Filename Extensions
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Letter D
Ext. | Description |
D64 | Commodore 64 emulator disk file |
DA0 | Windows registry backup |
DAC | Sound (TI/MIT DAC format) (byte reversed ADC file) |
DAT | Datafile |
DAT | Video CD MPEG movie |
DAT | WordPerfect merge DATa |
DB | Paradox/dbVista/Smartware/XTreeGold DataBase |
DB | dBASE IV/dBFast/MultiEdit configuration |
DB# | Database (dBASE # / from dBASE IV renamed) |
DB$ | dBASE/Modula2 temporary file |
DB2 | dBASE II database |
DB3 | dBASE III database |
DBA | Turbo Prolog/DataEase database |
DBC | Visual FoxPro DataBase Container file |
DBD | Business Insight business data |
DBD | Clarion Modula-2 debug info |
DBF | dBASE/FoxPro/dBFast/DataBoss database |
DBG | DeBuGger script (DOS debug/Watcom debugger) |
DBG | Symbolic DeBuGing information (Ms C/C++) |
DBK | dBASE Database Backup |
DBM | DataEase datafile |
DBM | DataBoss Menu template |
DBO | dBASE IV compiled program |
DBO | Program (dBASE IV / compiled) |
DBQ | Paradox memo |
DBS | Managing Your Money/ProDas/SQL Windows datafile |
DBS | MS Word/Works printer description file |
DBT | dBASE/dBFast memo text for database with same name |
DBT | Clipper database text |
DBT | FoxPro Foxbase+ style memo |
DBT | DBF momo file |
DBW | DataBoss Windows file |
DBX | DataBeam image |
DC5 | DataCAD drawing |
DCA | Visual Basic active designer cache |
DCA | Document Content Architecture text file (IBM DisplayWrite) |
DCF | Disk image file |
dcf | Driver Configuration File |
DCL | Borland Delphi Component Library |
DCM | DICOM/ACR image |
DCP | Data/Device CodePage (OS/2) |
DCR | Shockwave/Macromedia Director data |
DCS | QuarkXPress bitmap image (Quark Desktop Color Separation EPS file) |
DCS | Datafile (ACT! Activity Files) |
DCS | Desktop Color Separation file |
DCT | Dictionary |
DCU | Borland Delphi Compiled Unit |
DCX | ZSoft PC Paintbrush Multi-Page PCX, used as fax |
DD | DiskDoubler compressed Macintosh file archive |
DDB | Bitmap image |
DDE | Dynamic Data Exchange (binary) |
DDF | Data Definition File describing database (Btrieve, Xtrieve) |
DDI | DiskDupe disk image |
DDIF | Bitmap image (DEC DDIF file) |
DDP | OS/2 Device Driver Profile file |
DEB | Debug script (DOS DEBug) |
DEC | DECoded file |
DEF | Linker DEFinition file, used in programming environments |
DEF | Assembly header file (Geoworks Esp) |
DEF | SmartWare II data |
DEF | Defaults/Definitions |
DEFI | Oracle 7 de-install script |
DEM | VistaPro DEM image |
DEM | USGS & GTopo30 3D file |
DEM | Demonstration |
dem | Demonstration |
DEP | Visual Basic setup wizard DEPendency file |
DER | Internet security certificate |
DES | Description file |
DESC | Description file |
DEV | Device driver |
DEWF | Macintosh SoundCap/SoundEdit instrument |
DF | NCSA bitmap image (Hierarchical Data File) |
DFD | Prosa Data Flow Diagram graphic |
DFD | Dyadic functions (ABC programming language) |
DFI | Digifont outline font description |
DFL | Default program settings (Signature) |
DFM | Prosa Data Flow Diagram model file |
DFM | Borland Delphi/C++ Builder form file |
DFS | Delight sound file |
DFV | MS Word printing form |
DFX | AutoCAD 3D/ CAD graphics |
DFX | Micrografx effects (=DLL) |
DGN | MicroStation CAD vector drawing |
DGS | Diagnostics |
DH | Geoworks dependency information for .ph |
DHP | Dr. Halo bitmap image |
DHT | Gauss data file |
DIA | Diagraph graphics (Computer Support Corporation) |
DIB | OS/2 or Windows bitmap image (Device Independent Bitmap) |
DIC | Dictionary file |
DIF | Visicalc database (Data Interchange Format) |
DIF | Difference data file (Patch script) |
DIF | OS/2 Display Information File |
DIF | Video |
DIFF | DIFFerence data file (Patch script) |
DIG | Sound Designer I audio |
DIL | Lotus library for graphic import (Approach) |
DIP | Debug Info Processor (Watcom Debugger) |
DIR | CPS Backup/VAX DIRectory file |
DIR | Procomm Plus dialing DIRectory file |
DIR | MacroMind Director 4.x movie format |
DIR | Catalog file (CP Backup) |
DIR | Telephone directory |
DIR | Directory for dbm files |
DIS | DKB & Qrt Ray-Tracer |
DIS | VAX Mail DIStribution list |
DIS | CorelDraw thesaurus |
DIZ | Mostly as 'File_id.diz' a small description of a program (description in Zip) |
DJVU | DjVu image |
DKB | DKB-Trace Raytraced image |
DL | Display/DL Viewer animation |
DL | Animation (DL-View) |
DLD | Lotus 1-2-3 data |
DLG | U.S. Geological Survey Digital Line Graph vector image (geographical data) |
DLG | Windows SDK DiaLoG editor data |
DLG | DiaLoG resources (DN) |
DLL | Windows or OS/2 Dynamic Link Library |
DLM | FileMaker Pro data |
DLS | Downloadable sound |
DLS | Norton Disklock setup |
DMD | Visual dBASE data module |
DMD | Devicemanager |
DMF | Delusion Digital Music File |
DMF | Mod music file from X-Tracker |
DMO | Demo |
DMP | DuMP file (eg. screen or memory) |
DMS | Compressed Amiga file archive (DiskMasher) |
DMS | Disk archiver file |
DN1 | Duke Nukem 1 data file |
DOB | Visual Basic user document form file |
DOC | Document file |
DOG | Screen file (Laughing Dog Screen Maker) |
DOH | Geoworks dependency information for .poh |
DOK | DOKument, chances are it's a plain text file |
DOS | DOS related file (Win95) |
DOS | 1st Reader external command file |
DOT | MS Word DOcument Template |
DOT | CorelDraw line-type definition file |
DOV | Programmteil von PCTools |
DOX | Visual Basic user document binary form file |
DOX | MultiMate 4.0/MS Word text document |
DOZ | Description Out of Zip (VENDINFO) |
DP | Daily Planner calendar file |
DP | DataPhile data file |
DP | Primary data file (THOR database) |
DP | Common ground document |
DPD | Dyadic predicates (ABC programming language) |
DPJ | Borland Delphi project |
DPL | Borland Delphi packed library |
DPR | Borland C++/Delphi default project and state-related information |
DPS | Color file |
DPX | Digital moving Picture eXchange bitmap |
DRAW | Vector image (Acorn's object-based format) |
DRF | Micrografx-Draw vector file |
DRS | WordPerfect for Win Display ReSource |
DRV | Hardware DRiVer |
DRW | Lotus Freelance image |
DS | TWAIN Data Source (=DLL) |
DS4 | Micrografx Designer vector image |
DSA | PKCS7 signature, DSA |
DSC | SoftImage SCene file |
DSC | DeSCription file |
DSC | Oracle DiSCard file |
DSD | DataShaper database |
DSF | Delusion Digital Sound File |
DSF | Micrograpf Designer document |
DSG | 'DOOM' savegame |
DSK | Novell NetWare disk drivers |
DSK | Borland C++ project DeSKtop |
DSL | DSSSL Style Sheet |
DSL | X-Tracker Sample Bibliothek |
DSM | DSI Digital Sound Module |
DSM | MS Developer Studio macro |
DSN | ODBC Data Source |
DSN | DeSigN (Object System Designer) |
DSP | DLL used by Norton viewer |
DSP | DiSPlay parameters (Signature) |
DSP | Dynamic Studio Professional Module |
DSP | Dr. Halo graphics DiSPlay driver |
DSP | MS Developer Studio |
DSQ | Corel query file |
DSR | Visual Basic active DeSigneR file |
DSR | WordPerfect for Win driver resource |
DSS | Screensaver file (DCC) |
DSS | Digital Soup Sound |
DST | Embroidery machines graphics data |
DST | WAIN (Scanner spec) data source DLL (Win) |
DSW | Borland C++/MS Developer Studio project workspace |
DSX | Visual Basic active designer binary file |
DT_ | Data fork of a Macintosh file (Mac-ette) |
DTA | Datafile |
DTB | UnInstaller internal database file |
DTD | Document Type Definition (SGML data) |
DTED | Digital Terrain Elevation Data (geographical data format) |
DTF | Q&A/PFS database file |
DTM | DigiTrakker Module |
DTP | PageMagic/Publish-It!/Publisher3 publication |
DTP | Dokument von Press International, 1st Press oder Timeworks Publisher |
DTX | Q&A file |
DUN | Dial-up networking export file |
DUP | Backup file (DUPlicate) |
DV | Video |
DV | Desqview Scriptfile |
DVC | Lotus 1-2-3 data |
DVG | GraphikWorks vector image |
DVI | TeX DeVice Independent text document |
DVP | AutoCAD DeVice Parameter file |
DVP | DESQview program information file |
DVP | AutoCAD device parameter file |
DVP | Desqview configuration file |
dvr | Device Driver |
DW2 | DesignCAD for Windows drawing |
DWB | Coryphaeus Software Designer workbench |
DWC | DWC compressed file archive |
DWC | Archiv (DWC - Dean W. Cooper's Packer) |
DWD | DiamondWare digitized sound |
DWF | CAD programs vector image |
DWG | AutoCAD/Drafix vector image |
DX | Text file (DEC WPS/DX format - DEC WPS Plus) |
DX | Cross-reference data (THOR database) |
DX | Data explorer document |
DXB | AutoCAD drawing binary exchange format (vector) |
dxb | Drawing Interchange Binary (AutoCAD) |
DXN | Fujitsu dexNET fax |
DXR | Macromedia Director protected (non-editable) movie |
DY22 | Sound (Dyaxis format) (sampling rate 22k) |
DY44 | Sound (Dyaxis format) (sampling rate 44k) |
DYL | EPOC16 dynamic link library |
DYN | Lotus 1-2-3 data |
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