Command Overview
Commands by Category
Disks and Partitions
File Compression
File Permissions
Files and Directories
Shell Special Commands
System Information
Users and Groups
Depending on the distribution, some commands may need to be installed first, e.g. whois
or dig
Commands can accept many more parameters than listed here. All available parameters can be taken from the help with man [COMMAND]
. The parameters can also be displayed with [COMMAND] --help
or [COMMAND] -h
Some commands or arguments require execution with the command sudo
Command | Description |
!! | Execute the last command !!! |
> [FILE] | Create empty file !!! |
badblocks -s /dev/[DEVICE] | Drive check sudo |
cal | Shows current month calendar |
cat /etc/group | Shows all groups |
cat /etc/passwd | Shows all users |
cat /proc/cpuinfo | CPU information |
cat [FILE] | Output file content |
cat [SOURCE] >> [TARGET] | Append file content to another file |
cd .. | Go to parent directory |
cd [DIRECTORY] | Go to a directory |
cd ~ | Go to home directory |
chmod [RIGHTS] [FILE] | Change file permissions sudo !!! |
chown [USER] [FILE] | Change file owner sudo !!! |
chown [USER]:[GROUP] [FILE] | Change file owner and group sudo !!! |
cp -r [SOURCE] [DESTINATION] | Copy a directory |
cp [SOURCE] [DESTINATION] | Copy a file |
date | Shows current date and time |
date -R | Shows current date and time (RFC-5322) |
date -u | Shows current date and time (UTC) |
df -h | Shows free and used disk space |
dig [HOST] ANY | Show DNS information |
dmesg | Bootup messages sudo |
dmidecode | System information sudo |
dmidecode --dump-bin [FILE] | System information (dump to file) sudo |
dmidecode --from-dump [FILE] | System information (read from file) |
du -ah [PATH] | Shows disk usage |
exit | Exit the current shell |
fdisk -l | Shows partitions sudo !!! |
find [PATH] -name [EXPRESSION] | Search for files in a directory |
findmnt | List all file systems |
free -h | Memory usage |
gpg -c [FILE] | Encrypt a file |
gpg -d [FILE] | Decrypt a file |
grep -Hnir [TERM] [DIRECTORY] | Recursive search in a directory |
grep -i [TERM] [FILE] | Search in a file |
groupadd [GROUP] | Create new group sudo |
groupdel [GROUP] | Remove a group sudo !!! |
groups | Shows current groups |
gzip -d [FILE] | Decompress file with GNU ZIP |
gzip -k [FILE] | Compress file with GNU ZIP |
hdparm -g /dev/[DEVICE] | Drive geometry sudo !!! |
hdparm -i /dev/[DEVICE] | Drive information sudo !!! |
hdparm -tT /dev/[DEVICE] | Drive read-speed test sudo !!! |
head [FILE] | Shows the first 10 lines of a file |
hostname | Shows the system hostname |
hostname -i | Shows the system IP address |
id | Shows current user information |
id -un | Shows the own user name |
id [USER] | Shows user information |
ip addr | List IP addresses and network interfaces |
ip route | Shows routing table |
kill [PID] | Kill a process by its PID !!! |
killall [NAME] | Kill all processes with a given name |
last | Shows last logged in users |
last reboot | Shows system reboot history |
less [FILE] | Shows file content |
ln -s [TARGET] [NAME] | Create a symbolic link |
locate [TERM] | Search for files |
ls | List files in directory |
ls -la | List all files in directory |
lsblk | Block devices |
lsof | List all open files |
lspci | PCI devices |
lspci -tv | PCI devices (tree) |
lspci -v | PCI devices (verbose) |
lsusb | USB devices |
lsusb -tv | USB devices (tree) |
lsusb -v | USB devices (verbose) |
mkdir [DIRECTORY] | Create new directory |
more [FILE] | Shows file content |
mv [SOURCE] [DESTINATION] | Rename or move a file or directory !!! |
ping [HOST] | Ping a host |
pkill [NAME] | Kill a process by its name !!! |
pmap [PID] | Shows memory map o a process |
ps -aux | Shows all processes |
pstree | Shows processes (tree) |
pwd | Shows current directory path |
rm -r [DIRECTORY] | Remove directory !!! |
rm [FILE] | Remove file !!! |
ss -ap | Shows open ports |
tail [FILE] | Shows the last 10 lines of a file |
tar cf [TARGET] [FILES] | Compress files with TAR |
tar czf [TARGET] [FILES] | Compress files with TAR and GNU ZIP |
tar xf [FILE] | Extract files with TAR |
top | Shows processes (in real-time) |
touch [FILE] | Change file time !!! |
traceroute -I [HOST] | Trace route to a host |
uname -a | Shows system and kernel information |
uptime -p | Shows system running time |
uptime -s | Shows system start time |
useradd [USER] | Create new user sudo |
userdel [USER] | Remove user sudo !!! |
usermod -aG [GROUP] [USER] | Add a user to groups sudo !!! |
users | Shows logged in users |
w | Shows logged in users and their activity |
wc [FILE] | Count lines, words and bytes of a file |
who | Shows logged in users |
who -b | Shows system boot time |
whoami | Shows the own user name |
whois [HOST] | Get whois information |
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Then, please donate via PayPal in order to help keeping its content free - each amount is welcome!
df -h
du -ah [PATH]
fdisk -l
gzip -d [FILE]
gzip -k [FILE]
tar cf [TARGET] [FILES]
tar czf [TARGET] [FILES]
tar xf [FILE]
chmod [RIGHTS] [FILE]
chown [USER] [FILE]
chown [USER]:[GROUP] [FILE]
> [FILE]
cat [FILE]
cat [SOURCE] >> [TARGET]
gpg -c [FILE]
gpg -d [FILE]
head [FILE]
less [FILE]
ln -s [TARGET] [NAME]
more [FILE]
rm [FILE]
tail [FILE]
touch [FILE]
wc [FILE]
badblocks -s /dev/[DEVICE]
cat /proc/cpuinfo
dmidecode --dump-bin [FILE]
dmidecode --from-dump [FILE]
free -h
hdparm -g /dev/[DEVICE]
hdparm -i /dev/[DEVICE]
hdparm -tT /dev/[DEVICE]
lspci -tv
lspci -v
lsusb -tv
lsusb -v
cd ..
cd ~
dig [HOST] ANY
ip addr
ip route
ping [HOST]
ss -ap
traceroute -I [HOST]
whois [HOST]
kill [PID]
killall [NAME]
pkill [NAME]
pmap [PID]
ps -aux
find [PATH] -name [EXPRESSION]
grep -Hnir [TERM] [DIRECTORY]
grep -i [TERM] [FILE]
locate [TERM]
ls -la
date -R
date -u
hostname -i
last reboot
uname -a
uptime -p
uptime -s
cat /etc/group
cat /etc/passwd
groupadd [GROUP]
groupdel [GROUP]
id -un
id [USER]
useradd [USER]
userdel [USER]
usermod -aG [GROUP] [USER]
who -b
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