Filename Extensions

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Letter F

FParadox file
FFreeze compressed file archive
FFortran language source code file (fixed form)
F01Fax (perfectfax)
F06Dos screen text font - height 6 pixels (
F07Dos screen text font - height 7 pixels (
F08Dos screen text font - height 8 pixels (
F09Dos screen text font - height 9 pixels (
F10Dos screen text font - height 10 pixels (
F11Dos screen text font - height 11 pixels (
F12Dos screen text font - height 12 pixels (
F13Dos screen text font - height 13 pixels (
F14Dos screen text font - height 14 pixels (
F16Dos screen text font - height 16 pixels (
F2F-Prot configuration file
F2RMusic (Farandole Linear Module format)
F3RMusic (Farandole blocked linear module format)
F77Fortran 77 language source code file
F90Fortran 90 language source code file (free form)
F96Fax (Frecom FAX96)
FACUNIX Faceserver bitmap image (Usenix FACE)
FACEUNIX Faceserver bitmap image (Usenix FACE)
FALBitmap graphics (image header information) (Q0 format)
FAMParadox file
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
FARMusic (Farandole Composer Module)
FARFarandoleComposer Mod music file
FASMacsyma compiled program
FAVMS Outlook FAVorites shortcut
FAXFax (generic Group 3 1bit encoded data) (most Fax programs)
FBBackup file made by Novell (DR)Dos' FastBack Express (fbx.exe)
FB?FastBack Plus file
FBKNavison Financials backup
FBKT-Online KIT-Decoder cache file
FBMFuzzy BitMap
FCHarvard Graphics 2.0 spell checking dictionary
FCDFastCad or EasyCad image
FCLCyberAudioLibrary link
FCLScript (FirstClass)
FCMBinary file patch file (forward compression) (
FCPFirstClass parameter file
FDMS Fortran declaration file
FDDataFlex field offsets for compiler
FDFront Door resource file
FDBNavison Financials database
FDFAdobe Acrobat forms document, see also .PDF
FDLParadox file
FDWForm (F3 Design and Mapping)
FEBWordPerfect for Win figure editor button bar
FEIGeoworks Fatal Error Infotable
FEMCADRE Finite Elements Mesh file
FFIntelligont FIAS format
FFAgfa Compugraphics outline font description
FFAFastFind file
FFFFax (defFax)
FFFGUS PnP bank file format
FFIAtech FastFont (AllType)
FFIVWASCII File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds (VRML)
FFLFastFind file
FFOFastFind file
FFTText file (IBM DCA/FFT Final Form Text - DisplayWrite)
FFTFast Fourier Transform analysis data
FFXFastFind file
FH?Aldus Freehand Vectorgrafik (?=Versionsnummer)
FH3Aldus FreeHand 3.x vector image
FH4Aldus FreeHand 4.x vector image
FIMS Fortran Interface file
FIFFractal Image File. New image format, small size
FIFAltamira Genuine Pixels 1.0 compressed format
FIFFractal Image Format
FIGTransFIG image format
FIGLinker options (Lahey Fortran)
FILWordPerfect overlay
FILFile listing
FILFile template (Application Generator)
FILFiles list object file (dBASE Application Generator)
FILPC-Tools Mirror file
FINPrint-formatted text file (Perfect Writer/Scribble/MINCE)
FIOImage PALS viewer DLL
FIOAldus PhotoStyler graphics filter
FITGraphics and data (Flexible Image Transport System)
FITFile Index Table (Windows NT)
FITSFlexible Image Transport System, see .FIT
FIXPatch file
FKTWinFunktion formula file
FKYFoxPro macro file
FLSound (Floating format) (hardware dependent, not transportable)
FLMailbox filelist (Crosspoint)
FLAEditable Macromedia Flash Movie
FLBPapyrus Format LiBrary
FLBFormat library
FLCAnimation (Autodesk Animator pro / FLIC)
FLDCharisma folder
FLFFirehand Technologies Firehand Lightening picture presentation file (slide-show)
FLFCorel Paradox delivered form
FLFNavison Financials license file
FLIAnimation (Autodesk Animator pro / FLIC)
FLITex font library (EmTeX)
FLLFoxPro library
FLMImage file
FLMFilm Roll (AutoCAD/AutoShade)
FLOFido send file
FLTImport FiLTer (=dll) (Aldus/Micrografx Picture Publisher/MS Word)
FLTAutodesk Animator animation
FLTMultiGen FLighT
FLTOpenFlight file
FLTGraphics FiLTer (Asymetrix ToolBook/Corel)
FLTFilter file (Micrografx Picture Publisher)
FLXAnimation format
FLXDataFlex compiled binary
FLXDatabase (Flexstor format)
FLXCompilat (DataFlex)
FMFileMaker Pro database
FM1Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.x)
FM3Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 release 3.x)
FM3Harvard Graphics 3.0 device driver
FMBOracle binary source code for form
FMBWordPerfect for Win File Manager Button bar
FMFIBM LinkWay font or icon file
FMKFortran PowerStation makefile
FMLFile Mirror List (GetRight)
FMOdBASE IV compiled format file
FMTMS Schedule+ print file
FMTFast loading format (TeX)
FMTFormat file (dBASE IV/FoxPro/Clipper 5/dBFast/Gate3)
FMTSprint style sheet
FMTOracle text format of form
FMVFull Motion Video file
FMXOracle executable form
FN3Harvard Graphics 3.0 font file
FNDSaved search W95
FNGFont group file (Font Navigator)
FNKFunkTracker music
FNTFoNT file (many)
FNXExact inactive font
FO1Borland Turbo C font file
FO2Borland Turbo C font file
FOCFocus file
FOGFontographer database file
FOL1st Reader folder of saved messages
FONBitmap FONt with fixed size (many - Windows 3.x font library)
FONProcomm Plus log of all calls
FONPhonebook (Terminate/Terminator/Telix)
FONTFont data
FOPFreedom of Press bitmap image
FORFORtran source code
FORWindowBase form
FOTTruetype font styles file belonging to .TTF, used in Windows 3.x
FOXFoxbase executable (precompiled .prg)
FPFoxPro configuration file
FPFileMaker Pro data
FP1Flying Pigs for Windows game data
FP3Filemaker Pro 3.0 database
FPCFoxPro Catalog
FPDTMT Pascal compiled unit
FPQFoxPro queries
FPTFoxPro memo field tables
FPWFloorPLAN plus for Windows drawing
FPXKodak FlashPiX bitmap image
FR3Renamed dBASE III+ form file
FREFREnch documentation
FRFFontMonger font database file
FRGdBASE IV uncompiled report file
FRLGP-Forth library
FRMVisual Basic source file belonging to a FoRM
FRMFrame Stacks
FRMForm Letter in WordPerfect
FRMOrder or registration FoRM (textfile)
FRMFractint FoRMula
FRMReport file (dBASE IV/Clipper 5/dBFast)
FRMText form
FROdBASE IV compiled report file
FROCompiled report file PR: DBASE IV
FRPForm (PerForm PRO Plus/FormFlow)
FRSWordPerfect for Win screen font resource
FRTFoxPro additional (FPT) report description file
FRTGP-Forth language source code file
FRXBinair file belonging to Visual Basic .FRM
FRXFoxPro Main (DBF) report description file
FSBitmap image (Usenix FaceServer file)
FS4Flugsimulator 4.0 data file
FSLCorel Paradox saved form
FSLDynamic link library
FSMFarandole Composer WaveSample music format
FSPfPrint Audit Tool file format
FSTdBFast linkable program
FSXLotus 1-2-3 data
FTLotus Notes Full Test index
FTFile Transfer Konfiguration
FTDModem driver for MS-Works
FTGWindows Help full text search group file
FTLParadox temporary formular
FTMMicrografx font file
FTNFortran language source code file (fixed form)
FTPConfiguration (FTP Software PC/TCP)
FTPFTP Voyager document
FTSGraphics and data (Flexible Image Transport System), see .FIT
FTSWindows Help Full Text Search index
FULKomplettes Backup
FWFrameWork database
FW2FrameWork II database
FW3FrameWork III database
FXFastLynx online guide
FXDFAXit phonebook
FXDWinFax file
FXPFoxPro executable precompiled .prg
FXRWinFax file
FXSWinFax fax Transmit Format graphics
FZBCasio FZ-1 Bank dump
FZFCasio FZ-1 Full dump
FZPDye Sub printing support file (Fargo Primera colour printer)
FZVCasio FZ-1 Voice dump

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