmap image |
GOBJ | Geoworks object code (non-error-checking version) |
GOC | Geoworks GOC language source code file |
GOE | Satellite image data (GOES file) (McIDAS system) |
GOES | Satellite image data (GOES file) (McIDAS system) |
GOH | Geoworks Goc language header file |
GOULD | Bitmap image (Gould scanner file) |
GP | Geoworks Geode parameter file |
GP | Gofer project (Haskell language dialect) |
GP4 | GTX Group IV format |
GPG | GNU Privacy Guard |
GPH | Freelance Graphics for OS/2 |
GPH | Graph (Lotus 1-2-3/G) |
GPK | Compressed Omnigo file archive (Geos package) |
GQ | Epson's page description language (printer) |
GR2 | Win 3.x screen driver |
GR3 | Windows 3.0 Screen Grabber |
GRA | MS Graph chart |
GRA | SigmaPlot datafile |
GRADS | Metafile |
GRASP | Animation (GRAphical System for Presentation format) |
GRAY | Bitmap image (raw gray bytes) |
GRB | Bitmap image B&W binary (GROB Graphic Object) (HP-48sx calculator) |
GRB | Ms-DOS Shell Monitor file |
GRD | Adobe Photoshop gradient file |
GRD | Drivers for GRX (graphics library) |
GRDEF | Geoworks UI resource file |
GRF | Stanford image |
GRF | Graph file (Graph Plus/Charisma) |
GRIB | Gridded Binary (FM 92-VIII Ext. GRIdded Binary file) (WMO CBS) |
GRN | Drivers for GRX (graphics library) |
GRP | Windows 3.x program GRouP file |
GRP | PixBase pictures GRouP |
GRY | Image (Raw GREY) |
GS | Gofer script (Haskell language dialect) |
GS1 | GraphShow presentation |
GSD | GSM internet realtime audio |
GSD | Professional Draw vector image |
GSM | Sound (GSM 6.10 prI-ETS 300 036 13kbit/s) (Internet phones) |
GSP | Geometer's Sketchpad sketch |
GSS | Geometer's Sketchpad script |
GSW | GraphShow worksheet |
GTAR | GNU tar compressed file archive |
GTX | Raster graphics (GTX Group IV) |
GUP | PopMail data |
GV | GrandView outline |
GWM | Draw-Business vector graphic |
GWX | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation |
GWZ | Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation |
GXL | Genus graphics library |
GYM | Geoworks generic symbol file |
GZ | GZIP File |
GZIP | GZIP File |
GZL | Go!Zilla filelist |
GZP | GZIP File |
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