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0 - 511512 - 10231024 - 14991500 - 19992000 - 24993000 - 34993500 - 39994000 - 46994700 - 53995400 - 64996500 - 79998000 - 999910000 - 1999920000 - 49151
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Benutzer-Ports von 2500 bis 2999
Port | Service-Name | Protokoll | Bezeichnung | Kommentar |
2500 | rtsserv | TCP/UDP | Resource Tracking system server | |
2501 | rtsclient | TCP/UDP | Resource Tracking system client | |
2502 | kentrox-prot | TCP/UDP | Kentrox Protocol | |
2503 | nms-dpnss | TCP/UDP | NMS-DPNSS | |
2504 | wlbs | TCP/UDP | WLBS | |
2505 | ppcontrol | TCP/UDP | PowerPlay Control | Registriert: 2004-11 |
2506 | jbroker | TCP/UDP | jbroker | |
2507 | spock | TCP/UDP | spock | |
2508 | jdatastore | TCP/UDP | JDataStore | |
2509 | fjmpss | TCP/UDP | fjmpss | |
2510 | fjappmgrbulk | TCP/UDP | fjappmgrbulk | |
2511 | metastorm | TCP/UDP | Metastorm | |
2512 | citrixima | TCP/UDP | Citrix IMA | |
2513 | citrixadmin | TCP/UDP | Citrix ADMIN | |
2514 | facsys-ntp | TCP/UDP | Facsys NTP | |
2515 | facsys-router | TCP/UDP | Facsys Router | |
2516 | maincontrol | TCP/UDP | Main Control | |
2517 | call-sig-trans | TCP/UDP | H.323 Annex E Call Control Signalling Transport | Geändert: 2013-01-31 |
2518 | willy | TCP/UDP | Willy | |
2519 | globmsgsvc | TCP/UDP | globmsgsvc | |
2520 | pvsw | TCP/UDP | Pervasive Listener | |
2521 | adaptecmgr | TCP/UDP | Adaptec Manager | |
2522 | windb | TCP/UDP | WinDb | |
2523 | qke-llc-v3 | TCP/UDP | Qke LLC V.3 | |
2524 | optiwave-lm | TCP/UDP | Optiwave License Management | |
2525 | ms-v-worlds | TCP/UDP | MS V-Worlds | |
2526 | ema-sent-lm | TCP/UDP | EMA License Manager | |
2527 | iqserver | TCP/UDP | IQ Server | |
2528 | ncr-ccl | TCP | NCR CCL IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "ncr_ccl". | |
2528 | ncr_ccl | TCP | NCR CCL | |
2528 | ncr-ccl | UDP | NCR CCL IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "ncr_ccl". | |
2528 | ncr_ccl | UDP | NCR CCL | |
2529 | utsftp | TCP/UDP | UTS FTP | |
2530 | vrcommerce | TCP/UDP | VR Commerce | |
2531 | ito-e-gui | TCP/UDP | ITO-E GUI | |
2532 | ovtopmd | TCP/UDP | OVTOPMD | |
2533 | snifferserver | TCP/UDP | SnifferServer | |
2534 | combox-web-acc | TCP/UDP | Combox Web Access | |
2535 | madcap | TCP/UDP | MADCAP | |
2536 | btpp2audctr1 | TCP/UDP | btpp2audctr1 | |
2537 | upgrade | TCP/UDP | Upgrade Protocol | |
2538 | vnwk-prapi | TCP/UDP | vnwk-prapi | |
2539 | vsiadmin | TCP/UDP | VSI Admin | |
2540 | lonworks | TCP/UDP | LonWorks | |
2541 | lonworks2 | TCP/UDP | LonWorks2 | |
2542 | udrawgraph | TCP/UDP | uDraw(Graph) | |
2543 | reftek | TCP/UDP | REFTEK | |
2544 | novell-zen | TCP/UDP | Management Daemon Refresh | |
2545 | sis-emt | TCP/UDP | sis-emt | |
2546 | vytalvaultbrtp | TCP/UDP | vytalvaultbrtp | |
2547 | vytalvaultvsmp | TCP/UDP | vytalvaultvsmp | |
2548 | vytalvaultpipe | TCP/UDP | vytalvaultpipe | |
2549 | ipass | TCP/UDP | IPASS | |
2550 | ads | TCP/UDP | ADS | |
2551 | isg-uda-server | TCP/UDP | ISG UDA Server | |
2552 | call-logging | TCP/UDP | Call Logging | |
2553 | efidiningport | TCP/UDP | efidiningport | |
2554 | vcnet-link-v10 | TCP/UDP | VCnet-Link v10 | |
2555 | compaq-wcp | TCP/UDP | Compaq WCP | |
2556 | nicetec-nmsvc | TCP/UDP | nicetec-nmsvc | |
2557 | nicetec-mgmt | TCP/UDP | nicetec-mgmt | |
2558 | pclemultimedia | TCP/UDP | PCLE Multi Media | |
2559 | lstp | TCP/UDP | LSTP | |
2560 | labrat | TCP/UDP | labrat | |
2561 | mosaixcc | TCP/UDP | MosaixCC | |
2562 | delibo | TCP/UDP | Delibo | |
2563 | cti-redwood | TCP/UDP | CTI Redwood | |
2564 | hp-3000-telnet | TCP/UDP | HP 3000 NS/VT block mode telnet | |
2565 | coord-svr | TCP/UDP | Coordinator Server | |
2566 | pcs-pcw | TCP/UDP | pcs-pcw | |
2567 | clp | TCP/UDP | Cisco Line Protocol | |
2568 | spamtrap | TCP/UDP | SPAM TRAP | Registriert: 2008-08-29 |
2569 | sonuscallsig | TCP/UDP | Sonus Call Signal | |
2570 | hs-port | TCP/UDP | HS Port | |
2571 | cecsvc | TCP/UDP | CECSVC | |
2572 | ibp | TCP/UDP | IBP | |
2573 | trustestablish | TCP/UDP | Trust Establish | |
2574 | blockade-bpsp | TCP/UDP | Blockade BPSP | |
2575 | hl7 | TCP/UDP | HL7 | |
2576 | tclprodebugger | TCP/UDP | TCL Pro Debugger | |
2577 | scipticslsrvr | TCP/UDP | Scriptics Lsrvr | |
2578 | rvs-isdn-dcp | TCP/UDP | RVS ISDN DCP | |
2579 | mpfoncl | TCP/UDP | mpfoncl | |
2580 | tributary | TCP/UDP | Tributary | |
2581 | argis-te | TCP/UDP | ARGIS TE | |
2582 | argis-ds | TCP/UDP | ARGIS DS | |
2583 | mon | TCP/UDP | MON | |
2584 | cyaserv | TCP/UDP | cyaserv | |
2585 | netx-server | TCP/UDP | NETX Server | |
2586 | netx-agent | TCP/UDP | NETX Agent | |
2587 | masc | TCP/UDP | MASC | |
2588 | privilege | TCP/UDP | Privilege | |
2589 | quartus-tcl | TCP/UDP | quartus tcl | |
2590 | idotdist | TCP/UDP | idotdist | |
2591 | maytagshuffle | TCP/UDP | Maytag Shuffle | |
2592 | netrek | TCP/UDP | netrek | |
2593 | mns-mail | TCP/UDP | MNS Mail Notice Service | |
2594 | dts | TCP/UDP | Data Base Server | |
2595 | worldfusion1 | TCP/UDP | World Fusion 1 | |
2596 | worldfusion2 | TCP/UDP | World Fusion 2 | |
2597 | homesteadglory | TCP/UDP | Homestead Glory | |
2598 | citriximaclient | TCP/UDP | Citrix MA Client | |
2599 | snapd | TCP/UDP | Snap Discovery | |
2600 | hpstgmgr | TCP/UDP | HPSTGMGR | |
2601 | discp-client | TCP/UDP | discp client | |
2602 | discp-server | TCP/UDP | discp server | |
2603 | servicemeter | TCP/UDP | Service Meter | |
2604 | nsc-ccs | TCP/UDP | NSC CCS | |
2605 | nsc-posa | TCP/UDP | NSC POSA | |
2606 | netmon | TCP/UDP | Dell Netmon | |
2607 | connection | TCP/UDP | Dell Connection | |
2608 | wag-service | TCP/UDP | Wag Service | |
2609 | system-monitor | TCP/UDP | System Monitor | |
2610 | versa-tek | TCP/UDP | VersaTek | |
2611 | lionhead | TCP/UDP | LIONHEAD | |
2612 | qpasa-agent | TCP/UDP | Qpasa Agent | |
2613 | smntubootstrap | TCP/UDP | SMNTUBootstrap | |
2614 | neveroffline | TCP/UDP | Never Offline | |
2615 | firepower | TCP/UDP | firepower | |
2616 | appswitch-emp | TCP/UDP | appswitch-emp | |
2617 | cmadmin | TCP/UDP | Clinical Context Managers | |
2618 | priority-e-com | TCP/UDP | Priority E-Com | |
2619 | bruce | TCP/UDP | bruce | |
2620 | lpsrecommender | TCP/UDP | LPSRecommender | |
2621 | miles-apart | TCP/UDP | Miles Apart Jukebox Server | |
2622 | metricadbc | TCP/UDP | MetricaDBC | |
2623 | lmdp | TCP/UDP | LMDP | |
2624 | aria | TCP/UDP | Aria | |
2625 | blwnkl-port | TCP/UDP | Blwnkl Port | |
2626 | gbjd816 | TCP/UDP | gbjd816 | |
2627 | moshebeeri | TCP/UDP | Moshe Beeri | |
2628 | dict | TCP/UDP | DICT | |
2629 | sitaraserver | TCP/UDP | Sitara Server | |
2630 | sitaramgmt | TCP/UDP | Sitara Management | |
2631 | sitaradir | TCP/UDP | Sitara Dir | |
2632 | irdg-post | TCP/UDP | IRdg Post | |
2633 | interintelli | TCP/UDP | InterIntelli | |
2634 | pk-electronics | TCP/UDP | PK Electronics | |
2635 | backburner | TCP/UDP | Back Burner | |
2636 | solve | TCP/UDP | Solve | |
2637 | imdocsvc | TCP/UDP | Import Document Service | |
2638 | sybaseanywhere | TCP/UDP | Sybase Anywhere | Geändert: 2021-12-03 |
2639 | aminet | TCP/UDP | AMInet | |
2640 | ami-control | TCP/UDP | Alcorn McBride Inc protocol used for device control | Geändert: 2020-03-12 |
2641 | hdl-srv | TCP/UDP | HDL Server | |
2642 | tragic | TCP/UDP | Tragic | |
2643 | gte-samp | TCP/UDP | GTE-SAMP | |
2644 | travsoft-ipx-t | TCP/UDP | Travsoft IPX Tunnel | |
2645 | novell-ipx-cmd | TCP/UDP | Novell IPX CMD | |
2646 | and-lm | TCP/UDP | AND License Manager | |
2647 | syncserver | TCP/UDP | SyncServer | |
2648 | upsnotifyprot | TCP/UDP | Upsnotifyprot | |
2649 | vpsipport | TCP/UDP | VPSIPPORT | |
2650 | eristwoguns | TCP/UDP | eristwoguns | Registriert: 2008-12-16 |
2651 | ebinsite | TCP/UDP | EBInSite | |
2652 | interpathpanel | TCP/UDP | InterPathPanel | |
2653 | sonus | TCP/UDP | Sonus | |
2654 | corel-vncadmin | TCP | Corel VNC Admin IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "corel_vncadmin". | |
2654 | corel_vncadmin | TCP | Corel VNC Admin | |
2654 | corel-vncadmin | UDP | Corel VNC Admin IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "corel_vncadmin". | |
2654 | corel_vncadmin | UDP | Corel VNC Admin | |
2655 | unglue | TCP/UDP | UNIX Nt Glue | |
2656 | kana | TCP/UDP | Kana | |
2657 | sns-dispatcher | TCP/UDP | SNS Dispatcher | |
2658 | sns-admin | TCP/UDP | SNS Admin | |
2659 | sns-query | TCP/UDP | SNS Query | |
2660 | gcmonitor | TCP/UDP | GC Monitor | |
2661 | olhost | TCP/UDP | OLHOST | |
2662 | bintec-capi | TCP/UDP | BinTec-CAPI | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Unauthorized Use Known on port 2662 |
2663 | bintec-tapi | TCP/UDP | BinTec-TAPI | |
2664 | patrol-mq-gm | TCP/UDP | Patrol for MQ GM | |
2665 | patrol-mq-nm | TCP/UDP | Patrol for MQ NM | |
2666 | extensis | TCP/UDP | extensis | |
2667 | alarm-clock-s | TCP/UDP | Alarm Clock Server | |
2668 | alarm-clock-c | TCP/UDP | Alarm Clock Client | |
2669 | toad | TCP/UDP | TOAD | |
2670 | tve-announce | TCP/UDP | TVE Announce | |
2671 | newlixreg | TCP/UDP | newlixreg | |
2672 | nhserver | TCP/UDP | nhserver | |
2673 | firstcall42 | TCP/UDP | First Call 42 | |
2674 | ewnn | TCP/UDP | ewnn | |
2675 | ttc-etap | TCP/UDP | TTC ETAP | |
2676 | simslink | TCP/UDP | SIMSLink | |
2677 | gadgetgate1way | TCP/UDP | Gadget Gate 1 Way | |
2678 | gadgetgate2way | TCP/UDP | Gadget Gate 2 Way | |
2679 | syncserverssl | TCP/UDP | Sync Server SSL | |
2680 | pxc-sapxom | TCP/UDP | pxc-sapxom | |
2681 | mpnjsomb | TCP/UDP | mpnjsomb | |
2682 | Removed | Geändert: 2002-04-30 | ||
2683 | ncdloadbalance | TCP/UDP | NCDLoadBalance | |
2684 | mpnjsosv | TCP/UDP | mpnjsosv | |
2685 | mpnjsocl | TCP/UDP | mpnjsocl | |
2686 | mpnjsomg | TCP/UDP | mpnjsomg | |
2687 | pq-lic-mgmt | TCP/UDP | pq-lic-mgmt | |
2688 | md-cg-http | TCP/UDP | md-cf-http | |
2689 | fastlynx | TCP/UDP | FastLynx | |
2690 | hp-nnm-data | TCP/UDP | HP NNM Embedded Database | |
2691 | itinternet | TCP/UDP | ITInternet ISM Server | |
2692 | admins-lms | TCP/UDP | Admins LMS | |
2693 | TCP/UDP | Unassigned | ||
2694 | pwrsevent | TCP/UDP | pwrsevent | |
2695 | vspread | TCP/UDP | VSPREAD | |
2696 | unifyadmin | TCP/UDP | Unify Admin | Geändert: 2012-07-31 |
2697 | oce-snmp-trap | TCP/UDP | Oce SNMP Trap Port | |
2698 | mck-ivpip | TCP/UDP | MCK-IVPIP | |
2699 | csoft-plusclnt | TCP/UDP | Csoft Plus Client | |
2700 | tqdata | TCP/UDP | tqdata | |
2701 | sms-rcinfo | TCP/UDP | SMS RCINFO | |
2702 | sms-xfer | TCP/UDP | SMS XFER | |
2703 | sms-chat | TCP/UDP | SMS CHAT | |
2704 | sms-remctrl | TCP/UDP | SMS REMCTRL | |
2705 | sds-admin | TCP/UDP | SDS Admin | |
2706 | ncdmirroring | TCP/UDP | NCD Mirroring | |
2707 | emcsymapiport | TCP/UDP | EMCSYMAPIPORT | |
2708 | banyan-net | TCP/UDP | Banyan-Net | |
2709 | supermon | TCP/UDP | Supermon | |
2710 | sso-service | TCP/UDP | SSO Service | |
2711 | sso-control | TCP/UDP | SSO Control | |
2712 | aocp | TCP/UDP | Axapta Object Communication Protocol | |
2713 | raventbs | TCP/UDP | Raven Trinity Broker Service | |
2714 | raventdm | TCP/UDP | Raven Trinity Data Mover | |
2715 | hpstgmgr2 | TCP/UDP | HPSTGMGR2 | |
2716 | inova-ip-disco | TCP/UDP | Inova IP Disco | |
2717 | pn-requester | TCP/UDP | PN REQUESTER | |
2718 | pn-requester2 | TCP/UDP | PN REQUESTER 2 | |
2719 | scan-change | TCP/UDP | Scan & Change | |
2720 | wkars | TCP/UDP | wkars | |
2721 | smart-diagnose | TCP/UDP | Smart Diagnose | |
2722 | proactivesrvr | TCP/UDP | Proactive Server | |
2723 | watchdog-nt | TCP/UDP | WatchDog NT Protocol | Geändert: 2020-07-20 |
2724 | qotps | TCP/UDP | qotps | |
2725 | msolap-ptp2 | TCP/UDP | MSOLAP PTP2 | |
2726 | tams | TCP/UDP | TAMS | |
2727 | mgcp-callagent | TCP/UDP | Media Gateway Control Protocol Call Agent | |
2728 | sqdr | TCP/UDP | SQDR | |
2729 | tcim-control | TCP/UDP | TCIM Control | |
2730 | nec-raidplus | TCP/UDP | NEC RaidPlus | |
2731 | fyre-messanger | TCP/UDP | Fyre Messanger | |
2732 | g5m | TCP/UDP | G5M | |
2733 | signet-ctf | TCP/UDP | Signet CTF | |
2734 | ccs-software | TCP/UDP | CCS Software | |
2735 | netiq-mc | TCP/UDP | NetIQ Monitor Console | Registriert: 2010-08-25 |
2736 | radwiz-nms-srv | TCP/UDP | RADWIZ NMS SRV | |
2737 | srp-feedback | TCP/UDP | SRP Feedback | |
2738 | ndl-tcp-ois-gw | TCP/UDP | NDL TCP-OSI Gateway | |
2739 | tn-timing | TCP/UDP | TN Timing | |
2740 | alarm | TCP/UDP | Alarm | |
2741 | tsb | TCP/UDP | TSB | |
2742 | tsb2 | TCP/UDP | TSB2 | |
2743 | murx | TCP/UDP | murx | |
2744 | honyaku | TCP/UDP | honyaku | |
2745 | urbisnet | TCP/UDP | URBISNET | |
2746 | cpudpencap | TCP/UDP | CPUDPENCAP | |
2752 | rsisysaccess | TCP/UDP | RSISYS ACCESS | |
2753 | de-spot | TCP/UDP | de-spot | |
2754 | apollo-cc | TCP/UDP | APOLLO CC | |
2755 | expresspay | TCP/UDP | Express Pay | |
2756 | simplement-tie | TCP/UDP | simplement-tie | |
2757 | cnrp | TCP/UDP | CNRP | |
2758 | apollo-status | TCP/UDP | APOLLO Status | |
2759 | apollo-gms | TCP/UDP | APOLLO GMS | |
2760 | sabams | TCP/UDP | Saba MS | |
2761 | dicom-iscl | TCP/UDP | DICOM ISCL | |
2762 | dicom-tls | TCP/UDP | DICOM TLS | |
2763 | desktop-dna | TCP/UDP | Desktop DNA | |
2764 | data-insurance | TCP/UDP | Data Insurance | |
2765 | qip-audup | TCP/UDP | qip-audup | |
2766 | compaq-scp | TCP/UDP | Compaq SCP | |
2767 | uadtc | TCP/UDP | UADTC | |
2768 | uacs | TCP/UDP | UACS | |
2769 | exce | TCP/UDP | eXcE | |
2770 | veronica | TCP/UDP | Veronica | |
2771 | vergencecm | TCP/UDP | Vergence CM | |
2772 | auris | TCP/UDP | auris | |
2773 | rbakcup1 | TCP/UDP | RBackup Remote Backup | |
2774 | rbakcup2 | TCP/UDP | RBackup Remote Backup | |
2775 | smpp | TCP/UDP | SMPP | |
2776 | ridgeway1 | TCP/UDP | Ridgeway Systems & Software | |
2777 | ridgeway2 | TCP/UDP | Ridgeway Systems & Software | |
2778 | gwen-sonya | TCP/UDP | Gwen-Sonya | |
2779 | lbc-sync | TCP/UDP | LBC Sync | |
2780 | lbc-control | TCP/UDP | LBC Control | |
2781 | whosells | TCP/UDP | whosells | |
2782 | everydayrc | TCP/UDP | everydayrc | |
2783 | aises | TCP/UDP | AISES | |
2784 | www-dev | TCP/UDP | world wide web - development | |
2785 | aic-np | TCP/UDP | aic-np | |
2786 | aic-oncrpc | TCP/UDP | aic-oncrpc - Destiny MCD database | |
2787 | piccolo | TCP/UDP | piccolo - Cornerstone Software | |
2788 | fryeserv | TCP/UDP | NetWare Loadable Module - Seagate Software | |
2789 | media-agent | TCP/UDP | Media Agent | |
2790 | plgproxy | TCP/UDP | PLG Proxy | |
2791 | mtport-regist | TCP/UDP | MT Port Registrator | |
2792 | f5-globalsite | TCP/UDP | f5-globalsite | |
2793 | initlsmsad | TCP/UDP | initlsmsad | |
2794 | urp | TCP/UDP | Uniform Resource Platform | Registriert: 2024-11-26 |
2795 | livestats | TCP/UDP | LiveStats | |
2796 | ac-tech | TCP/UDP | ac-tech | |
2797 | esp-encap | TCP/UDP | esp-encap | |
2798 | tmesis-upshot | TCP/UDP | TMESIS-UPShot | |
2799 | icon-discover | TCP/UDP | ICON Discover | |
2800 | acc-raid | TCP/UDP | ACC RAID | |
2801 | igcp | TCP/UDP | IGCP | |
2802 | veritas-tcp1 | TCP | Veritas TCP1 | |
2802 | veritas-udp1 | UDP | Veritas UDP1 | |
2803 | btprjctrl | TCP/UDP | btprjctrl | |
2804 | dvr-esm | TCP/UDP | March Networks Digital Video Recorders and Enterprise Service Manager products | Registriert: 2004-06 |
2805 | wta-wsp-s | TCP/UDP | WTA WSP-S | |
2806 | cspuni | TCP/UDP | cspuni | |
2807 | cspmulti | TCP/UDP | cspmulti | |
2808 | j-lan-p | TCP/UDP | J-LAN-P | |
2809 | corbaloc | TCP/UDP | CORBA LOC | |
2810 | netsteward | TCP/UDP | Active Net Steward | |
2811 | gsiftp | TCP/UDP | GSI FTP | |
2812 | atmtcp | TCP/UDP | atmtcp | |
2813 | llm-pass | TCP/UDP | llm-pass | Geändert: 2020-07-20 |
2814 | llm-csv | TCP/UDP | llm-csv | Geändert: 2020-07-20 |
2815 | lbc-measure | TCP/UDP | LBC Measurement | |
2816 | lbc-watchdog | TCP/UDP | LBC Watchdog | |
2817 | nmsigport | TCP/UDP | NMSig Port | |
2818 | rmlnk | TCP/UDP | rmlnk | |
2819 | fc-faultnotify | TCP/UDP | FC Fault Notification | |
2820 | univision | TCP/UDP | UniVision | |
2821 | vrts-at-port | TCP/UDP | VERITAS Authentication Service | |
2822 | ka0wuc | TCP/UDP | ka0wuc | |
2823 | cqg-netlan | TCP/UDP | CQG Net/LAN | |
2824 | cqg-netlan-1 | TCP | CQG Net/LAN 1 | |
2824 | cqg-netlan-1 | UDP | CQG Net/Lan 1 | |
2825 | (unassigned) Possibly assigned | |||
2826 | slc-systemlog | TCP/UDP | slc systemlog | |
2827 | slc-ctrlrloops | TCP/UDP | slc ctrlrloops | |
2828 | itm-lm | TCP/UDP | ITM License Manager | |
2829 | silkp1 | TCP/UDP | silkp1 | |
2830 | silkp2 | TCP/UDP | silkp2 | |
2831 | silkp3 | TCP/UDP | silkp3 | |
2832 | silkp4 | TCP/UDP | silkp4 | |
2833 | glishd | TCP/UDP | glishd | |
2834 | evtp | TCP/UDP | EVTP | |
2835 | evtp-data | TCP/UDP | EVTP-DATA | |
2836 | catalyst | TCP/UDP | catalyst | |
2837 | repliweb | TCP/UDP | Repliweb | |
2838 | starbot | TCP/UDP | Starbot | |
2839 | nmsigport | TCP/UDP | NMSigPort | |
2840 | l3-exprt | TCP/UDP | l3-exprt | |
2841 | l3-ranger | TCP/UDP | l3-ranger | |
2842 | l3-hawk | TCP/UDP | l3-hawk | |
2843 | pdnet | TCP/UDP | PDnet | |
2844 | bpcp-poll | TCP/UDP | BPCP POLL | |
2845 | bpcp-trap | TCP/UDP | BPCP TRAP | |
2846 | aimpp-hello | TCP/UDP | AIMPP Hello | |
2847 | aimpp-port-req | TCP/UDP | AIMPP Port Req | |
2848 | amt-blc-port | TCP/UDP | AMT-BLC-PORT | |
2849 | fxp | TCP/UDP | FXP | |
2850 | metaconsole | TCP/UDP | MetaConsole | |
2851 | webemshttp | TCP/UDP | webemshttp | |
2852 | bears-01 | TCP/UDP | bears-01 | |
2853 | ispipes | TCP/UDP | ISPipes | |
2854 | infomover | TCP/UDP | InfoMover | |
2855 | msrp | TCP | MSRP over TCP | Referenz: [RFC4976] Geändert: 2014-04-09 |
2855 | UDP | Reserved | Geändert: 2014-04-09 | |
2856 | cesdinv | TCP/UDP | cesdinv | |
2857 | simctlp | TCP/UDP | SimCtIP | |
2858 | ecnp | TCP/UDP | ECNP | |
2859 | activememory | TCP/UDP | Active Memory | |
2860 | dialpad-voice1 | TCP/UDP | Dialpad Voice 1 | |
2861 | dialpad-voice2 | TCP/UDP | Dialpad Voice 2 | |
2862 | ttg-protocol | TCP/UDP | TTG Protocol | |
2863 | sonardata | TCP/UDP | Sonar Data | |
2864 | astronova-main | TCP/UDP | main 5001 cmd | Geändert: 2020-03-03 |
2865 | pit-vpn | TCP/UDP | pit-vpn | |
2866 | iwlistener | TCP/UDP | iwlistener | |
2867 | esps-portal | TCP/UDP | esps-portal | |
2868 | npep-messaging | TCP/UDP | Norman Proprietaqry Events Protocol | Geändert: 2015-05-20 |
2869 | icslap | TCP/UDP | ICSLAP | |
2870 | daishi | TCP/UDP | daishi | |
2871 | msi-selectplay | TCP/UDP | MSI Select Play | |
2872 | radix | TCP/UDP | RADIX | Geändert: 2011-07-06 |
2873 | psrt | TCP/UDP | PubSub Realtime Telemetry Protocol | Registriert: 2021-11-12 |
2874 | dxmessagebase1 | TCP/UDP | DX Message Base Transport Protocol | |
2875 | dxmessagebase2 | TCP/UDP | DX Message Base Transport Protocol | Registriert: 2009-01-13 |
2876 | sps-tunnel | TCP/UDP | SPS Tunnel | |
2877 | bluelance | TCP/UDP | BLUELANCE | |
2878 | aap | TCP/UDP | AAP | |
2879 | ucentric-ds | TCP/UDP | ucentric-ds | |
2880 | synapse | TCP/UDP | Synapse Transport | |
2881 | ndsp | TCP/UDP | NDSP | |
2882 | ndtp | TCP/UDP | NDTP | |
2883 | ndnp | TCP/UDP | NDNP | |
2884 | flashmsg | TCP/UDP | Flash Msg | |
2885 | topflow | TCP/UDP | TopFlow | |
2886 | responselogic | TCP/UDP | RESPONSELOGIC | |
2887 | aironetddp | TCP/UDP | aironet | |
2888 | spcsdlobby | TCP/UDP | SPCSDLOBBY | |
2889 | rsom | TCP/UDP | RSOM | |
2890 | cspclmulti | TCP/UDP | CSPCLMULTI | |
2891 | cinegrfx-elmd | TCP/UDP | CINEGRFX-ELMD License Manager | |
2892 | snifferdata | TCP/UDP | SNIFFERDATA | |
2893 | vseconnector | TCP/UDP | VSECONNECTOR | |
2894 | abacus-remote | TCP/UDP | ABACUS-REMOTE | |
2895 | natuslink | TCP/UDP | NATUS LINK | |
2896 | ecovisiong6-1 | TCP/UDP | ECOVISIONG6-1 | |
2897 | citrix-rtmp | TCP/UDP | Citrix RTMP | |
2898 | appliance-cfg | TCP/UDP | APPLIANCE-CFG | |
2899 | powergemplus | TCP/UDP | POWERGEMPLUS | |
2900 | quicksuite | TCP/UDP | QUICKSUITE | |
2901 | allstorcns | TCP/UDP | ALLSTORCNS | |
2902 | netaspi | TCP/UDP | NET ASPI | |
2903 | suitcase | TCP/UDP | SUITCASE | |
2904 | m2ua | TCP/UDP/SCTP | M2UA | |
2905 | m3ua | TCP | M3UA | Referenz: [RFC4666] |
2905 | UDP | De-registered | Registriert: 2001-06-07 | |
2905 | m3ua | SCTP | M3UA | Referenz: [RFC4666] |
2906 | caller9 | TCP/UDP | CALLER9 | |
2907 | webmethods-b2b | TCP/UDP | WEBMETHODS B2B | |
2908 | mao | TCP/UDP | mao | |
2909 | funk-dialout | TCP/UDP | Funk Dialout | |
2910 | tdaccess | TCP/UDP | TDAccess | |
2911 | blockade | TCP/UDP | Blockade | |
2912 | epicon | TCP/UDP | Epicon | |
2913 | boosterware | TCP/UDP | Booster Ware | |
2914 | gamelobby | TCP/UDP | Game Lobby | |
2915 | tksocket | TCP/UDP | TK Socket | Registriert: 2011-03-02 |
2916 | elvin-server | TCP | Elvin Server IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "elvin_server". | |
2916 | elvin_server | TCP | Elvin Server | |
2916 | elvin-server | UDP | Elvin Server IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "elvin_server". | |
2916 | elvin_server | UDP | Elvin Server | |
2917 | elvin-client | TCP | Elvin Client IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "elvin_client". | |
2917 | elvin_client | TCP | Elvin Client | |
2917 | elvin-client | UDP | Elvin Client IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "elvin_client". | |
2917 | elvin_client | UDP | Elvin Client | |
2918 | kastenchasepad | TCP/UDP | Kasten Chase Pad | |
2919 | roboer | TCP/UDP | roboER | |
2920 | roboeda | TCP/UDP | roboEDA | |
2921 | cesdcdman | TCP/UDP | CESD Contents Delivery Management | |
2922 | cesdcdtrn | TCP/UDP | CESD Contents Delivery Data Transfer | |
2923 | wta-wsp-wtp-s | TCP/UDP | WTA-WSP-WTP-S | |
2924 | precise-vip | TCP/UDP | PRECISE-VIP | |
2925 | Unassigned (FRP-Released 12/7/00) | |||
2926 | mobile-file-dl | TCP/UDP | MOBILE-FILE-DL | |
2927 | unimobilectrl | TCP/UDP | UNIMOBILECTRL | |
2928 | redstone-cpss | TCP/UDP | REDSTONE-CPSS | |
2929 | amx-webadmin | TCP/UDP | AMX-WEBADMIN | |
2930 | amx-weblinx | TCP/UDP | AMX-WEBLINX | |
2931 | circle-x | TCP/UDP | Circle-X | |
2932 | incp | TCP/UDP | INCP | |
2933 | 4-tieropmgw | TCP/UDP | 4-TIER OPM GW | |
2934 | 4-tieropmcli | TCP/UDP | 4-TIER OPM CLI | |
2935 | qtp | TCP/UDP | QTP | |
2936 | otpatch | TCP/UDP | OTPatch | |
2937 | pnaconsult-lm | TCP/UDP | PNACONSULT-LM | |
2938 | sm-pas-1 | TCP/UDP | SM-PAS-1 | |
2939 | sm-pas-2 | TCP/UDP | SM-PAS-2 | |
2940 | sm-pas-3 | TCP/UDP | SM-PAS-3 | |
2941 | sm-pas-4 | TCP/UDP | SM-PAS-4 | |
2942 | sm-pas-5 | TCP/UDP | SM-PAS-5 | |
2943 | ttnrepository | TCP/UDP | TTNRepository | |
2944 | megaco-h248 | TCP/UDP | Megaco H-248 | |
2944 | megaco-h248 | SCTP | Megaco-H.248 text | Registriert: 2006-09 |
2945 | h248-binary | TCP/UDP | H248 Binary | |
2945 | h248-binary | SCTP | Megaco/H.248 binary | Registriert: 2006-09 |
2946 | fjsvmpor | TCP/UDP | FJSVmpor | |
2947 | gpsd | TCP/UDP | GPS Daemon request/response protocol | Geändert: 2010-04-19 |
2948 | wap-push | TCP/UDP | WAP PUSH | |
2949 | wap-pushsecure | TCP/UDP | WAP PUSH SECURE | |
2950 | esip | TCP/UDP | ESIP | |
2951 | ottp | TCP/UDP | OTTP | |
2952 | mpfwsas | TCP/UDP | MPFWSAS | |
2953 | ovalarmsrv | TCP/UDP | OVALARMSRV | |
2954 | ovalarmsrv-cmd | TCP/UDP | OVALARMSRV-CMD | |
2955 | csnotify | TCP/UDP | CSNOTIFY | |
2956 | ovrimosdbman | TCP/UDP | OVRIMOSDBMAN | |
2957 | jmact5 | TCP/UDP | JAMCT5 | |
2958 | jmact6 | TCP/UDP | JAMCT6 | |
2959 | rmopagt | TCP/UDP | RMOPAGT | |
2960 | dfoxserver | TCP/UDP | DFOXSERVER | |
2961 | boldsoft-lm | TCP/UDP | BOLDSOFT-LM | |
2962 | iph-policy-cli | TCP/UDP | IPH-POLICY-CLI | |
2963 | iph-policy-adm | TCP/UDP | IPH-POLICY-ADM | |
2964 | bullant-srap | TCP/UDP | BULLANT SRAP | |
2965 | bullant-rap | TCP/UDP | BULLANT RAP | |
2966 | idp-infotrieve | TCP/UDP | IDP-INFOTRIEVE | |
2967 | ssc-agent | TCP/UDP | SSC-AGENT | |
2968 | enpp | TCP/UDP | ENPP | |
2969 | essp | TCP/UDP | ESSP | |
2970 | index-net | TCP/UDP | INDEX-NET | |
2971 | netclip | TCP/UDP | NetClip clipboard daemon | |
2972 | pmsm-webrctl | TCP/UDP | PMSM Webrctl | |
2973 | svnetworks | TCP/UDP | SV Networks | |
2974 | signal | TCP/UDP | Signal | |
2975 | fjmpcm | TCP/UDP | Fujitsu Configuration Management Service | |
2976 | cns-srv-port | TCP/UDP | CNS Server Port | |
2977 | ttc-etap-ns | TCP/UDP | TTCs Enterprise Test Access Protocol - NS | |
2978 | ttc-etap-ds | TCP/UDP | TTCs Enterprise Test Access Protocol - DS | |
2979 | h263-video | TCP/UDP | H.263 Video Streaming | |
2980 | wimd | TCP/UDP | Instant Messaging Service | |
2981 | mylxamport | TCP/UDP | MYLXAMPORT | |
2982 | iwb-whiteboard | TCP/UDP | IWB-WHITEBOARD | |
2983 | netplan | TCP/UDP | NETPLAN | |
2984 | hpidsadmin | TCP/UDP | HPIDSADMIN | |
2985 | hpidsagent | TCP/UDP | HPIDSAGENT | |
2986 | stonefalls | TCP/UDP | STONEFALLS | |
2987 | identify | TCP/UDP | identify | |
2988 | hippad | TCP/UDP | HIPPA Reporting Protocol | |
2989 | zarkov | TCP/UDP | ZARKOV Intelligent Agent Communication | Geändert: 2014-02-17 |
2990 | boscap | TCP/UDP | BOSCAP | |
2991 | wkstn-mon | TCP/UDP | WKSTN-MON | |
2992 | avenyo | TCP/UDP | Avenyo Server | |
2993 | veritas-vis1 | TCP/UDP | VERITAS VIS1 | |
2994 | veritas-vis2 | TCP/UDP | VERITAS VIS2 | |
2995 | idrs | TCP/UDP | IDRS | |
2996 | vsixml | TCP/UDP | vsixml | |
2997 | rebol | TCP/UDP | REBOL | |
2998 | realsecure | TCP/UDP | Real Secure | |
2999 | remoteware-un | TCP/UDP | RemoteWare Unassigned |
Quelle: IANA
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