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0 - 511512 - 10231024 - 14991500 - 19992000 - 24992500 - 29993000 - 34993500 - 39994700 - 53995400 - 64996500 - 79998000 - 999910000 - 1999920000 - 49151
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Benutzer-Ports von 4000 bis 4699
Port | Service-Name | Protokoll | Bezeichnung | Kommentar |
4000 | terabase | TCP/UDP | Terabase | |
4001 | newoak | TCP/UDP | NewOak | |
4002 | pxc-spvr-ft | TCP/UDP | pxc-spvr-ft | |
4003 | pxc-splr-ft | TCP/UDP | pxc-splr-ft | |
4004 | pxc-roid | TCP/UDP | pxc-roid | |
4005 | pxc-pin | TCP/UDP | pxc-pin | |
4006 | pxc-spvr | TCP/UDP | pxc-spvr | |
4007 | pxc-splr | TCP/UDP | pxc-splr | |
4008 | netcheque | TCP/UDP | NetCheque accounting | |
4009 | chimera-hwm | TCP/UDP | Chimera HWM | |
4010 | samsung-unidex | TCP/UDP | Samsung Unidex | |
4011 | altserviceboot | TCP/UDP | Alternate Service Boot | |
4012 | pda-gate | TCP/UDP | PDA Gate | |
4013 | acl-manager | TCP/UDP | ACL Manager | |
4014 | taiclock | TCP/UDP | TAICLOCK | Geändert: 2018-04-05 |
4015 | talarian-mcast1 | TCP/UDP | Talarian Mcast | |
4016 | talarian-mcast2 | TCP/UDP | Talarian Mcast | |
4017 | talarian-mcast3 | TCP/UDP | Talarian Mcast | |
4018 | talarian-mcast4 | TCP/UDP | Talarian Mcast | |
4019 | talarian-mcast5 | TCP/UDP | Talarian Mcast | |
4020 | trap | TCP/UDP | TRAP Port | |
4021 | nexus-portal | TCP/UDP | Nexus Portal | |
4022 | dnox | TCP/UDP | DNOX | |
4023 | esnm-zoning | TCP/UDP | ESNM Zoning Port | |
4024 | tnp1-port | TCP/UDP | TNP1 User Port | |
4025 | partimage | TCP/UDP | Partition Image Port | |
4026 | as-debug | TCP/UDP | Graphical Debug Server | |
4027 | bxp | TCP/UDP | bitxpress | |
4028 | dtserver-port | TCP/UDP | DTServer Port | |
4029 | ip-qsig | TCP/UDP | IP Q signaling protocol | |
4030 | jdmn-port | TCP/UDP | Accell/JSP Daemon Port | Geändert: 2012-07-12 |
4031 | suucp | TCP/UDP | UUCP over SSL | |
4032 | vrts-auth-port | TCP/UDP | VERITAS Authorization Service | |
4033 | sanavigator | TCP/UDP | SANavigator Peer Port | |
4034 | ubxd | TCP/UDP | Ubiquinox Daemon | |
4035 | wap-push-http | TCP/UDP | WAP Push OTA-HTTP port | |
4036 | wap-push-https | TCP/UDP | WAP Push OTA-HTTP secure | |
4037 | ravehd | TCP/UDP | RaveHD network control | Registriert: 2006-01 |
4038 | fazzt-ptp | TCP/UDP | Fazzt Point-To-Point | |
4039 | fazzt-admin | TCP/UDP | Fazzt Administration | Registriert: 2006-05 |
4040 | yo-main | TCP/UDP | Yo.net main service | |
4041 | houston | TCP/UDP | Rocketeer-Houston | |
4042 | ldxp | TCP/UDP | LDXP | |
4043 | nirp | TCP/UDP | Neighbour Identity Resolution | |
4044 | ltp | TCP/UDP | Location Tracking Protocol | |
4045 | npp | TCP/UDP | Network Paging Protocol | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Known UNAUTHORIZED USE: Port 4045 |
4046 | acp-proto | TCP/UDP | Accounting Protocol | |
4047 | ctp-state | TCP/UDP | Context Transfer Protocol | Registriert: 2005-11 |
4048 | Unassigned | Geändert: 2008-04-24 | ||
4049 | wafs | TCP/UDP | Wide Area File Services | Registriert: 2006-01 |
4050 | cisco-wafs | TCP/UDP | Wide Area File Services | Registriert: 2005-02 |
4051 | cppdp | TCP/UDP | Cisco Peer to Peer Distribution Protocol | Registriert: 2006-07 |
4052 | interact | TCP/UDP | VoiceConnect Interact | Registriert: 2006-07 |
4053 | ccu-comm-1 | TCP/UDP | CosmoCall Universe Communications Port 1 | |
4054 | ccu-comm-2 | TCP/UDP | CosmoCall Universe Communications Port 2 | |
4055 | ccu-comm-3 | TCP/UDP | CosmoCall Universe Communications Port 3 | Registriert: 2006-07 |
4056 | lms | TCP/UDP | Location Message Service | Registriert: 2006-08 |
4057 | wfm | TCP/UDP | Servigistics WFM server | Registriert: 2006-08 |
4058 | kingfisher | TCP/UDP | Kingfisher protocol | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4059 | dlms-cosem | TCP/UDP | DLMS/COSEM | Registriert: 2006-11 |
4060 | dsmeter-iatc | TCP | DSMETER Inter-Agent Transfer Channel IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "dsmeter_iatc". | Registriert: 2006-12 |
4060 | dsmeter_iatc | TCP | DSMETER Inter-Agent Transfer Channel | Registriert: 2006-12 |
4060 | dsmeter-iatc | UDP | DSMETER Inter-Agent Transfer Channel IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "dsmeter_iatc". | Registriert: 2006-12 |
4060 | dsmeter_iatc | UDP | DSMETER Inter-Agent Transfer Channel | Registriert: 2006-12 |
4061 | ice-location | TCP/UDP | Ice Location Service (TCP) | |
4062 | ice-slocation | TCP/UDP | Ice Location Service (SSL) | |
4063 | ice-router | TCP/UDP | Ice Firewall Traversal Service (TCP) | |
4064 | ice-srouter | TCP/UDP | Ice Firewall Traversal Service (SSL) | Registriert: 2006-12 |
4065 | avanti-cdp | TCP | Avanti Common Data IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "avanti_cdp". | Registriert: 2007-02 |
4065 | avanti_cdp | TCP | Avanti Common Data | Registriert: 2007-02 |
4065 | avanti-cdp | UDP | Avanti Common Data IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "avanti_cdp". | Registriert: 2007-02 |
4065 | avanti_cdp | UDP | Avanti Common Data | Registriert: 2007-02 |
4066 | pmas | TCP/UDP | Performance Measurement and Analysis | Registriert: 2007-02 |
4067 | idp | TCP/UDP | Information Distribution Protocol | Registriert: 2007-02 |
4068 | ipfltbcst | TCP/UDP | IP Fleet Broadcast | Registriert: 2007-03 |
4069 | minger | TCP/UDP | Minger Email Address Validation Service | Registriert: 2007-03 |
4070 | tripe | TCP/UDP | Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE) | Registriert: 2007-07-10 |
4071 | aibkup | TCP/UDP | Automatically Incremental Backup | Registriert: 2007-07-10 |
4072 | zieto-sock | TCP/UDP | Zieto Socket Communications | Registriert: 2007-07-19 |
4073 | iRAPP | TCP/UDP | Interactive Remote Application Pairing Protocol | Registriert: 2007-08-20 Geändert: 2016-11-23 |
4074 | cequint-cityid | TCP/UDP | Cequint City ID UI trigger | Registriert: 2007-08-20 |
4075 | perimlan | TCP/UDP | ISC Alarm Message Service | Registriert: 2007-08-20 |
4076 | seraph | TCP/UDP | Seraph DCS | Registriert: 2008-01-22 |
4077 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4077 | ascomalarm | UDP | Ascom IP Alarming | Registriert: 2008-05-01 |
4078 | cssp | TCP | Coordinated Security Service Protocol | Registriert: 2008-05-01 |
4078 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4079 | santools | TCP/UDP | SANtools Diagnostic Server | Registriert: 2008-05-01 |
4080 | lorica-in | TCP/UDP | Lorica inside facing | |
4081 | lorica-in-sec | TCP/UDP | Lorica inside facing (SSL) | |
4082 | lorica-out | TCP/UDP | Lorica outside facing | |
4083 | lorica-out-sec | TCP/UDP | Lorica outside facing (SSL) | Registriert: 2008-02-28 |
4084 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4084 | fortisphere-vm | UDP | Fortisphere VM Service | Registriert: 2008-06-03 |
4085 | ezmessagesrv | TCP | EZNews Newsroom Message Service | Registriert: 2008-06-05 |
4085 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4086 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4086 | ftsync | UDP | Firewall/NAT state table synchronization | Registriert: 2008-06-06 |
4087 | applusservice | TCP | APplus Service | Registriert: 2008-06-05 Geändert: 2021-08-09 |
4087 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4088 | npsp | TCP | Noah Printing Service Protocol | Registriert: 2008-06-18 |
4088 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4089 | opencore | TCP/UDP | OpenCORE Remote Control Service | Registriert: 2006-07 |
4090 | omasgport | TCP/UDP | OMA BCAST Service Guide | Registriert: 2006-07 |
4091 | ewinstaller | TCP/UDP | EminentWare Installer | |
4092 | ewdgs | TCP/UDP | EminentWare DGS | Registriert: 2006-07 |
4093 | pvxpluscs | TCP/UDP | Pvx Plus CS Host | Registriert: 2006-07 |
4094 | sysrqd | TCP/UDP | sysrq daemon | Registriert: 2006-07 |
4095 | xtgui | TCP/UDP | xtgui information service | Registriert: 2006-05 |
4096 | bre | TCP/UDP | BRE (Bridge Relay Element) | |
4097 | patrolview | TCP/UDP | Patrol View | |
4098 | drmsfsd | TCP/UDP | drmsfsd | |
4099 | dpcp | TCP/UDP | DPCP | |
4100 | igo-incognito | TCP/UDP | IGo Incognito Data Port | Registriert: 2002-02 |
4101 | brlp-0 | TCP/UDP | Braille protocol | |
4102 | brlp-1 | TCP/UDP | Braille protocol | |
4103 | brlp-2 | TCP/UDP | Braille protocol | |
4104 | brlp-3 | TCP/UDP | Braille protocol | Registriert: 2006-03 |
4105 | shofar | TCP/UDP | Shofar | Registriert: 2006-07 Geändert: 2012-02-20 |
4106 | synchronite | TCP/UDP | Synchronite | Registriert: 2006-07 |
4107 | j-ac | TCP/UDP | JDL Accounting LAN Service | Registriert: 2006-09 |
4108 | accel | TCP/UDP | ACCEL | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4109 | izm | TCP/UDP | Instantiated Zero-control Messaging | Registriert: 2007-02 |
4110 | g2tag | TCP/UDP | G2 RFID Tag Telemetry Data | Registriert: 2007-02 |
4111 | xgrid | TCP/UDP | Xgrid | Registriert: 2004-11 |
4112 | apple-vpns-rp | TCP/UDP | Apple VPN Server Reporting Protocol | Registriert: 2006-08 |
4113 | aipn-reg | TCP/UDP | AIPN LS Registration | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4114 | jomamqmonitor | TCP/UDP | JomaMQMonitor | Registriert: 2003-01 |
4115 | cds | TCP/UDP | CDS Transfer Agent | Registriert: 2006-07 |
4116 | smartcard-tls | TCP/UDP | smartcard-TLS | Registriert: 2006-04 |
4117 | hillrserv | TCP/UDP | Hillr Connection Manager | Registriert: 2008-05-22 |
4118 | netscript | TCP/UDP | Netadmin Systems NETscript service | Registriert: 2006-12 |
4119 | assuria-slm | TCP/UDP | Assuria Log Manager | Registriert: 2006-12 |
4120 | minirem | TCP | MiniRem Remote Telemetry and Control | Registriert: 2017-09-28 |
4120 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4121 | e-builder | TCP/UDP | e-Builder Application Communication | Registriert: 2006-12 |
4122 | fprams | TCP/UDP | Fiber Patrol Alarm Service | Registriert: 2006-12 |
4123 | z-wave | TCP/UDP | Z-Wave Protocol | Registriert: 2007-02 Geändert: 2012-11-08 |
4124 | tigv2 | TCP/UDP | Rohill TetraNode Ip Gateway v2 | Registriert: 2007-05 |
4125 | opsview-envoy | TCP/UDP | Opsview Envoy | Registriert: 2008-09-26 |
4126 | ddrepl | TCP/UDP | Data Domain Replication Service | Registriert: 2007-05 |
4127 | unikeypro | TCP/UDP | NetUniKeyServer | Registriert: 2007-05 |
4128 | nufw | TCP/UDP | NuFW decision delegation protocol | |
4129 | nuauth | TCP/UDP | NuFW authentication protocol | Registriert: 2007-06 |
4130 | fronet | TCP/UDP | FRONET message protocol | Registriert: 2007-08-07 |
4131 | stars | TCP/UDP | Global Maintech Stars | Registriert: 2007-06 |
4132 | nuts-dem | TCP | NUTS Daemon IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "nuts_dem". | |
4132 | nuts_dem | TCP | NUTS Daemon | |
4132 | nuts-dem | UDP | NUTS Daemon IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "nuts_dem". | |
4132 | nuts_dem | UDP | NUTS Daemon | |
4133 | nuts-bootp | TCP | NUTS Bootp Server IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "nuts_bootp". | |
4133 | nuts_bootp | TCP | NUTS Bootp Server | |
4133 | nuts-bootp | UDP | NUTS Bootp Server IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "nuts_bootp". | |
4133 | nuts_bootp | UDP | NUTS Bootp Server | |
4134 | nifty-hmi | TCP/UDP | NIFTY-Serve HMI protocol | |
4135 | cl-db-attach | TCP/UDP | Classic Line Database Server Attach | |
4136 | cl-db-request | TCP/UDP | Classic Line Database Server Request | |
4137 | cl-db-remote | TCP/UDP | Classic Line Database Server Remote | Registriert: 2007-01 |
4138 | nettest | TCP/UDP | nettest | Registriert: 2003-03 |
4139 | thrtx | TCP/UDP | Imperfect Networks Server | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4140 | cedros-fds | TCP | Cedros Fraud Detection System IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "cedros_fds". | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4140 | cedros_fds | TCP | Cedros Fraud Detection System | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4140 | cedros-fds | UDP | Cedros Fraud Detection System IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "cedros_fds". | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4140 | cedros_fds | UDP | Cedros Fraud Detection System | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4141 | oirtgsvc | TCP/UDP | Workflow Server | |
4142 | oidocsvc | TCP/UDP | Document Server | |
4143 | oidsr | TCP/UDP | Document Replication | |
4144 | Unassigned | |||
4145 | vvr-control | TCP/UDP | VVR Control | |
4146 | tgcconnect | TCP/UDP | TGCConnect Beacon | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4147 | vrxpservman | TCP/UDP | Multum Service Manager | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4148 | hhb-handheld | TCP/UDP | HHB Handheld Client | Registriert: 2007-03 |
4149 | agslb | TCP/UDP | A10 GSLB Service | Registriert: 2007-07-02 |
4150 | PowerAlert-nsa | TCP/UDP | PowerAlert Network Shutdown Agent | Registriert: 2007-07-02 |
4151 | menandmice-noh | TCP | Men & Mice Remote Control IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "menandmice_noh". | Registriert: 2007-08-30 |
4151 | menandmice_noh | TCP | Men & Mice Remote Control | Registriert: 2007-08-30 |
4151 | menandmice-noh | UDP | Men & Mice Remote Control IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "menandmice_noh". | Registriert: 2007-08-30 |
4151 | menandmice_noh | UDP | Men & Mice Remote Control | Registriert: 2007-08-30 |
4152 | idig-mux | TCP | iDigTech Multiplex IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "idig_mux". | Registriert: 2007-05 |
4152 | idig_mux | TCP | iDigTech Multiplex | Registriert: 2007-05 |
4152 | idig-mux | UDP | iDigTech Multiplex IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "idig_mux". | Registriert: 2007-05 |
4152 | idig_mux | UDP | iDigTech Multiplex | Registriert: 2007-05 |
4153 | mbl-battd | TCP/UDP | MBL Remote Battery Monitoring | Registriert: 2007-05 |
4154 | atlinks | TCP/UDP | atlinks device discovery | Registriert: 2002-10 |
4155 | bzr | TCP/UDP | Bazaar version control system | Registriert: 2007-02 |
4156 | stat-results | TCP/UDP | STAT Results | |
4157 | stat-scanner | TCP/UDP | STAT Scanner Control | |
4158 | stat-cc | TCP/UDP | STAT Command Center | Registriert: 2007-03 |
4159 | nss | TCP/UDP | Network Security Service | Registriert: 2006-08 |
4160 | jini-discovery | TCP/UDP | Jini Discovery | |
4161 | omscontact | TCP/UDP | OMS Contact | |
4162 | omstopology | TCP/UDP | OMS Topology | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4163 | silverpeakpeer | TCP/UDP | Silver Peak Peer Protocol | Registriert: 2007-03 |
4164 | silverpeakcomm | TCP/UDP | Silver Peak Communication Protocol | Registriert: 2007-03 |
4165 | altcp | TCP/UDP | ArcLink over Ethernet | Registriert: 2007-03 |
4166 | joost | TCP/UDP | Joost Peer to Peer Protocol | Registriert: 2007-04 |
4167 | ddgn | TCP/UDP | DeskDirect Global Network | Registriert: 2007-08-22 |
4168 | pslicser | TCP/UDP | PrintSoft License Server | Registriert: 2007-09-27 |
4169 | iadt | TCP | Automation Drive Interface Transport | Registriert: 2008-02-15 |
4169 | iadt-disc | UDP | Internet ADT Discovery Protocol | Registriert: 2009-02-06 |
4170 | d-cinema-csp | TCP | SMPTE Content Synchonization Protocol | Registriert: 2008-09-04 |
4170 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4171 | ml-svnet | TCP | Maxlogic Supervisor Communication | Registriert: 2009-12-21 |
4171 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4172 | pcoip | TCP/UDP | PC over IP | Registriert: 2009-12-23 Geändert: 2012-03-06 |
4173 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4173 | mma-discovery | UDP | MMA Device Discovery | Registriert: 2011-11-14 |
4174 | smcluster | TCP | StorMagic Cluster Services | Registriert: 2011-03-09 |
4174 | sm-disc | UDP | StorMagic Discovery | Registriert: 2011-12-16 |
4175 | bccp | TCP | Brocade Cluster Communication Protocol | Registriert: 2010-04-07 |
4175 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4176 | tl-ipcproxy | TCP | Translattice Cluster IPC Proxy | Registriert: 2009-11-03 |
4176 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4177 | wello | TCP/UDP | Wello P2P pubsub service | Registriert: 2007-11-15 |
4178 | storman | TCP/UDP | StorMan | Registriert: 2009-05-11 |
4179 | MaxumSP | TCP/UDP | Maxum Services | Registriert: 2007-07-05 |
4180 | httpx | TCP | HTTPX | Registriert: 2007-02 |
4180 | httpx | UDP | HTTPX | Registriert: 2007-02 Geändert: 2016-01-05 |
4181 | macbak | TCP/UDP | MacBak | Registriert: 2007-04 |
4182 | pcptcpservice | TCP/UDP | Production Company Pro TCP Service | Registriert: 2007-05 |
4183 | cyborgnet | TCP/UDP | CyborgNet communications protocol | Registriert: 2015-11-13 |
4184 | universe-suite | TCP | UNIVERSE SUITE MESSAGE SERVICE IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "universe_suite". | Registriert: 2008-01-07 |
4184 | universe_suite | TCP | UNIVERSE SUITE MESSAGE SERVICE | Registriert: 2008-01-07 |
4184 | universe-suite | UDP | UNIVERSE SUITE MESSAGE SERVICE IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "universe_suite". | Registriert: 2008-01-07 |
4184 | universe_suite | UDP | UNIVERSE SUITE MESSAGE SERVICE | Registriert: 2008-01-07 |
4185 | wcpp | TCP/UDP | Woven Control Plane Protocol | Registriert: 2008-04-14 |
4186 | boxbackupstore | TCP | Box Backup Store Service | Registriert: 2008-09-11 |
4186 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4187 | csc-proxy | TCP | Cascade Proxy IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "csc_proxy". | Registriert: 2008-09-11 |
4187 | csc_proxy | TCP | Cascade Proxy | Registriert: 2008-09-11 |
4187 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4188 | vatata | TCP/UDP | Vatata Peer to Peer Protocol | Registriert: 2008-09-15 |
4189 | pcep | TCP | Path Computation Element Communication Protocol | |
4189 | UDP | Reserved | Referenz: [RFC5440] | |
4190 | sieve | TCP | ManageSieve Protocol | |
4190 | UDP | Reserved | Referenz: [RFC5804] | |
4191 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4191 | dsmipv6 | UDP | Dual Stack MIPv6 NAT Traversal | Referenz: [RFC5555] |
4192 | azeti | TCP | Azeti Agent Service | Registriert: 2009-11-09 |
4192 | azeti-bd | UDP | azeti blinddate | Registriert: 2010-02-18 |
4193 | pvxplusio | TCP | PxPlus remote file srvr | Registriert: 2009-11-09 |
4193 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4194 | spdm | TCP | Security Protocol and Data Model | Registriert: 2022-01-10 |
4194 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4195 | aws-wsp | TCP/UDP/SCTP/DCCP | AWS protocol for cloud remoting solution | Registriert: 2020-04-06 |
4196 | Unassigned | |||
4197 | hctl | TCP/UDP | Harman HControl Protocol | Registriert: 2017-02-16 |
4198 | Unassigned | |||
4199 | eims-admin | TCP/UDP | EIMS ADMIN | |
4200-4299 | vrml-multi-use | VRML Multi User Systems | ||
4300 | corelccam | TCP/UDP | Corel CCam | |
4301 | d-data | TCP/UDP | Diagnostic Data | |
4302 | d-data-control | TCP/UDP | Diagnostic Data Control | Registriert: 2006-09 |
4303 | srcp | TCP/UDP | Simple Railroad Command Protocol | Registriert: 2007-01 |
4304 | owserver | TCP/UDP | One-Wire Filesystem Server | Registriert: 2007-01 |
4305 | batman | TCP/UDP | better approach to mobile ad-hoc networking | Registriert: 2007-08-30 |
4306 | pinghgl | TCP/UDP | Hellgate London | Registriert: 2007-08-30 |
4307 | trueconf | TCP/UDP | TrueConf Videoconference Service | Registriert: 2007-10-22 Geändert: 2017-05-12 |
4308 | compx-lockview | TCP/UDP | CompX-LockView | Registriert: 2007-10-22 |
4309 | dserver | TCP/UDP | Exsequi Appliance Discovery | Registriert: 2007-01 |
4310 | mirrtex | TCP/UDP | Mir-RT exchange service | Registriert: 2008-02-14 |
4311 | p6ssmc | TCP | P6R Secure Server Management Console | Registriert: 2010-01-21 |
4311 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4312 | pscl-mgt | TCP | Parascale Membership Manager | Registriert: 2010-01-21 |
4312 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4313 | perrla | TCP | PERRLA User Services | Registriert: 2010-01-21 |
4313 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4314 | choiceview-agt | TCP | ChoiceView Agent | Registriert: 2013-03-28 |
4314 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4315 | Unassigned | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Unauthorized Use Known on port 4315 | ||
4316 | choiceview-clt | TCP | ChoiceView Client | Registriert: 2013-03-28 |
4316 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4317 | opentelemetry | TCP | OpenTelemetry Protocol | Registriert: 2020-12-09 |
4317 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4318 | Unassigned | |||
4319 | fox-skytale | TCP/UDP | Fox SkyTale encrypted communication | Registriert: 2022-01-20 Geändert: 2024-04-29 |
4320 | fdt-rcatp | TCP/UDP | FDT Remote Categorization Protocol | Registriert: 2006-03 |
4321 | rwhois | TCP/UDP | Remote Who Is | Referenz: [RFC2167] |
4322 | trim-event | TCP/UDP | TRIM Event Service | |
4323 | trim-ice | TCP/UDP | TRIM ICE Service | Registriert: 2007-02 |
4324 | Reserved | Geändert: 2015-05-12 | ||
4325 | geognosisadmin | TCP | Cadcorp GeognoSIS Administrator | Geändert: 2022-08-12 |
4325 | geognosisman | UDP | Cadcorp GeognoSIS Administrator | Geändert: 2022-08-12 |
4326 | geognosis | TCP/UDP | Cadcorp GeognoSIS | Registriert: 2006-11 Geändert: 2022-08-12 |
4327 | jaxer-web | TCP/UDP | Jaxer Web Protocol | Registriert: 2008-01-07 |
4328 | jaxer-manager | TCP/UDP | Jaxer Manager Command Protocol | Registriert: 2008-01-22 |
4329 | publiqare-sync | TCP | PubliQare Distributed Environment Synchronisation Engine | Registriert: 2011-02-07 |
4329 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4330 | dey-sapi | TCP | DEY Storage Administration REST API | Registriert: 2013-03-01 |
4330 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4331 | ktickets-rest | TCP | ktickets REST API for event management and ticketing systems (embedded POS devices) | Registriert: 2014-04-04 |
4331 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4332 | getty-focus | TCP | Getty Images FOCUS service | Registriert: 2019-04-18 |
4332 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4333 | ahsp | TCP/UDP/SCTP | ArrowHead Service Protocol (AHSP) | Registriert: 2014-04-10 |
4334 | netconf-ch-ssh | TCP | NETCONF Call Home (SSH) | Referenz: [RFC8071] Registriert: 2016-01-12 |
4334 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4335 | netconf-ch-tls | TCP | NETCONF Call Home (TLS) | Referenz: [RFC8071] Registriert: 2016-01-12 |
4335 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4336 | restconf-ch-tls | TCP | RESTCONF Call Home (TLS) | Referenz: [RFC8071] Registriert: 2016-01-12 |
4336 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4337-4339 | Unassigned | |||
4340 | gaia | TCP/UDP | Gaia Connector Protocol | Registriert: 2007-11-12 |
4341 | TCP | Reserved | Registriert: 2007-11-12 Geändert: 2018-11-30 | |
4341 | lisp-data | UDP | LISP Data Packets | Referenz: [RFC9300] Registriert: 2007-11-12 Geändert: 2021-02-17 |
4342 | TCP | Reserved | Geändert: 2018-11-30 | |
4342 | lisp-control | UDP | LISP Control Packets | Referenz: [RFC9301] Registriert: 2007-05 Geändert: 2021-02-25 |
4343 | unicall | TCP/UDP | UNICALL | |
4344 | vinainstall | TCP/UDP | VinaInstall | |
4345 | m4-network-as | TCP/UDP | Macro 4 Network AS | |
4346 | elanlm | TCP/UDP | ELAN LM | |
4347 | lansurveyor | TCP/UDP | LAN Surveyor | |
4348 | itose | TCP/UDP | ITOSE | |
4349 | fsportmap | TCP/UDP | File System Port Map | |
4350 | net-device | TCP/UDP | Net Device | |
4351 | plcy-net-svcs | TCP/UDP | PLCY Net Services | |
4352 | pjlink | TCP/UDP | Projector Link | Registriert: 2005-06 |
4353 | f5-iquery | TCP/UDP | F5 iQuery | |
4354 | qsnet-trans | TCP/UDP | QSNet Transmitter | |
4355 | qsnet-workst | TCP/UDP | QSNet Workstation | |
4356 | qsnet-assist | TCP/UDP | QSNet Assistant | |
4357 | qsnet-cond | TCP/UDP | QSNet Conductor | |
4358 | qsnet-nucl | TCP/UDP | QSNet Nucleus | |
4359 | omabcastltkm | TCP/UDP | OMA BCAST Long-Term Key Messages | Registriert: 2007-09-07 |
4360 | matrix-vnet | TCP | Matrix VNet Communication Protocol IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "matrix_vnet". | Registriert: 2009-03-18 |
4360 | matrix_vnet | TCP | Matrix VNet Communication Protocol | Registriert: 2009-03-18 |
4360 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4361 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4361 | nacnl | UDP | NavCom Discovery and Control Port | Registriert: 2009-03-18 |
4362 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4362 | afore-vdp-disc | UDP | AFORE vNode Discovery protocol | Registriert: 2011-02-08 |
4363-4365 | Unassigned | |||
4366 | shadowstream | UDP | ShadowStream System | Registriert: 2014-12-17 |
4366 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4367 | Unassigned | |||
4368 | wxbrief | TCP/UDP | WeatherBrief Direct | Registriert: 2006-11 |
4369 | epmd | TCP/UDP | Erlang Port Mapper Daemon | |
4370 | elpro-tunnel | TCP | ELPRO V2 Protocol Tunnel IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "elpro_tunnel". | Registriert: 2008-04-14 |
4370 | elpro_tunnel | TCP | ELPRO V2 Protocol Tunnel | Registriert: 2008-04-14 |
4370 | elpro-tunnel | UDP | ELPRO V2 Protocol Tunnel IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "elpro_tunnel". | Registriert: 2008-04-14 |
4370 | elpro_tunnel | UDP | ELPRO V2 Protocol Tunnel | Registriert: 2008-04-14 |
4371 | l2c-control | TCP | LAN2CAN Control | Registriert: 2008-07-07 |
4371 | l2c-disc | UDP | LAN2CAN Discovery | Registriert: 2010-01-21 |
4372 | l2c-data | TCP | LAN2CAN Data | Registriert: 2008-07-07 |
4372 | l2c-data | UDP | LAN2CAN Data | Registriert: 2010-01-21 |
4373 | remctl | TCP/UDP | Remote Authenticated Command Service | Registriert: 2007-08-30 |
4374 | psi-ptt | TCP | PSI Push-to-Talk Protocol | Registriert: 2008-07-17 |
4374 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4375 | tolteces | TCP/UDP | Toltec EasyShare | Registriert: 2008-10-21 |
4376 | bip | TCP/UDP | BioAPI Interworking | Registriert: 2007-07-05 |
4377 | cp-spxsvr | TCP/UDP | Cambridge Pixel SPx Server | |
4378 | cp-spxdpy | TCP/UDP | Cambridge Pixel SPx Display | Registriert: 2007-07-05 |
4379 | ctdb | TCP/UDP | CTDB | Registriert: 2007-07-05 |
4380-4388 | Unassigned | |||
4389 | xandros-cms | TCP/UDP | Xandros Community Management Service | Registriert: 2007-05 |
4390 | wiegand | TCP/UDP | Physical Access Control | Registriert: 2008-08-25 |
4391 | apwi-imserver | TCP | American Printware IMServer Protocol | Registriert: 2009-02-12 |
4391 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4392 | apwi-rxserver | TCP | American Printware RXServer Protocol | Registriert: 2009-02-12 |
4392 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4393 | apwi-rxspooler | TCP | American Printware RXSpooler Protocol | Registriert: 2009-02-12 |
4393 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4394 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4394 | apwi-disc | UDP | American Printware Discovery | Registriert: 2009-02-12 |
4395 | omnivisionesx | TCP/UDP | OmniVision communication for Virtual environments | Registriert: 2009-02-12 |
4396 | fly | TCP | Fly Object Space | Registriert: 2009-02-12 |
4396 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4397-4399 | Unassigned | |||
4400 | ds-srv | TCP/UDP | ASIGRA Services | Registriert: 2004-11 |
4401 | ds-srvr | TCP/UDP | ASIGRA Televaulting DS-System Service | |
4402 | ds-clnt | TCP/UDP | ASIGRA Televaulting DS-Client Service | |
4403 | ds-user | TCP/UDP | ASIGRA Televaulting DS-Client Monitoring/Management | |
4404 | ds-admin | TCP/UDP | ASIGRA Televaulting DS-System Monitoring/Management | |
4405 | ds-mail | TCP/UDP | ASIGRA Televaulting Message Level Restore service | |
4406 | ds-slp | TCP/UDP | ASIGRA Televaulting DS-Sleeper Service | Registriert: 2005-01 |
4407 | nacagent | TCP | Network Access Control Agent | Registriert: 2008-06-30 |
4407 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4408 | slscc | TCP | SLS Technology Control Centre | Registriert: 2008-01-28 |
4408 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4409 | netcabinet-com | TCP | Net-Cabinet comunication | Registriert: 2009-12-16 |
4409 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4410 | itwo-server | TCP | RIB iTWO Application Server | Registriert: 2009-12-16 |
4410 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4411 | found | TCP | Found Messaging Protocol | Registriert: 2012-04-11 |
4411 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4412 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4412 | smallchat | UDP | SmallChat | Registriert: 2015-08-18 |
4413 | avi-nms | TCP | AVI Systems NMS | Registriert: 2015-09-18 |
4413 | avi-nms-disc | UDP | AVI Systems NMS | Registriert: 2015-09-18 |
4414 | updog | TCP | Updog Monitoring and Status Framework | Registriert: 2015-10-05 |
4414 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4415 | brcd-vr-req | TCP | Brocade Virtual Router Request | Registriert: 2015-11-17 |
4415 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4416 | pjj-player | TCP | PJJ Media Player | Registriert: 2015-11-18 |
4416 | pjj-player-disc | UDP | PJJ Media Player discovery | Registriert: 2015-11-18 |
4417 | workflowdir | TCP | Workflow Director Communication | Registriert: 2015-12-11 |
4417 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4418 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4418 | axysbridge | UDP | AXYS communication protocol | Registriert: 2016-03-14 |
4419 | cbp | TCP | Colnod Binary Protocol | Registriert: 2016-03-23 |
4419 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4420 | nvme | TCP/UDP | NVM Express over Fabrics storage access | Registriert: 2016-03-31 Geändert: 2018-03-27 |
4421 | scaleft | TCP | Multi-Platform Remote Management for Cloud Infrastructure | Registriert: 2016-04-07 |
4421 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4422 | tsepisp | TCP | TSEP Installation Service Protocol | Registriert: 2016-06-22 |
4422 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4423 | thingkit | TCP | thingkit secure mesh | Registriert: 2016-06-27 |
4423 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4424 | Unassigned | |||
4425 | netrockey6 | TCP/UDP | NetROCKEY6 SMART Plus Service | Registriert: 2010-09-15 |
4426 | beacon-port-2 | TCP/UDP | SMARTS Beacon Port | Registriert: 2003-11 |
4427 | drizzle | TCP | Drizzle database server | Registriert: 2008-07-09 |
4427 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4428 | omviserver | TCP | OMV-Investigation Server-Client | Registriert: 2009-05-20 |
4428 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4429 | omviagent | TCP | OMV Investigation Agent-Server | Registriert: 2009-05-20 |
4429 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4430 | rsqlserver | TCP/UDP | REAL SQL Server | Registriert: 2008-08-28 |
4431 | wspipe | TCP | adWISE Pipe | Registriert: 2009-06-18 |
4431 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4432 | l-acoustics | TCP/UDP | L-ACOUSTICS management | Registriert: 2012-08-13 |
4433 | vop | TCP | Versile Object Protocol | Registriert: 2012-02-01 |
4433 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4434-4440 | Unassigned | |||
4441 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4441 | netblox | UDP | Netblox Protocol | Registriert: 2008-07-10 |
4442 | saris | TCP/UDP | Saris | |
4443 | pharos | TCP/UDP | Pharos | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Known Unauthorized Use on port 4443 |
4444 | krb524 | TCP/UDP | KRB524 | Unautorisierte Verwendung: krb524 assigned the port, nv used it without an assignment |
4444 | nv-video | TCP/UDP | NV Video default | Unautorisierte Verwendung: krb524 assigned the port, nv used it without an assignment |
4445 | upnotifyp | TCP/UDP | UPNOTIFYP | |
4446 | n1-fwp | TCP/UDP | N1-FWP | |
4447 | n1-rmgmt | TCP/UDP | N1-RMGMT | |
4448 | asc-slmd | TCP/UDP | ASC Licence Manager | |
4449 | privatewire | TCP/UDP | PrivateWire | |
4450 | camp | TCP/UDP | Common ASCII Messaging Protocol | Geändert: 2011-10-28 |
4451 | ctisystemmsg | TCP/UDP | CTI System Msg | Geändert: 2011-10-28 |
4452 | ctiprogramload | TCP/UDP | CTI Program Load | Geändert: 2011-10-28 |
4453 | nssalertmgr | TCP/UDP | NSS Alert Manager | |
4454 | nssagentmgr | TCP/UDP | NSS Agent Manager | |
4455 | prchat-user | TCP/UDP | PR Chat User | |
4456 | prchat-server | TCP/UDP | PR Chat Server | |
4457 | prRegister | TCP/UDP | PR Register | |
4458 | mcp | TCP/UDP | Matrix Configuration Protocol | Registriert: 2006-12 |
4459 | Unassigned | |||
4460 | ntske | TCP | Network Time Security Key Establishment | Referenz: [RFC8915] Registriert: 2020-04-07 |
4460 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4461-4483 | Unassigned | |||
4484 | hpssmgmt | TCP/UDP | hpssmgmt service | Registriert: 2005-11 |
4485 | assyst-dr | TCP | Assyst Data Repository Service | Registriert: 2008-08-26 |
4485 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4486 | icms | TCP/UDP | Integrated Client Message Service | Registriert: 2010-09-27 |
4487 | prex-tcp | TCP | Protocol for Remote Execution over TCP | Registriert: 2010-09-16 |
4487 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4488 | awacs-ice | TCP/UDP | Apple Wide Area Connectivity Service ICE Bootstrap | Registriert: 2010-09-24 |
4489-4499 | Unassigned | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Known UNAUTHORIZED USE: Ports 4490 and 4491 | ||
4500 | ipsec-nat-t | TCP | IPsec NAT-Traversal | Referenz: [RFC9329] Geändert: 2022-09-15 |
4500 | ipsec-nat-t | UDP | IPsec NAT-Traversal | Referenz: [RFC3948][RFC7296] Geändert: 2017-07-07 |
4501 | Unassigned | |||
4502 | a25-fap-fgw | SCTP | A25 (FAP-FGW) | Registriert: 2012-01-11 |
4503-4533 | Unassigned | |||
4534 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4534 | armagetronad | UDP | Armagetron Advanced Game Server | Registriert: 2012-11-02 |
4535 | ehs | TCP/UDP | Event Heap Server | |
4536 | ehs-ssl | TCP/UDP | Event Heap Server SSL | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4537 | wssauthsvc | TCP/UDP | WSS Security Service | Registriert: 2006-01 |
4538 | swx-gate | TCP/UDP | Software Data Exchange Gateway | Registriert: 2006-05 |
4539-4544 | Unassigned | |||
4545 | worldscores | TCP/UDP | WorldScores | |
4546 | sf-lm | TCP/UDP | SF License Manager (Sentinel) | |
4547 | lanner-lm | TCP/UDP | Lanner License Manager | |
4548 | synchromesh | TCP/UDP | Synchromesh | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4549 | aegate | TCP/UDP | Aegate PMR Service | Registriert: 2006-03 |
4550 | gds-adppiw-db | TCP/UDP | Perman I Interbase Server | Registriert: 2006-04 |
4551 | ieee-mih | TCP/UDP | MIH Services | Referenz: [RFC5677] |
4552 | menandmice-mon | TCP/UDP | Men and Mice Monitoring | Registriert: 2009-05-20 |
4553 | icshostsvc | TCP | ICS host services | Registriert: 2009-09-23 |
4553 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4554 | msfrs | TCP/UDP | MS FRS Replication | Registriert: 2006-09 |
4555 | rsip | TCP/UDP | RSIP Port | Referenz: [RFC3103] |
4556 | dtn-bundle | TCP | DTN Bundle TCP CL Protocol | Referenz: [RFC9174] Geändert: 2021-02-22 |
4556 | dtn-bundle | UDP | DTN Bundle UDP CL Protocol | Referenz: [RFC7122] Registriert: 2006-11 Geändert: 2014-02-21 |
4556 | dtn-bundle | DCCP | DTN Bundle DCCP CL Protocol | Referenz: [RFC7122] Registriert: 2013-11-12 Geändert: 2014-02-21 |
4557 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4557 | mtcevrunqss | UDP | Marathon everRun Quorum Service Server | Registriert: 2009-06-18 |
4558 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4558 | mtcevrunqman | UDP | Marathon everRun Quorum Service Manager | Registriert: 2009-06-18 |
4559 | hylafax | TCP/UDP | HylaFAX | Registriert: 2002-03 |
4560-4562 | Unassigned | |||
4563 | amahi-anywhere | TCP | Amahi Anywhere | Registriert: 2014-02-27 |
4563 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4564-4565 | Unassigned | |||
4566 | kwtc | TCP/UDP | Kids Watch Time Control Service | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4567 | tram | TCP/UDP | TRAM | |
4568 | bmc-reporting | TCP/UDP | BMC Reporting | |
4569 | iax | TCP/UDP | Inter-Asterisk eXchange | Referenz: [RFC5456] |
4570 | deploymentmap | TCP | Service to distribute and update within a site deployment information for Oracle Communications Suite | Registriert: 2013-09-20 |
4570 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4571-4572 | Unassigned | |||
4573 | cardifftec-back | TCP | A port for communication between a server and client for a custom backup system | Registriert: 2016-05-19 |
4573 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4574-4589 | Unassigned | |||
4590 | rid | TCP | RID over HTTP/TLS | Referenz: [RFC6546] |
4590 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4591 | l3t-at-an | TCP/UDP | HRPD L3T (AT-AN) | Registriert: 2009-02-27 |
4592 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4592 | hrpd-ith-at-an | UDP | HRPD-ITH (AT-AN) | Registriert: 2008-06-05 |
4593 | ipt-anri-anri | TCP/UDP | IPT (ANRI-ANRI) | |
4594 | ias-session | TCP/UDP | IAS-Session (ANRI-ANRI) | |
4595 | ias-paging | TCP/UDP | IAS-Paging (ANRI-ANRI) | |
4596 | ias-neighbor | TCP/UDP | IAS-Neighbor (ANRI-ANRI) | Registriert: 2007-07-31 |
4597 | a21-an-1xbs | TCP/UDP | A21 (AN-1xBS) | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4598 | a16-an-an | TCP/UDP | A16 (AN-AN) | Registriert: 2005-12 |
4599 | a17-an-an | TCP/UDP | A17 (AN-AN) | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4600 | piranha1 | TCP/UDP | Piranha1 | |
4601 | piranha2 | TCP/UDP | Piranha2 | |
4602 | mtsserver | TCP | EAX MTS Server | Registriert: 2008-08-06 |
4602 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4603 | menandmice-upg | TCP | Men & Mice Upgrade Agent | Registriert: 2010-01-27 |
4603 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4604 | irp | TCP | Identity Registration Protocol | Registriert: 2014-03-17 Geändert: 2014-08-26 |
4604 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4605 | sixchat | TCP | Direct End to End Secure Chat Protocol | Registriert: 2014-09-11 |
4605 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4606 | sixid | TCP | Secure ID to IP registration and lookup | Registriert: 2020-04-28 |
4606 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4607-4620 | Unassigned | |||
4621 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4621 | ventoso | UDP | Bidirectional single port remote radio VOIP and Control stream | Registriert: 2016-03-04 |
4622-4645 | Unassigned | |||
4646 | dots-signal | TCP/UDP | Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Protocol. The service name is used to construct the SRV service names "_dots-signal._udp" and "_dots-signal._tcp" for discovering DOTS servers used to establish DOTS signal channel. | Referenz: [RFC8973][RFC9132] Registriert: 2020-01-16 Geändert: 2021-06-14 |
4647-4657 | Unassigned | |||
4658 | playsta2-app | TCP/UDP | PlayStation2 App Port | |
4659 | playsta2-lob | TCP/UDP | PlayStation2 Lobby Port | Registriert: 2004-12 |
4660 | smaclmgr | TCP/UDP | smaclmgr | |
4661 | kar2ouche | TCP/UDP | Kar2ouche Peer location service | |
4662 | oms | TCP/UDP | OrbitNet Message Service | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4663 | noteit | TCP/UDP | Note It! Message Service | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4664 | ems | TCP/UDP | Rimage Messaging Server | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4665 | contclientms | TCP/UDP | Container Client Message Service | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4666 | eportcomm | TCP/UDP | E-Port Message Service | |
4667 | mmacomm | TCP/UDP | MMA Comm Services | |
4668 | mmaeds | TCP/UDP | MMA EDS Service | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4669 | eportcommdata | TCP/UDP | E-Port Data Service | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4670 | light | TCP/UDP | Light packets transfer protocol | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4671 | acter | TCP/UDP | Bull RSF action server | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4672 | rfa | TCP/UDP | remote file access server | |
4673 | cxws | TCP/UDP | CXWS Operations | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4674 | appiq-mgmt | TCP/UDP | AppIQ Agent Management | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4675 | dhct-status | TCP/UDP | BIAP Device Status | |
4676 | dhct-alerts | TCP/UDP | BIAP Generic Alert | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4677 | bcs | TCP/UDP | Business Continuity Servi | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4678 | traversal | TCP/UDP | boundary traversal | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4679 | mgesupervision | TCP/UDP | MGE UPS Supervision | |
4680 | mgemanagement | TCP/UDP | MGE UPS Management | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4681 | parliant | TCP/UDP | Parliant Telephony System | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4682 | finisar | TCP/UDP | finisar | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4683 | spike | TCP/UDP | Spike Clipboard Service | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4684 | rfid-rp1 | TCP/UDP | RFID Reader Protocol 1.0 | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4685 | autopac | TCP/UDP | Autopac Protocol | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4686 | msp-os | TCP/UDP | Manina Service Protocol | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4687 | nst | TCP/UDP | Network Scanner Tool FTP | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4688 | mobile-p2p | TCP/UDP | Mobile P2P Service | Registriert: 2008-12-04 |
4689 | altovacentral | TCP/UDP | Altova DatabaseCentral | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4690 | prelude | TCP/UDP | Prelude IDS message proto | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4691 | mtn | TCP/UDP | monotone Netsync Protocol | Registriert: 2010-12-22 |
4692 | conspiracy | TCP/UDP | Conspiracy messaging | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4693-4699 | Unassigned |
Quelle: IANA
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