Filename Extensions

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L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1-9, #$?

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Letter K

K##DataFlex index file
K3DDescription of macro language (3DS)
KARKARaoke (MIDI music with word track)
KARPrecompiled .prg for KARAT (Rus. FOX+ 2.0)
KBBorland C++ 4.5 KeyBoard script
KBKnowledge Pro program source
KBDKeyBoarD mapping (LocoScript/Signature/Procomm Plus)
KBMReflection 4.0 KeyBoard Mapping
KCLLisp language source code file (Kyoto Common Lisp)
KDCKodak Digital Camera bitmap image (PhotoEnhancer)
KDKBitmap image (Kodak proprietary decimated TIFF format)
KEXKedit Macro
KEYSecurity file eg. registration KEY
KEYArchive .key-file (OS/2)
KEYForecast Pro datafile
KEYKeyboard macros
KEYBoxer Tastenbelegung
KFXKoFaX Group 4 image
KITPower Chords drum kit file
KMLKedit Macro Library
KNNClarion database key file
KORCoordinates file
KPPToolpad (SmartPad)
KPSIbm KIPS bitmap image
KQPBitmap image (Konica Quality Photos)
KRSDepotmaster file
KRZKurzweil K2000 File
KSHUnix shell script (ksh)
KSTFIBU data file
KYBKeyboard mapping (FTP Software PC/TCP)
KYEGame data (Kye)

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