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Port | Service Name | Protocol | Description | Comment |
512 | exec | TCP | remote process execution; authentication performed using passwords and UNIX login names | |
512 | biff | UDP | used by mail system to notify users of new mail received; currently receives messages only from processes on the same machine | |
513 | login | TCP | remote login a la telnet; automatic authentication performed based on priviledged port numbers and distributed data bases which identify "authentication domains" | |
513 | who | UDP | maintains data bases showing who's logged in to machines on a local net and the load average of the machine | |
514 | shell | TCP | cmd like exec, but automatic authentication is performed as for login server | |
514 | syslog | UDP | Reference: [RFC5426] Modified: 2020-06-01 | |
515 | printer | TCP/UDP | spooler | |
516 | videotex | TCP/UDP | videotex | |
517 | talk | TCP/UDP | like tenex link, but across machine - unfortunately, doesn't use link protocol (this is actually just a rendezvous port from which a tcp connection is established) | |
519 | utime | TCP/UDP | unixtime | |
520 | efs | TCP | extended file name server | |
520 | router | UDP | local routing process (on site); uses variant of Xerox NS routing information protocol - RIP | |
521 | ripng | TCP/UDP | ripng | |
522 | ulp | TCP/UDP | ULP | |
523 | ibm-db2 | TCP/UDP | IBM-DB2 | |
524 | ncp | TCP/UDP | NCP | |
525 | timed | TCP/UDP | timeserver | |
526 | tempo | TCP/UDP | newdate | |
527 | stx | TCP/UDP | Stock IXChange | Modified: 2022-01-25 |
528 | custix | TCP/UDP | Customer IXChange | Modified: 2022-01-25 |
529 | irc-serv | TCP/UDP | IRC-SERV | |
530 | courier | TCP/UDP | rpc | |
531 | conference | TCP/UDP | chat | |
532 | netnews | TCP/UDP | readnews | |
533 | netwall | TCP/UDP | for emergency broadcasts | |
534 | windream | TCP/UDP | windream Admin | |
535 | iiop | TCP/UDP | iiop | |
536 | opalis-rdv | TCP/UDP | opalis-rdv | |
537 | nmsp | TCP/UDP | Networked Media Streaming Protocol | |
538 | gdomap | TCP/UDP | gdomap | |
539 | apertus-ldp | TCP/UDP | Apertus Technologies Load Determination | |
540 | uucp | TCP/UDP | uucpd | |
541 | uucp-rlogin | TCP/UDP | uucp-rlogin | |
542 | commerce | TCP/UDP | commerce | |
544 | kshell | TCP/UDP | krcmd | |
545 | appleqtcsrvr | TCP/UDP | appleqtcsrvr | |
546 | dhcpv6-client | TCP | DHCPv6 Client | |
546 | dhcpv6-client | UDP | DHCPv6 Client | Reference: [RFC8415] Modified: 2018-05-21 |
547 | dhcpv6-server | TCP | DHCPv6 Server | Reference: [RFC5460] Modified: 2018-05-21 |
547 | dhcpv6-server | UDP | DHCPv6 Server | Reference: [RFC8415] Modified: 2018-05-21 |
548 | afpovertcp | TCP/UDP | AFP over TCP | |
549 | idfp | TCP/UDP | IDFP | |
550 | new-rwho | TCP/UDP | new-who | Reference: [n/a] |
551 | cybercash | TCP/UDP | cybercash | Reference: [RFC1898] |
552 | devshr-nts | TCP/UDP | DeviceShare | |
553 | pirp | TCP/UDP | pirp | |
554 | rtsp | TCP/UDP | Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) | |
556 | remotefs | TCP/UDP | rfs server | |
557 | openvms-sysipc | TCP/UDP | openvms-sysipc | |
558 | sdnskmp | TCP/UDP | SDNSKMP | |
559 | teedtap | TCP/UDP | TEEDTAP | |
560 | rmonitor | TCP/UDP | rmonitord | |
562 | chshell | TCP/UDP | chcmd | |
563 | nntps | TCP/UDP | nntp protocol over TLS/SSL (was snntp) | Reference: [RFC4642] Modified: 2018-07-06 |
564 | 9pfs | TCP/UDP | plan 9 file service | |
565 | whoami | TCP/UDP | whoami | |
566 | streettalk | TCP/UDP | streettalk | |
567 | banyan-rpc | TCP/UDP | banyan-rpc | |
568 | ms-shuttle | TCP/UDP | microsoft shuttle | |
569 | ms-rome | TCP/UDP | microsoft rome | |
570 | meter | TCP/UDP | demon | |
571 | meter | TCP/UDP | udemon | |
572 | sonar | TCP/UDP | sonar | |
573 | banyan-vip | TCP/UDP | banyan-vip | |
574 | ftp-agent | TCP/UDP | FTP Software Agent System | |
575 | vemmi | TCP/UDP | VEMMI | |
576 | ipcd | TCP/UDP | ipcd | |
577 | vnas | TCP/UDP | vnas | |
578 | ipdd | TCP/UDP | ipdd | |
579 | decbsrv | TCP/UDP | decbsrv | |
580 | sntp-heartbeat | TCP/UDP | SNTP HEARTBEAT | |
581 | bdp | TCP/UDP | Bundle Discovery Protocol | |
582 | scc-security | TCP/UDP | SCC Security | |
583 | philips-vc | TCP/UDP | Philips Video-Conferencing | |
584 | keyserver | TCP/UDP | Key Server | |
585 | De-registered | Modified: 2006-04-25 | ||
586 | password-chg | TCP/UDP | Password Change | |
587 | submission | TCP/UDP | Message Submission | Reference: [RFC6409] Modified: 2011-11-17 |
588 | cal | TCP/UDP | CAL | |
589 | eyelink | TCP/UDP | EyeLink | |
590 | tns-cml | TCP/UDP | TNS CML | |
591 | http-alt | TCP/UDP | FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80) | |
592 | eudora-set | TCP/UDP | Eudora Set | |
593 | http-rpc-epmap | TCP/UDP | HTTP RPC Ep Map | |
594 | tpip | TCP/UDP | TPIP | |
595 | cab-protocol | TCP/UDP | CAB Protocol | |
596 | smsd | TCP/UDP | SMSD | |
597 | ptcnameservice | TCP/UDP | PTC Name Service | |
598 | sco-websrvrmg3 | TCP/UDP | SCO Web Server Manager 3 | |
599 | acp | TCP/UDP | Aeolon Core Protocol | |
600 | ipcserver | TCP/UDP | Sun IPC server | |
601 | syslog-conn | TCP/UDP | Reliable Syslog Service | Reference: [RFC3195] |
602 | xmlrpc-beep | TCP/UDP | XML-RPC over BEEP | Reference: [RFC3529] |
603 | idxp | TCP/UDP | IDXP | Reference: [RFC4767] |
604 | tunnel | TCP/UDP | TUNNEL | Reference: [RFC3620] |
605 | soap-beep | TCP/UDP | SOAP over BEEP | Reference: [RFC4227] |
606 | urm | TCP/UDP | Cray Unified Resource Manager | |
607 | nqs | TCP/UDP | nqs | |
608 | sift-uft | TCP/UDP | Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer | |
609 | npmp-trap | TCP/UDP | npmp-trap | |
610 | npmp-local | TCP/UDP | npmp-local | |
611 | npmp-gui | TCP/UDP | npmp-gui | |
612 | hmmp-ind | TCP/UDP | HMMP Indication | |
613 | hmmp-op | TCP/UDP | HMMP Operation | |
614 | sshell | TCP/UDP | SSLshell | |
615 | sco-inetmgr | TCP/UDP | Internet Configuration Manager | |
616 | sco-sysmgr | TCP/UDP | SCO System Administration Server | |
617 | sco-dtmgr | TCP/UDP | SCO Desktop Administration Server | |
618 | dei-icda | TCP/UDP | DEI-ICDA | |
619 | compaq-evm | TCP/UDP | Compaq EVM | |
620 | sco-websrvrmgr | TCP/UDP | SCO WebServer Manager | |
621 | escp-ip | TCP/UDP | ESCP | |
622 | collaborator | TCP/UDP | Collaborator | |
623 | oob-ws-http | TCP | DMTF out-of-band web services management protocol | Registered: 2007-06 |
623 | asf-rmcp | UDP | ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol | |
624 | cryptoadmin | TCP/UDP | Crypto Admin | |
625 | dec-dlm | TCP | DEC DLM IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "dec_dlm". | |
625 | dec_dlm | TCP | DEC DLM | |
625 | dec-dlm | UDP | DEC DLM IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "dec_dlm". | |
625 | dec_dlm | UDP | DEC DLM | |
626 | asia | TCP/UDP | ASIA | |
627 | passgo-tivoli | TCP/UDP | PassGo Tivoli | |
628 | qmqp | TCP/UDP | QMQP | Modified: 2018-04-05 |
629 | 3com-amp3 | TCP/UDP | 3Com AMP3 | |
630 | rda | TCP/UDP | RDA | |
631 | ipp | TCP/UDP | IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) | Reference: [RFC8011] Modified: 2018-07-06 |
631 | ipps | TCP | Internet Printing Protocol over HTTPS | Reference: [RFC8011] Registered: 2018-07-06 |
632 | bmpp | TCP/UDP | bmpp | |
633 | servstat | TCP/UDP | Service Status update (Sterling Software) | |
634 | ginad | TCP/UDP | ginad | |
635 | rlzdbase | TCP/UDP | RLZ DBase | |
636 | ldaps | TCP/UDP | ldap protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap) | |
637 | lanserver | TCP/UDP | lanserver | |
638 | mcns-sec | TCP/UDP | mcns-sec | |
639 | msdp | TCP/UDP | MSDP | |
640 | entrust-sps | TCP/UDP | entrust-sps | |
641 | repcmd | TCP/UDP | repcmd | |
642 | esro-emsdp | TCP/UDP | ESRO-EMSDP V1.3 | |
643 | sanity | TCP/UDP | SANity | |
644 | dwr | TCP/UDP | dwr | |
645 | pssc | TCP/UDP | PSSC | |
646 | ldp | TCP/UDP | LDP | |
647 | dhcp-failover | TCP | DHCP Failover | Reference: [RFC8156] Modified: 2018-05-21 |
647 | dhcp-failover | UDP | DHCP Failover | |
648 | rrp | TCP/UDP | Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP) | |
649 | cadview-3d | TCP/UDP | Cadview-3d - streaming 3d models over the internet | |
650 | obex | TCP/UDP | OBEX | |
651 | ieee-mms | TCP/UDP | IEEE MMS | |
652 | hello-port | TCP/UDP | HELLO_PORT | |
653 | repscmd | TCP/UDP | RepCmd | |
654 | aodv | TCP/UDP | AODV | |
655 | tinc | TCP/UDP | TINC | |
656 | spmp | TCP/UDP | SPMP | |
657 | rmc | TCP/UDP | RMC | |
658 | tenfold | TCP/UDP | TenFold | |
659 | Removed | Modified: 2001-06-06 | ||
660 | mac-srvr-admin | TCP/UDP | MacOS Server Admin | |
661 | hap | TCP/UDP | HAP | |
662 | pftp | TCP/UDP | PFTP | |
663 | purenoise | TCP/UDP | PureNoise | |
664 | oob-ws-https | TCP | DMTF out-of-band secure web services management protocol | Registered: 2007-06 |
664 | asf-secure-rmcp | UDP | ASF Secure Remote Management and Control Protocol | |
665 | sun-dr | TCP/UDP | Sun DR | |
666 | doom | TCP/UDP | doom Id Software | |
667 | disclose | TCP/UDP | campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies | |
668 | mecomm | TCP/UDP | MeComm | |
669 | meregister | TCP/UDP | MeRegister | |
670 | vacdsm-sws | TCP/UDP | VACDSM-SWS | |
671 | vacdsm-app | TCP/UDP | VACDSM-APP | |
672 | vpps-qua | TCP/UDP | VPPS-QUA | |
673 | cimplex | TCP/UDP | CIMPLEX | |
674 | acap | TCP/UDP | ACAP | Modified: 2010-10-15 |
675 | dctp | TCP/UDP | DCTP | |
676 | vpps-via | TCP/UDP | VPPS Via | |
677 | vpp | TCP/UDP | Virtual Presence Protocol | |
678 | ggf-ncp | TCP/UDP | GNU Generation Foundation NCP | |
679 | mrm | TCP/UDP | MRM | |
680 | entrust-aaas | TCP/UDP | entrust-aaas | |
681 | entrust-aams | TCP/UDP | entrust-aams | |
682 | xfr | TCP/UDP | XFR | |
683 | corba-iiop | TCP/UDP | CORBA IIOP | |
684 | corba-iiop-ssl | TCP/UDP | CORBA IIOP SSL | |
685 | mdc-portmapper | TCP/UDP | MDC Port Mapper | |
686 | hcp-wismar | TCP/UDP | Hardware Control Protocol Wismar | |
687 | asipregistry | TCP/UDP | asipregistry | |
688 | realm-rusd | TCP/UDP | ApplianceWare managment protocol | |
689 | nmap | TCP/UDP | NMAP | |
690 | vatp | TCP/UDP | Velneo Application Transfer Protocol | Modified: 2015-02-03 |
691 | msexch-routing | TCP/UDP | MS Exchange Routing | |
692 | hyperwave-isp | TCP/UDP | Hyperwave-ISP | |
693 | connendp | TCP/UDP | almanid Connection Endpoint | |
694 | ha-cluster | TCP/UDP | ha-cluster | |
695 | ieee-mms-ssl | TCP/UDP | IEEE-MMS-SSL | |
696 | rushd | TCP/UDP | RUSHD | |
697 | uuidgen | TCP/UDP | UUIDGEN | |
698 | olsr | TCP/UDP | OLSR | |
699 | accessnetwork | TCP/UDP | Access Network | |
700 | epp | TCP/UDP | Extensible Provisioning Protocol | Reference: [RFC5734] |
701 | lmp | TCP/UDP | Link Management Protocol (LMP) | Reference: [RFC4204] |
702 | iris-beep | TCP/UDP | IRIS over BEEP | Reference: [RFC3983] |
703 | Unassigned | |||
704 | elcsd | TCP/UDP | errlog copy/server daemon | |
705 | agentx | TCP/UDP | AgentX | |
706 | silc | TCP/UDP | SILC | |
707 | borland-dsj | TCP/UDP | Borland DSJ | |
708 | Unassigned | |||
709 | entrust-kmsh | TCP/UDP | Entrust Key Management Service Handler | |
710 | entrust-ash | TCP/UDP | Entrust Administration Service Handler | |
711 | cisco-tdp | TCP/UDP | Cisco TDP | |
712 | tbrpf | TCP/UDP | TBRPF | Reference: [RFC3684] |
713 | iris-xpc | TCP/UDP | IRIS over XPC | |
714 | iris-xpcs | TCP/UDP | IRIS over XPCS | Reference: [RFC4992] |
715 | iris-lwz | TCP/UDP | IRIS-LWZ | Reference: [RFC4993] |
716 | pana | UDP | PANA Messages | Reference: [RFC5191] |
717-728 | Unassigned | |||
729 | netviewdm1 | TCP/UDP | IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client | |
730 | netviewdm2 | TCP/UDP | IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp | |
731 | netviewdm3 | TCP/UDP | IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp | |
732-740 | Unassigned | |||
741 | netgw | TCP/UDP | netGW | |
742 | netrcs | TCP/UDP | Network based Rev. Cont. Sys. | |
743 | Unassigned | |||
744 | flexlm | TCP/UDP | Flexible License Manager | |
745-746 | Unassigned | |||
747 | fujitsu-dev | TCP/UDP | Fujitsu Device Control | |
748 | ris-cm | TCP/UDP | Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager | |
749 | kerberos-adm | TCP/UDP | kerberos administration | |
750 | kerberos-iv | UDP | kerberos version iv | |
754 | tell | TCP/UDP | send | |
755-757 | Unassigned | |||
766 | Unassigned | |||
767 | phonebook | TCP/UDP | phone | |
768 | Unassigned | |||
774 | acmaint-dbd | UDP | IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "acmaint_dbd". | |
775 | acmaint-transd | UDP | IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "acmaint_transd". | |
777 | multiling-http | TCP/UDP | Multiling HTTP | |
778-779 | Unassigned | |||
781-785 | Unassigned | |||
786 | Unassigned | Modified: 2002-05-08 | ||
787 | Unassigned | Modified: 2002-10-08 | ||
788-799 | Unassigned | Unauthorized Use: Unauthorized Use Known on port 796 | ||
800 | mdbs-daemon | TCP | IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "mdbs_daemon". | |
800 | mdbs-daemon | UDP | IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "mdbs_daemon". | |
802 | mbap-s | TCP/UDP | Modbus Application Protocol Secure | Registered: 2014-06-10 |
803-809 | Unassigned | |||
810 | fcp-udp | TCP | FCP | |
810 | fcp-udp | UDP | FCP Datagram | |
811-827 | Unassigned | |||
828 | itm-mcell-s | TCP/UDP | itm-mcell-s | |
829 | pkix-3-ca-ra | TCP/UDP | PKIX-3 CA/RA | |
830 | netconf-ssh | TCP/UDP | NETCONF over SSH | Reference: [RFC6242] |
831 | netconf-beep | TCP/UDP | NETCONF over BEEP | Reference: [RFC4744] |
832 | netconfsoaphttp | TCP/UDP | NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS | Reference: [RFC4743] |
833 | netconfsoapbeep | TCP/UDP | NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP | Reference: [RFC4743] |
834-846 | Unassigned | |||
847 | dhcp-failover2 | TCP/UDP | dhcp-failover 2 | |
848 | gdoi | TCP/UDP | GDOI | Reference: [RFC3547] |
849-852 | Unassigned | |||
853 | domain-s | TCP | DNS query-response protocol run over TLS | Reference: [RFC7858] Registered: 2015-10-08 Modified: 2022-04-11 |
853 | domain-s | UDP | DNS query-response protocol run over DTLS or QUIC | Reference: [RFC7858][RFC8094][RFC9250] Registered: 2015-10-08 Modified: 2022-04-01 |
854 | dlep | TCP/UDP | Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) | Reference: [RFC8175] Registered: 2017-04-03 |
855-859 | Unassigned | |||
860 | iscsi | TCP/UDP | iSCSI | Reference: [RFC7143] Modified: 2013-08-27 |
861 | owamp-control | TCP | OWAMP-Control | Reference: [RFC4656] |
861 | owamp-test | UDP | OWAMP-Test | Reference: [RFC8545] Modified: 2018-12-21 |
862 | twamp-control | TCP | TWAMP-Control | Reference: [RFC5357] |
862 | twamp-test | UDP | TWAMP-Test Receiver Port | Reference: [RFC8545] Modified: 2018-12-21 |
863-872 | Unassigned | |||
873 | rsync | TCP/UDP | rsync | |
874-885 | Unassigned | |||
886 | iclcnet-locate | TCP/UDP | ICL coNETion locate server | |
887 | iclcnet-svinfo | TCP | ICL coNETion server info IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "iclcnet_svinfo". | |
887 | iclcnet_svinfo | TCP | ICL coNETion server info | |
887 | iclcnet-svinfo | UDP | ICL coNETion server info IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "iclcnet_svinfo". | |
887 | iclcnet_svinfo | UDP | ICL coNETion server info | |
888 | accessbuilder | TCP/UDP | AccessBuilder | |
888 | cddbp | TCP | CD Database Protocol | |
889-899 | Unassigned | |||
900 | omginitialrefs | TCP/UDP | OMG Initial Refs | |
901 | smpnameres | TCP/UDP | SMPNAMERES | |
902 | ideafarm-door | TCP | self documenting Telnet Door | |
902 | ideafarm-door | UDP | self documenting Door: send 0x00 for info | |
903 | ideafarm-panic | TCP | self documenting Telnet Panic Door | |
903 | ideafarm-panic | UDP | self documenting Panic Door: send 0x00 for info | |
904-909 | Unassigned | |||
910 | kink | TCP/UDP | Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK) | Reference: [RFC4430] |
911 | xact-backup | TCP/UDP | xact-backup | |
912 | apex-mesh | TCP/UDP | APEX relay-relay service | |
913 | apex-edge | TCP/UDP | APEX endpoint-relay service | Reference: [RFC3340] |
914 | TCP | Reserved | ||
914 | rift-lies | UDP | Routing in Fat Trees Link Information Element | Reference: [RFC-ietf-rift-rift-24] Registered: 2023-02-17 Modified: 2024-06-07 |
915 | TCP | Reserved | ||
915 | rift-ties | UDP | Routing in Fat Trees Topology Information Element | Reference: [RFC-ietf-rift-rift-24] Registered: 2023-02-17 Modified: 2024-06-07 |
916-952 | Unassigned | |||
953 | rndc | TCP | BIND9 remote name daemon controller | Registered: 2017-06-08 |
953 | UDP | Reserved | ||
954-988 | Unassigned | |||
989 | ftps-data | TCP/UDP | ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL | |
990 | ftps | TCP/UDP | ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL | |
991 | nas | TCP/UDP | Netnews Administration System | Reference: [RFC4707] Modified: 2017-02-10 |
992 | telnets | TCP/UDP | telnet protocol over TLS/SSL | |
993 | imaps | TCP | IMAP over TLS protocol | Reference: [RFC3501][RFC8314][RFC9051] Modified: 2021-02-22 |
993 | UDP | Reserved | Reference: [RFC9051] Modified: 2021-02-22 | |
994 | TCP | Reserved | Modified: 2011-08-31 | |
994 | UDP | Reserved | ||
995 | pop3s | TCP | POP3 over TLS protocol | Reference: [RFC8314] Modified: 2017-12-12 |
995 | pop3s | UDP | pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3) | |
996 | vsinet | TCP/UDP | vsinet | |
999 | applix | UDP | Applix ac | |
1001 | webpush | TCP | HTTP Web Push | Reference: [RFC8030] Registered: 2016-11-01 |
1001 | UDP | Reserved | ||
1002-1007 | Unassigned | |||
1008 | UDP | Possibly used by Sun Solaris???? | ||
1009 | Unassigned | |||
1010 | surf | TCP/UDP | surf | |
1011-1020 | Reserved | |||
1021 | exp1 | TCP/UDP/SCTP/DCCP | RFC3692-style Experiment 1 | Reference: [1][RFC4727][RFC6335] |
1022 | exp2 | TCP/UDP/SCTP/DCCP | RFC3692-style Experiment 2 | Reference: [1][RFC4727][RFC6335] |
1023 | TCP/UDP | Reserved |
Source: IANA
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