Filename Extensions
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Letter M
Ext. | Description |
M | Function and commands (Matlab M-file/Mathematica) |
M | Common binary file name extension (Maple) |
M | Macro module (Brief) |
M | Objective-C language source code file (gcc) |
M | Script file (Miranda programming language) |
M | Standard package (Mathematica) |
M_U | Backup of boot sector FAT and boot dir (MazeGold) |
M11 | Sound (Farallon's MacRecorder format) (sampling rate 11k) |
M11 | Text file (MASS11) |
M1A | MPEG-1 audiostream |
M1S | MPEG-1 systemstream |
M1V | Moving Pictures Experts Group video (MPEG-1 IPB) |
M2 | Modula 2 language source code file |
M22 | Sound (Farallon's MacRecorder format) (sampling rate 22k) |
M2A | MPEG-2 audio |
M2V | MPEG-2 IPB videostream |
M3 | Modula3 language source code file |
M3A | MPEG-3 audio |
M3D | Corel Motion 3D Scene movie |
M3U | Playlist file |
M4 | M4 preprocessor file |
M65 | 6502er Code (6502-Emulator PdL) |
M7 | Sound (Farallon's MacRecorder format) (sampling rate 7k) |
MA | Ascii file (notebook) (Mathematica) |
MA | hDC products for MicroApp executable files |
MA3 | Harvard Graphics 3.0 macro |
MAC | MacPaint bitmap image, black & white, PackBits compressed |
MAC | MACro file |
MAC | Assembly Language file |
MACP | Apple Macintosh MacPaint bitmap image |
MAD | MS Access Module Shortcut |
MAF | MS Access Form Shortcut |
MAG | Woody Lynn's MAG graphics format (MPS Magro Paint System) |
MAH | Mahjongg Solitaire settings |
MAI | Mail message (VAX) |
MAI | PCTools file |
MAILINI | Mail initialization file of Ms Internet Mail for Win 3.1 |
MAK | Project file used by some programming languages like Visual Basic |
MAM | MS Access Macro Shortcut |
MAN | Manual |
MINIFEST | Windows XP manifest file (XML) |
MAP | Card document of Route 66 |
MAP | ColorMAP intensities and indices color palette |
MAP | Debug info used by some programming languages |
MAP | Micrografx Picture Publisher format data |
MAP | Atlas MapMaker geographical map |
MAP | Linker map file |
MAP | AccView network map |
MAQ | MS Access Query Shortcut |
MAR | MS Access Report Shortcut |
MAR | Assembly program (VAX Macro) |
MARM | Makefile for MARM platform (EPOC) |
MAS | Lotus Freelance SmartMASter set |
MAT | MATlab sound |
MAT | MS Access Table Shortcut |
MAX | Max language source code file |
MAX | Scene (3D Studio Max) |
MAX | MAX source code |
MAZ | Data (dVS/dVISE) |
MAZ | Hover maze game data |
MB | Paradox memo field values for database |
MB | Binary file (bitmaps etc.) (Mathematica) |
MB1 | Apogee Monster Bash game data |
MBFAVS | Stardent AVS X bitmap image |
MBFS | Stardent AVS X bitmap image |
MBK | dBASE IV multiple index file backup |
MBM | EPOC multi-bitmap file |
mbox | Mailbox file |
MC | M3CG intermediate language file (Modula-3) |
MC | Manual Chapter (NRC Inspection Manual) |
MC$ | Magic Xchange package (Magic Cap file archive) |
MCC | Shortcut to The Microsoft Network |
MCC | Mathcad configuration file |
MCC | Dialer10 calling card |
MCD | MathCaD file |
MCF | Mathcad font file |
MCF | Hotsauce graphics |
MCI | Command script (Media Control Interface) |
MCI | MCI Command Set |
MCL | MultiEdit macro library |
MCM | Enable Macro |
MCP | Capsule application script |
MCP | Composed Media multimedia file (NetMC Player) |
MCP | Mathcad printer driver |
MCS | MathCAD image |
MCW | Text document (MacWrite II/MS Word for Macintosh) |
MD | Compressed file archive (MDCD) |
MD | MATH-Designer file |
MD5 | Checksum file for .SHN audio |
MDA | MS Access Add-in |
MDB | MS Access DataBase |
MDE | MDE database (MS Access) |
mdf | Menu Definition File |
MDI | MIDI-sequention sound |
MDL | Geometrical model (3D Design Plus) |
MDL | Object design model (Rational Rose 98) |
MDL | Spreadsheet (CA-Compete!) |
MDM | Modem definition (TELIX) |
MDN | MS Access Blank Database |
MDP | Project workspace (MS Developer Studio) |
MDR | Microdrive file (ZX Spectrum emulator) |
MDT | MS Access Add-in Data |
MDT | Data table (Ms ILink incremental linker) |
MDW | MS Access Workgroup Information |
MDX | Maintained dBASE database index |
MDZ | MS Access Database Wizard Template |
MDZ | Description of music module (Cubic Player/Cross-View) |
ME | As '' a textfile probably describing an application |
ME | Configuration (MultiEdit) |
ME | Formatted manual page with me macros |
ME! | As '!' an urgent textfile probably describing an application |
MEB | Macro Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect Library) |
MEC | MECCA source (Maximus) |
MED | Sound (Amiga MED/OctaMED Module) |
MED | Macro Editor delete save (WordPerfect Library) |
MED | OctaMed music file |
MEM | Macro Editor macro (WordPerfect Library) |
MEM | Memory variable save file (Clipper/dBASE IV/FoxPro) |
MEM | Clarion MEMos datafile |
MEM | Ways for Windows lexicon file |
MEQ | Macro Editor print queue file (WordPerfect Library) |
MER | Macro Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library) |
MES | Macro Editor work space file (WordPerfect Library) |
MES | MESsage |
MET | OS/2 METafile |
MET | Omnipage Pro document |
MET | Macro Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library) |
MEU | Menu group (DOS Shell) |
MEX | Dynamically linked subroutines (Macintosh) (Matlab) |
MEX | Macro Editor expound file (WordPerfect Library) |
MEX | MEX file (executable command) |
MEX4 | Dynamically linked subroutines (Sun-4/SPARC) (Matlab) |
MEXDS | Dynamically linked subroutines (DECStation) (Matlab) |
MEXHP3 | Dynamically linked subroutines (HP9000/series 300) (Matlab) |
MEXHP7 | Dynamically linked subroutines (HP9000/series 700) (Matlab) |
MEXN | Dynamically linked subroutines (NeXT) (Matlab) |
MEXRS6 | Dynamically linked subroutines (IBM RS/6000) (Matlab) |
MEXSG | Dynamically linked subroutines (SGI) (Matlab) |
MF | Metafont text file (TeX) |
MFD | Monadic functions (ABC programming language) |
MFJ | MetaFont job (batch input) |
MFM | Music format (DMP) |
MFT | Style file (MetaFont source formatter) |
MG | Modula-3 generic module source |
MGF | ASCII-based 3D rendering Materials and Geometry Format |
MGF | Micrografx font |
MGR | MGR bitmap image |
MGX | Micrografx Designer drawing |
MHT | Message HTML file |
MHTML | Message HTML file |
MI | MIscellaneous |
MIB | SNMP MIB file |
MIC | Microsoft Image Composer data |
MID | MIDI-sequention sound (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) |
MIDI | MIDI-sequention sound |
MIF | Image Magick Image File Format |
MIF | FrameMaker data |
MIF | PC system component DMI attributes (Management Information Format) |
MIFF | Image Magick Image File Format |
MII | MicroStat-II datafile |
MIL | Raster graphics (CALS Group IV Type 2) |
MIM | MIME encoded file |
MIME | Message in MIME format (RFC822) |
MIS | MISsion file (many games) |
MITSU | Bitmap image (Mitsubishi S340-10 color sublimation printer file) |
MIX | MS Windows sound MIX |
MIX | Power C object file |
MJF | Mjuice secure music file |
MK | Makefile |
MKE | MS Windows SDK MaKEfile |
MKF | System-Makefile (Visual C++) |
MKG | Makefile |
MKI | Japanese graphics MAKIchan format (MagView 0.5) |
MKR | T-Online macro file |
MKS | TACT data |
MKW | Michael K. Weise compressed audio file |
ML | ML language source code file |
ML3 | Milestones 3.x project |
ML4 | Milestones Projektplanung |
MLB | Symphony macro library file |
MLI | Autodesk 3D Studio material file |
MLM | Saved email (Novell GroupWise using WP5.1 format) |
MM | MultiMate Advantage II text document |
MM | Meme virtual reality world |
MME | MIME encoded file |
MMF | Mail Message File (Ms Mail) |
MMM | MultiMedia Movie format (RIFF RMMP) (MacroMind Director 3.x) |
MMO | MeMO writer file (RapidFile) |
MMP | Output video format from Bravado board |
MMP | makmake makefile project (EPOC) |
MND | Cerious MaNDelbrot image |
MND | Menu source (AutoCAD Menu Compiler) |
MNG | Multiple-image Network Graphics bitmap image |
MNG | Map (DeLorme Map'n'Go) |
MNI | Cerious MaNDelbrot image |
MNT | Additional (FPT) menu description file (FoxPro) |
MNU | DOS mouse MeNU |
MNU | HP NewWave advanced macro |
MNX | AutoCAD compiled menu |
MNX | Main (DBF) menu description file (FoxPro) |
MNY | MS Money account book |
MO | Modula-3 object file |
MOB | Device definition (PEN Windows) |
MOCHA | Javascript |
MOD | Music (Amiga MODule format) (DMP/FastTracker/MDP/Protracker/Soundtracker) |
MOD | MS Multiplan spreadsheet |
MOD | File implementing DOS support for Windows DLL's |
MOD | MODel definitions (EPOC) |
MOD | Clarion Modula-2 language source code file |
MOD | Kernel-Modul (Windows) |
mod | Modula - 2 - Quellcode |
MOD | Modula-2/Oberon Quelltext |
MOI | French textfile, As = in French |
MOL | File list (Windows MOD-Player) |
MON | MONitor description (ReadMail) |
MOO | MoonRock language source code file |
MOOV | Quicktime movie |
MOOV | QTVR panorama |
moov | Movie (Qicktime) |
MOP | M. Fujimiya's Morpher for Windows 1.4 work file |
MOTIF | Microangelo Motif |
MOV | Quicktime Virtual Reality |
MOV | AutoCAD AutoFlix MOVie |
mov | Movie (Qicktime) |
MOZ | Netscape temporary cache file |
MP | MultiPlan |
MP | Movie (MPEG compressed) |
MP1 | MPEG audio file |
MP2 | Sound (MPEG-1 Layer II Audio Stream) |
MP2V | Moving Pictures Experts Group, see also .MP2 |
MP3 | MPEG-1 Layer III Audio Stream (= highly compressed audio) |
MPA | MPEG-1 sound, PCM digitized, high compression |
MPC | MS Project Calendar file |
MPD | Monadic predicates (ABC programming language) |
MPD | Mini port driver |
MPE | MPEG movie (Motion Pictures Experts Group) |
MPEG | MPEG movie (Motion Pictures Experts Group) |
MPM | Mathplan macro (WordPerfect Library) |
MPNT | MacPaint bitmap image, black & white, PackBits compressed, see .MAC |
MPP | Project file (Ms Project) |
MPR | FoxPro generated executable menu file |
MPT | Multipage TIFF bitmap image |
MPV | MPEG movie, no sound |
MPV | MS Project View file |
MPV2 | Moving Pictures Experts Group |
MPX | FoxPro compiled executable menu file |
MRB | Multiple Resolution Bitmap image (MS C/C++) |
MRC | Bibliographic data (Machine-Readable Cataloging records) |
MRG | Power-Basic Merger file |
MRI | HP NewWave object file |
MRK | CSI MaRKup file (CAD format) |
MRK | Windows 95 user benchmark |
MRS | WordPerfect Macro ReSource |
MRS | Macro resource file |
MS | Formatted manual page with ms macros |
MS | Modula-3 intermediate assembly file |
MS | Maple worksheet |
MS | "CHKLIST.MS" - Directory-Info |
MSC | MS C makefile |
MSDL | Manchester Scene Description Language, 3D rendering? |
MSG | MeSsaGe text |
MSK | Saved mask from Autodesk Animator |
MSN | MS Network component |
MSP | MS Paint bitmap image |
MSP | Windows installer Patch |
MSS | Manuscript text file (Perfect Writer/Scribble/MINCE/Jove) |
MST | Presentations |
MST | MS Test document |
MST | Minispecification file (Prosa) |
MST | MS Windows SDK setup script |
MSW | MS Word text document |
MSX | Image format |
MSX | Compressed CP/M file archive (MSX) |
MTH | Derive MaTH file |
MTL | Wavefront |
MTM | MultiTracker Module music |
MTV | MTV Raytracing image format |
MTW | Minitab data file |
MU | Quattro pro for DOS MenU definition |
MUS | Sound file (MusicTime/Doom) |
MVB | MS Multimedia Viewer data |
MVF | Stop frame file (AutoCAD AutoFlix) |
MVI | Movie command file (AutoCAD AutoFlix) |
MVP | MediaView Project |
MVW | Saber LAN log file |
MW | MacWrite II text document |
MW2 | Mech Warrior 2 game file |
MWF | ProMotion animation |
MWII | MacWrite II text document |
MWP | SmartMaster (Lotus Word Pro) |
MX | Matlab common matrix routines |
MX | Modula-3 linker information |
MX3 | Dynamically linked subroutines (80386/486 Ms Windows) (Matlab) |
MXL | PackRat 5.0 support file |
MXS | Maxis game data file (e.g. SimCity) |
MXT | MS C data |
MYP | Presentation (MM Make Your Point) |
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