Filename Extensions

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Letter A

A##Part of a ARJ-archiv file
AADA Quelltext
AAssembler source
AObject library
A0?ARJ multiple disk archive, disk 2, etc.
A11AIIM image
A31Authorware 3.x library
A3MUnpackaged file (Authorware for Macintosh)
A3WUnpackaged file (Authorware for Windows)
A41Authorware 4.x library
A4MUnpackaged file (Authorware for Macintosh)
A4PPackage without runtime (Authorware)
A4WUnpackaged file (Authorware for Windows)
A51Authorware 5.x library
A5WUnpackaged file (Authorware for Windows)
A8Cubicomp PictureMaker alpha channel image data (24bit 3D animation)
A86A86 assembly language source code file
AACHomeboy reference (music)
AAMAuthorware Shocked file
AASAuthorware Shocked packet
AB6ABStat datafile
AB8ABStat datafile
ABCABC FlowCharter 1.0 document
ABCABC programming language general filename extension
ABCAthena 16 addressbook
ABCMusical notation language file (folk melodies)
ABFAdobe Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format (Adobe screen fonts)
ABKAvigo backup
ABKCorelDraw automatic backup
ABMAlbum file (Image PALS, PhotoPlus)
ABRAdobe Photoshop Brush
ABSAbscissa data file
ABSAbstracts (info file)
AC$Spooled plot file (AutoCAD AutoSpool)
ACAProject Manager Workbench project
ACADAutoCAD database file
ACBACMB graphics
ACBCompressed file archive
ACCProgram (DR-DOS - ViewMax) (GEM / resident)
ACDAudio (Sonic Foundry ACID bundle file)
ACFAdobe Custom Filter for PhotoShop
ACLCorel Draw 6 keyboard Accelerator
ACMAudio Compression Module add-on to MSACM.DRV Windows driver
ACMGraphics file (ACMB format)
ACMBGraphics file (ACMB format)
ACOAdobe color palette
ACPCompressed file archive (ACB)
ACPMS Office Assistant preview file
ACRBitmap image (American Collage of Radiology ACR-NEMA medical image file)
ACTAction! presentation
ACTActor source code file (Graphics cell) (Animation Works)
ACTAdobe Photoshop color table
ACTFoxPro Foxdoc Action Diagrams
ACTMS Office Assistant Actor
ACVAdobe Photoshop colour curves file
ACVCompress and decompress audio data (OS/2 driver)
ADAfterDark screensaver
AD2ADPCM 2-bit compressed voice file (ZFAX)
AD3ADPCM 3-bit compressed voice file (ZFAX)
ADAAda source code
ADBAda Package Body
ADBAppointment DataBase (HP 100LX organizer)
ADCBitmap / 16 colors (Scanstudio)
ADCLingvo dictionary
ADCScanstudio bitmap image
ADCSound (TI/MIT ADC format)
ADDAdapter Device Driver (OS/2)
ADDCompressed drive (SuperStor)
ADEXADEX Corp. bitmap image
adfAdapter Description File (IBM)
ADFAdmin Config file
ADFAdministration configuration file
ADFAmiga Disk File
ADFPS/2 Microchannel adapter description file
ADFPS/2 Microchannel-Systemerweiterungstreiber
ADIAutoCAD Device-Independent binary plotter format
ADLMicroChannel Adapter Description Library file
ADMADMinistrator policy template (Windows NT)
ADMAfter Dark MultiModule screensaver
ADMSCSI driver?
ADNLotus 123 Add-In
ADOAdobe PhotoShop Duotone
ADPAstound Dynamite file
ADPFaxWorks setup file for fax modem interaction
ADPCMSound (Intel/DVI Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation format)
ADRAfter Dark Randomizer screensaver
ADRSmart Address ADdRess book
ADSAda Package Specification
ADTAdTech fax
ADTHP NewWave datafile for cardfile application
ADTLingvo dictionary
ADVGUS device driver (
ADXAproach index file
ADXArchetype Designer document
ADXLotus Approach dBASE index
AEXAlpha linked executable file
AEXPGP armored extracted public key
AEXPKPGP armored extracted public key
AF2ABC FlowCharter 2.0 flowchart
AF3ABC FlowCharter 3.0 flowchart
AFCApple sound
AFITruevision bitmap image
AFLFonts for Allways (Lotus)
AFLLotus Allways font file
AFLRubberFlex animation (AnimaFlex)
AFMAdobe Font Metrics
AFMHP NewWave datafile for cardfile application
AFMPostscript Font Metrics (Adobe)
AFPABC FlowCharter shape palette
AFTABC FlowCharter 3.0 template
AFWABC FlowCharter 3.0 workspace
AGLotus AGenda File
AGFAtlas geo file (ESRI GIS & Mapping software)
AGNPsion Series 3 Agenda
AHNAhnentafel der Databecker Familienchronik
AIAdobe Illustrator vector image, subset of .EPS. Also used by Corel-TRACE
AIFADW Knowledge Ware setup information
AIFAudio Interchange File Format from Apple/SGI, see AIFF
AIFEPOC Application Information File
AIFCAudio Interchange File Format with Compression (AIFF-C) sound from Apple/SGI
AIFFAudio Interchange File Format from Apple/SGI
AIMAOL Instant Message launch
AIMAsm Text Mode Image File (The Ultimate Draw)
AINAin compressed file archive
AIOAPL file transfer format file
AIPAdobe Illustrator Extension, Tool or Filter
AIPAudiosoft parameter file
AIRAutomatic Image Registration
AISACDSee Image Sequence
AISVelvet Studio Instruments
AISXerox graphics (Array of Intensity Samples)
AIXHP NewWave datafile for cardfile application
AKWA-KeyWords (RoboHELP Help project Index Designer)
ALAlarme for Plug-In
ALALAW format sound
ALAWALAW format sound
ALBBackup for Plug-In Alarme
ALBJASC Image Commander graphics Album
ALIASALiaS bitmap image (24bit RGB RLE), see .ALS
ALLAlways format file for working pages
ALLArts & Letters Library (Symbol and font files)
ALLFRQView filelist of all files
ALLLotus 1-2-3 document
ALLWordPerfect general printer info
ALLWordPerfect printer driver
ALOAlmanac support file
ALPHABitmap image (raw alpha bytes)
ALSBitmap image (24bit RLE) (Alias/Vivid RayTracer)
ALTWordPerfect menu file
AMCAdvanced MP3 Catalog file
AMFAdvanced Module Format music
AMGActor system image file
AMGAMGC compressed file archive
AMSAdobe Monitor Setup calibration file for PhotoShop
AMSVelvert Studio MOD MUSIC
AMZSavegame extension for 'The Game of the Amazons'
ANCList of pattern colors (Canon Computer Pattern Maker)
ANINeoChrome movie
ANIWindows 95/NT animated cursor
ANMANiMation from DeluxePaint, often used on Amiga
ANNHelp notes
ANNWindows 3.x help ANNotations
ANNWindows print manager file
ANTSimAnt saved game data
AOLAmerica On-Line related file
AOSInstallable program (Nokia Communicator add-on software)
APDatalex EntryPoint 90 datafile
APWhap compressed Amiga file archive
APCLotus printer driver characters
APDAldus PageMaker Printer description
APDLotus printer driver
APFLotus printer driver fonts
API1st Reader passed parameter file
APIAdobe Acrobat Application Program Interface file
APIAdobe Printer Ink file for PhotoShop
APILotus printer driver
APLManugraphics APL products work space
APPAPPlication object file by dBASE Application Generator
APPApplikation (GEM)
appApplikation (NeXTstep)
APPExecutable APPlication file (DR-DOS/NeXTstep/Atari/EPOC)
APPFoxPro generated APPlication
APPSymphony add-in APPlication
APREmployee Appraiser performance review
APRLotus APpRoach view
APSMS Visual C++ data
APTLotus Approach data and views
APXBorland C++ APpeXpert database
APXLotus Approach-specific Paradox information
AQLAmerica On-line for Windows DLL
ARCMS Schedule+ 1.0 file
ARFAutomatic Response File
ARHArchivers definitions file (DN)
ARIARI compressed file archive
ARIAristotle audio
ARJRobert Jung's ARJ compressed file archive
ARKARC archive (CP/M port of ARC file archiver)
ARKManaging your Money achive
ARKQUARK compressed file archive
ARRAmber ARR bitmap image
ARRArrangement (Cubase)
ARRAtari Cubase ARRangement
ARTAmerica Online image
ARTAnother Ray Tracer image
ARTPFS: First Publisher image
ARTRasterfile Graphic (Art Director)
ARTVort image
ARTXara Studio image
ARXCompressed archive
ASAudioSoft file
ASAMS Visual InterDev data
ASCAutodesk 3D Studio 3D object, saved as ASCII
ASCPGP (Pretty Good Privacy) transport armored file
ASDAdvanced Streaming format (ASF) Description file
ASDAstound presentation
ASDLotus screen driver
ASDWord for Windows autosave file
ASEVelvet Studio sample
ASFLotus screen font
ASHTASM ASsembly Header
ASITurbo/Borland C++ ASsembler Include file
ASICASIC language source code file
ASKAskSam for Windows Datenbank
ASMASseMbler source
ASOAstound Dynamite Objects
ASOTurbo Assembler ASsembler Object
ASPActive Server Pages: dynamic HTML page
ASPASP (Association of Shareware Professionals) text
ASPProcomm Plus ASPect language script file
ASTAdobe color Separtion Table for PhotoShop
ASTAstound multimedia file
ASTClaris Works assistant file
ASXAudio (Video?) (Advanced Streaming Redirector File)
ASXCheyenne Backup script
AT2Aldus Persuasion 2.0 Auto Template
ATKBitmap image (Andrew Toolkit Raster Object file)
ATMAdobe Type Manager related file
ATMTerraGen atmosphere
ATMSPHRTerraGen atmosphere
ATTAT&T Group 4 bitmap graphics
ATTWays AutoType word list
ATWPersonal data (AnyTime Deluxe for Windows screensaver)
AUSound Sun/NeXT/DEC
AUDDatafile from C&C
AUTIPIX automation
AUXChiWriter AUXiliary dictionary
AUXTeX/LaTeX AUXiliary references
AVAAvagio publication
AVBAntiViral Toolkit Pro Bases
AVBUpdate file for AVP Antivirus
AVCAVP (virus scanner) antiviral database
AVIVideo file / RIFF (Video for Windows)
AVRAudio Visual Research sound
AVSApplication Visualization System animation
AVSStardent AVS X bitmap image
AVTAvatar-coding files (A3E)
AWHP AdvanceWrite document
AWAAnimation Works Accelerated movie
AWDAward BIOS file
AWDAWK language source code file
AWDFaxdocument (FaxView - Microsoft Fax At Work)
AWMAnimation Works Movie
AWRTelsis digitally stored audio
AWXCustom application wizard
AXModula-3 linker information for libraries
AYSAY Paste 'Paste' file
AYUAY-Paste Uninstall information

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