Filename Extensions
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Letter T
Ext. | Description |
T | Paradox file |
T | Tads source |
T | Tape Archive without compression |
T | Tester symbol table (ReaGeniX code generator) |
T | Unformatted manual page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff) |
T44 | dBASE IV temporary file for sort or index |
T64 | Commodore 64 emulator tape file (C64S emulator) |
T65 | PageMaker template |
TAAC | Sun TAAC bitmap image |
TAB | TAB separated file |
TAB | Colour lookup table (CMYK image) (Stork format) |
TAB | V2K table file |
TAG | DataFlex query tag name |
TAG | Textadventure Generator game source file |
TAH | Borland Turbo Assembler help file |
TAL | TypeAlign text illustration |
TALK | Text to speech |
TAP | TAPe file (ZX Spectrum emulator) |
TAR | TAR compressed archive file (Tape archive) |
TARGA | Truevision TarGA bitmap image |
TAV | Turbo Antivirus checksum file |
TAZ | TAR file compressed in Z format |
TB1 | Borland Turbo C font file |
TB2 | Borland Turbo C font file |
TBF | Fax (Imavox TurboFax) |
TBK | dBase IV memo backup |
TBK | Asymetrix ToolBook file |
TBK | Fox Pro memo backup |
TBL | Table file |
TBL | Dynamic link library |
TBR | Norton Desktop custom toolbar |
TBS | German MS Word text elements (TextBauSteine) |
TBX | Project Scheduler 4 table |
TBX | TBBX Offline-Reader data file |
TC | Turbo C configuration file |
TC | Termcap |
TC | Borland C++ configuration file |
TCH | Turbo C help file |
TCH | Borland C++ help file |
TCL | Tcl/Tk (Tool Command Language) script source code |
TCO | T9000 object modules |
TCSH | Unix shell script (tcsh) |
TCW | TurboCAD for Windows drawing |
TD | Turbo Debugger for DOS configuration file |
TD0 | Teledisk disk image (compressed diskette in a file) |
TD2 | Turbo Debugger for Win32 configuration file |
TDB | TACT database |
TDDD | Imagine object file format |
TDF | Speedo typeface definition file |
TDF | TheDraw font |
TDF | Trace Definition File |
TDH | Borland C++ Turbo Debugger help file |
TDI | TDI Explore & Alias Wavefront image |
TDK | Borland C++ Turbo Debugger keystroke recording file |
TDR | Contents of Arvid tape |
TDS | Borland C++ Turbo Debugger symbol table |
TDW | Borland C++ Builder Turbo Debugger for Windows configuration file |
TEF | Fax (Relisys TEFAX) |
TEL | Telnet host file |
TEL | PC Tools phonebook file |
TEM | IconAuthor input template |
TEM | Borland C++ Turbo Editor macro language script |
TEM | Icon Author template file |
TER | TerraGen Terrain file (landscape renderer) |
TERRAIN | TerraGen Terrain file (landscape renderer) |
TEN | Game highscore file (top TEN) |
TET | DN Tetris game results |
TEX | LaTeX text |
TEX | Paint Shop Pro texture file |
TEX | Idealist datasheet |
TEX | Scientific Word text document |
TEX | TeX text document |
TEXT | Raw TEXT file |
TF | Turbo Profiler configuration |
TF | TinyFugue MUD client macro |
TFA | Turbo Profiler area file |
TFC | Tobi's Floppy Cataloguer catalogue file |
TFH | Borland C++ Turbo Profiler help file |
TFM | Intellifont tagged font metric file |
TFM | TeX tagged font metric file |
TFS | Borland C++ Turbo Profiler statistical information |
TG | Technical guidance (NRC Inspection Manual) |
TG1 | On Target project file |
TGA | Truevision Targa bitmap image |
TGT | Fax data file |
TGW | TerraGen World (landscape renderer) |
TGWORLD | TerraGen World (landscape renderer) |
TGZ | TAR file compressed in GZ format |
THB | Bitmap image file |
THEME | Windows 9x desktop theme |
THM | Picture Publisher thumbnail bitmap image |
THM | PhotoMagic thumbnail bitmap image |
THN | Graphics Workshop thumbnail file |
THOR | THOR database description |
THS | WordPerfect thesaurus dictionary |
THX | Amiga THX Tracker music |
TI | Temporary Instruction (NRC Inspection Manual) |
TIC | FTN special file with associated file description (ALLFIX) |
TIC | Fido-Tick information file |
TIF | Tagged Image File Format bitmap image file |
TIG | Tiger file (US government distributed maps) |
TIL | Togai InfraLogic Fuzzy-C Compiler logic knowledge base |
TIM | Sony PlayStation bitmap image |
TIM | Tagged Image File Format bitmap image file |
TIM | The Incredible Maschine game data file |
TIS | MahJongg 3.0 tile set |
TJL | VAXTPU Editor backup file |
TL? | TimeLine file |
TLB | Remote Automation TypeLiB files |
TLB | Visual C++ OLE Type library |
TLB | Bubble Chamber reference table |
TLB | Text library (VAX) |
TLC | Geoworks Swat compiled tool command language source code |
TLD | Teledisk disk image |
TLP | TimeLine project |
TM | Bitmap image (EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file) |
TM | PCTools scheduler file |
TMD | Lotus TvMap Document |
TMF | WordPerfect tagged font metric file |
TMO | Zortech C++ ZTG global optimizer default output file |
TMP | Temporary file |
TMS | Telemate compiled script |
TMS | Telemate script file |
TNY | Tiny bitmap image |
TOC | TeX table of contents (index file) |
TOK | Borland C++ 4.x external tokens |
TOS | Self-extracting file archive |
TOS | Atari Programm |
TP | Turbo Pascal configuration |
TP | Turbo Profiler session-state file |
TP3 | Harvard Graphics 3.0 template |
TPB | Downloadable PCL Soft font file backup (HiJaak) |
TPF | Downloadable PCL Soft font file (HiJaak) |
TPH | Turbo Pascal help file |
TPI | Turbo Pascal image file |
TPL | Ulead iPhoto Express TemPLate |
TPL | Turbo Pascal resident units library |
TPL | Harvard Graphics template file |
TPL | GoldEd template file |
TPL | ITrack template file |
TPP | Borland Pascal 7.0 protected mode units |
TPU | Enable Teleprocessing |
TPU | VAXTPU editor command file |
TPU | Turbo Pascal Unit (BGI) |
TPW | Turbo/Borland Pascal unit (Windows library) |
TPW | Borland C++ Turbo Profiler for Windows session-state file |
TPZ | TAR compressed file archive |
TPZ | GNUzip compressed file archive |
TR | TomeRaider database |
TR | Turbo Debugger for DOS session-state settings |
TR | Unformatted manual page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff) |
TR2 | Turbo Debugger for Win32 session-state settings |
TRC | Power CTrace debug support file |
TRE | PC-Tools directory tree file |
TREEINFONCD | Norton Commander Directory tree |
TRI | Alias triangle file |
TRIF | Bitmap image (Tiled Raster Interchange Format) |
TRK | Track file (i.e. video sequence) used by many games |
TRK | 4D Sports Driving track file |
TRM | Windows 3.x Terminal configuration settings |
TRN | Quattro translation support file |
TRN | Clarion translation support file |
TRS | Micrografx executable file |
TRU | True Basic source |
TRW | Turbo Debugger for Windows session-state settings |
TSK | Background-Task-Modul |
TSM | Turbo Assembler for OS/2 manual |
TSP | Windows Telephony Service Provider |
TSQ | ODBC script |
TST | WordPerfect for Win printer test file |
TSV | Tab separated values file |
TTF | TrueType font file |
TTR | TrueType Font |
TUB | Paint Shop Pro 5 picturetube, a multi-celled picture |
TUD | The Ultimate Draw document |
TUT | Tutorial file |
TV | Paradox table view settings |
TV1 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file above insert point in Doc 1 |
TV2 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file above insert point in Doc 2 |
TV3 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file above insert point in Doc 3 |
TV4 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file above insert point in Doc 4 |
TV5 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file above insert point in Doc 5 |
TV6 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file above insert point in Doc 6 |
TV7 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file above insert point in Doc 7 |
TV8 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file above insert point in Doc 8 |
TV9 | WordPerfect for Win overflow file above insert point in Doc 9 |
TVF | dBASE table view settings |
TVR | Borland Turbo Vision resource file |
TWF | TabWorks data |
TWW | Tagwrite template |
TX8 | 8-bit ASCII text |
TXF | TAR.F compressed file archive (TAR and Freeze) |
TXI | TeX support file |
TXR | CorelDraw texture file |
TXT | Text file |
TXT | DisplayWrite document |
TXT | Word for DOS text file |
TXW | Yamaha TX-16W Wave File |
TYM | PageMaker 4 time stamp |
TZ | TAR.Z compressed file archive (TAR and Compress) |
TZB | TAR.Z.btoa compressed file archive (TAR - Compress - Btoa) |
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