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0 - 511512 - 10231024 - 14991500 - 19992000 - 24992500 - 29993000 - 34993500 - 39994000 - 46995400 - 64996500 - 79998000 - 999910000 - 1999920000 - 49151
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Benutzer-Ports von 4700 bis 5399
Port | Service-Name | Protokoll | Bezeichnung | Kommentar |
4700 | netxms-agent | TCP/UDP | NetXMS Agent | |
4701 | netxms-mgmt | TCP/UDP | NetXMS Management | |
4702 | netxms-sync | TCP/UDP | NetXMS Server Synchronization | Registriert: 2006-07 |
4703 | npqes-test | TCP | Network Performance Quality Evaluation System Test Service | Registriert: 2010-06-28 |
4703 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4704 | assuria-ins | TCP | Assuria Insider | Registriert: 2010-06-30 |
4704 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4705-4710 | Unassigned | |||
4711 | trinity-dist | TCP/UDP/SCTP | Trinity Trust Network Node Communication | Registriert: 2017-01-12 |
4712-4724 | Unassigned | |||
4725 | truckstar | TCP/UDP | TruckStar Service | Registriert: 2010-10-15 |
4726 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4726 | a26-fap-fgw | UDP | A26 (FAP-FGW) | Registriert: 2010-10-15 |
4727 | fcis | TCP | F-Link Client Information Service | |
4727 | fcis-disc | UDP | F-Link Client Information Service Discovery | Registriert: 2010-10-15 |
4728 | capmux | TCP/UDP | CA Port Multiplexer | Registriert: 2006-06 |
4729 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4729 | gsmtap | UDP | GSM Interface Tap | Registriert: 2009-01-16 |
4730 | gearman | TCP/UDP | Gearman Job Queue System | Registriert: 2009-01-16 |
4731 | remcap | TCP | Remote Capture Protocol | Registriert: 2009-01-16 |
4731 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4732 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4732 | ohmtrigger | UDP | OHM server trigger | Registriert: 2009-11-18 |
4733 | resorcs | TCP | RES Orchestration Catalog Services | Registriert: 2009-11-18 |
4733 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4734-4736 | Unassigned | |||
4737 | ipdr-sp | TCP/UDP | IPDR/SP | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4738 | solera-lpn | TCP/UDP | SoleraTec Locator | Registriert: 2005-12 |
4739 | ipfix | TCP/UDP | IP Flow Info Export | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4739 | ipfix | SCTP | IP Flow Info Export | Registriert: 2006-01 |
4740 | ipfixs | TCP | ipfix protocol over TLS | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4740 | ipfixs | SCTP/UDP | ipfix protocol over DTLS | Registriert: 2006-10 |
4741 | lumimgrd | TCP/UDP | Luminizer Manager | Registriert: 2007-03 |
4742 | sicct | TCP | SICCT | |
4742 | sicct-sdp | UDP | SICCT Service Discovery Protocol | Registriert: 2006-04 |
4743 | openhpid | TCP/UDP | openhpi HPI service | Registriert: 2006-01 |
4744 | ifsp | TCP/UDP | Internet File Synchronization Protocol | Registriert: 2007-09-12 |
4745 | fmp | TCP/UDP | Funambol Mobile Push | Registriert: 2007-01 |
4746 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4746 | intelliadm-disc | UDP | IntelliAdmin Discovery | Registriert: 2016-11-18 |
4747 | buschtrommel | UDP | peer-to-peer file exchange protocol | Registriert: 2013-01-14 |
4747 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4748-4748 | Unassigned | |||
4749 | profilemac | TCP/UDP | Profile for Mac | Registriert: 2006-05 |
4750 | ssad | TCP/UDP | Simple Service Auto Discovery | Registriert: 2005-12 |
4751 | spocp | TCP/UDP | Simple Policy Control Protocol | Registriert: 2005-08 |
4752 | snap | TCP/UDP | Simple Network Audio Protocol | Registriert: 2002-02 |
4753 | simon | TCP | Simple Invocation of Methods Over Network (SIMON) | Registriert: 2012-04-19 |
4753 | simon-disc | UDP | Simple Invocation of Methods Over Network (SIMON) Discovery | Registriert: 2012-04-19 |
4754 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4754 | gre-in-udp | UDP | GRE-in-UDP Encapsulation | Referenz: [RFC8086] Registriert: 2016-10-05 |
4755 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4755 | gre-udp-dtls | UDP | GRE-in-UDP Encapsulation with DTLS | Referenz: [RFC8086] Registriert: 2016-10-05 |
4756 | RDCenter | TCP | Reticle Decision Center | Registriert: 2016-10-17 |
4756 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4757-4773 | Unassigned | |||
4774 | converge | TCP | Converge RPC | Registriert: 2016-09-16 |
4774 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4775-4783 | Unassigned | |||
4784 | bfd-multi-ctl | TCP/UDP | BFD Multihop Control | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4785 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4785 | cncp | UDP | Cisco Nexus Control Protocol | Registriert: 2009-04-01 |
4786 | smart-install | TCP | Smart Install Service | Registriert: 2009-08-24 |
4786 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4787 | sia-ctrl-plane | TCP | Service Insertion Architecture (SIA) Control-Plane | Registriert: 2009-10-29 |
4787 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4788 | xmcp | TCP | eXtensible Messaging Client Protocol | Registriert: 2011-05-23 Geändert: 2011-10-25 |
4788 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4789 | vxlan | UDP | Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) | Referenz: [RFC7348] Registriert: 2013-04-19 Geändert: 2014-06-17 |
4789 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4790 | vxlan-gpe | UDP | Generic Protocol Extension for Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) | Registriert: 2014-08-26 |
4790 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4791 | roce | UDP | IP Routable RocE | Registriert: 2014-10-17 |
4791 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4792 | unified-bus | TCP/UDP | IP Routable Unified Bus | Registriert: 2022-07-08 Geändert: 2023-04-10 |
4793-4799 | Unassigned | |||
4800 | iims | TCP/UDP | Icona Instant Messenging System | |
4801 | iwec | TCP/UDP | Icona Web Embedded Chat | |
4802 | ilss | TCP/UDP | Icona License System Server | |
4803 | notateit | TCP | Notateit Messaging | |
4803 | notateit-disc | UDP | Notateit Messaging Discovery | Registriert: 2009-04-08 |
4804 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4804 | aja-ntv4-disc | UDP | AJA ntv4 Video System Discovery | Registriert: 2010-06-03 |
4805-4826 | Unassigned | |||
4827 | htcp | TCP/UDP | HTCP | |
4828-4836 | Unassigned | |||
4837 | varadero-0 | TCP/UDP | Varadero-0 | |
4838 | varadero-1 | TCP/UDP | Varadero-1 | |
4839 | varadero-2 | TCP/UDP | Varadero-2 | |
4840 | opcua-tcp | TCP | OPC UA Connection Protocol | Geändert: 2018-01-04 |
4840 | opcua-udp | UDP | OPC UA Multicast Datagram Protocol | Registriert: 2006-09 Geändert: 2018-01-04 |
4841 | quosa | TCP/UDP | QUOSA Virtual Library Service | Registriert: 2006-09 |
4842 | gw-asv | TCP | nCode ICE-flow Library AppServer | Registriert: 2006-09 |
4842 | gw-asv | UDP | nCode ICE-flow Library AppServer | Registriert: 2006-09 Geändert: 2017-05-23 |
4843 | opcua-tls | TCP | OPC UA TCP Protocol over TLS/SSL | Registriert: 2006-09 Geändert: 2017-05-23 |
4843 | opcua-tls | UDP | OPC UA TCP Protocol over TLS/SSL | Registriert: 2006-09 |
4844 | gw-log | TCP/UDP | nCode ICE-flow Library LogServer | Registriert: 2006-09 |
4845 | wcr-remlib | TCP/UDP | WordCruncher Remote Library Service | Registriert: 2008-03-17 |
4846 | contamac-icm | TCP | Contamac ICM Service IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "contamac_icm". | Registriert: 2008-03-20 |
4846 | contamac_icm | TCP | Contamac ICM Service | Registriert: 2008-03-20 |
4846 | contamac-icm | UDP | Contamac ICM Service IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "contamac_icm". | Registriert: 2008-03-20 |
4846 | contamac_icm | UDP | Contamac ICM Service | Registriert: 2008-03-20 |
4847 | wfc | TCP/UDP | Web Fresh Communication | Registriert: 2007-09-17 |
4848 | appserv-http | TCP/UDP | App Server - Admin HTTP | |
4849 | appserv-https | TCP/UDP | App Server - Admin HTTPS | Registriert: 2002-04 |
4850 | sun-as-nodeagt | TCP/UDP | Sun App Server - NA | Registriert: 2004-11 |
4851 | derby-repli | TCP/UDP | Apache Derby Replication | Registriert: 2008-02-27 |
4852-4866 | Unassigned | |||
4867 | unify-debug | TCP/UDP | Unify Debugger | Registriert: 2006-05 Geändert: 2012-07-31 |
4868 | phrelay | TCP/UDP | Photon Relay | |
4869 | phrelaydbg | TCP/UDP | Photon Relay Debug | |
4870 | cc-tracking | TCP/UDP | Citcom Tracking Service | Registriert: 2005-12 |
4871 | wired | TCP/UDP | Wired | Registriert: 2006-02 |
4872-4875 | Unassigned | |||
4876 | tritium-can | TCP/UDP | Tritium CAN Bus Bridge Service | Registriert: 2011-02-15 |
4877 | lmcs | TCP/UDP | Lighting Management Control System | Registriert: 2011-02-15 |
4878 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4878 | inst-discovery | UDP | Agilent Instrument Discovery | Registriert: 2011-02-15 |
4879 | wsdl-event | TCP | WSDL Event Receiver | Registriert: 2011-02-15 |
4879 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4880 | hislip | TCP | IVI High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol | Geändert: 2021-05-06 |
4880 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4881 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4881 | socp-t | UDP | SOCP Time Synchronization Protocol | Registriert: 2010-05-28 |
4882 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4882 | socp-c | UDP | SOCP Control Protocol | Registriert: 2010-05-28 |
4883 | wmlserver | TCP | Meier-Phelps License Server | Registriert: 2010-03-22 |
4883 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4884 | hivestor | TCP/UDP | HiveStor Distributed File System | Registriert: 2008-07-10 |
4885 | abbs | TCP/UDP | ABBS | |
4886-4887 | Unassigned | |||
4888 | xcap-portal | TCP | xcap code analysis portal public user access | Registriert: 2018-06-06 |
4888 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4889 | xcap-control | TCP | xcap code analysis portal cluster control and administration | Registriert: 2018-06-06 |
4889 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4890-4893 | Unassigned | |||
4894 | lyskom | TCP/UDP | LysKOM Protocol A | |
4895-4898 | Unassigned | |||
4899 | radmin-port | TCP/UDP | RAdmin Port | Registriert: 2003-03 |
4900 | hfcs | TCP/UDP | HFSQL Client/Server Database Engine | Registriert: 2006-03-02 Geändert: 2014-02-02 |
4901 | flr-agent | TCP | FileLocator Remote Search Agent IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "flr_agent". | Registriert: 2008-11-19 |
4901 | flr_agent | TCP | FileLocator Remote Search Agent | Registriert: 2008-11-19 |
4901 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4902 | magiccontrol | TCP | magicCONROL RF and Data Interface | Registriert: 2008-11-24 |
4902 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4903-4911 | Unassigned | |||
4912 | lutap | TCP | Technicolor LUT Access Protocol | Registriert: 2009-02-17 |
4912 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4913 | lutcp | TCP | LUTher Control Protocol | Registriert: 2007-07-03 |
4914 | bones | TCP/UDP | Bones Remote Control | Registriert: 2008-06-18 |
4915 | frcs | TCP | Fibics Remote Control Service | Registriert: 2009-04-17 |
4915 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4916-4935 | Unassigned | |||
4936 | an-signaling | UDP | Signal protocol port for autonomic networking | Registriert: 2014-06-06 |
4936 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4937 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4937 | atsc-mh-ssc | UDP | ATSC-M/H Service Signaling Channel | Registriert: 2008-10-27 |
4938-4939 | Unassigned | |||
4940 | eq-office-4940 | TCP/UDP | Equitrac Office | |
4941 | eq-office-4941 | TCP/UDP | Equitrac Office | |
4942 | eq-office-4942 | TCP/UDP | Equitrac Office | Registriert: 2007-07-11 |
4943-4948 | Unassigned | |||
4949 | munin | TCP/UDP | Munin Graphing Framework | Registriert: 2010-12-24 |
4950 | sybasesrvmon | TCP/UDP | Sybase Server Monitor | Registriert: 2008-03-26 |
4951 | pwgwims | TCP/UDP | PWG WIMS | Registriert: 2005-12 |
4952 | sagxtsds | TCP/UDP | SAG Directory Server | Registriert: 2006-01 |
4953 | dbsyncarbiter | TCP | Synchronization Arbiter | Registriert: 2009-11-18 |
4953 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4954-4968 | Unassigned | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Known UNAUTHORIZED USE: port 4967 | ||
4969 | ccss-qmm | TCP/UDP | CCSS QMessageMonitor | |
4970 | ccss-qsm | TCP/UDP | CCSS QSystemMonitor | Registriert: 2006-01 |
4971 | burp | TCP | BackUp and Restore Program | Registriert: 2017-08-23 |
4971 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4972-4979 | Unassigned | |||
4980 | ctxs-vpp | UDP | Citrix Virtual Path | Registriert: 2015-04-17 |
4980 | TCP | Reserved | ||
4981-4982 | Unassigned | |||
4983 | Unassigned | Geändert: 2005-12-22 | ||
4984 | webyast | TCP | WebYast | Registriert: 2009-09-25 |
4984 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4985 | gerhcs | TCP | GER HC Standard | Registriert: 2009-09-25 |
4985 | UDP | Reserved | ||
4986 | mrip | TCP/UDP | Model Railway Interface Program | Registriert: 2006-04 |
4987 | smar-se-port1 | TCP/UDP | SMAR Ethernet Port 1 | |
4988 | smar-se-port2 | TCP/UDP | SMAR Ethernet Port 2 | |
4989 | parallel | TCP/UDP | Parallel for GAUSS (tm) | Registriert: 2003-03 |
4990 | busycal | TCP/UDP | BusySync Calendar Synch. Protocol | Registriert: 2008-01-07 |
4991 | vrt | TCP/UDP | VITA Radio Transport | Registriert: 2009-01-08 |
4992-4998 | Unassigned | |||
4999 | hfcs-manager | TCP/UDP | HFSQL Client/Server Database Engine Manager | Registriert: 2006-03-02 Geändert: 2014-02-02 |
5002 | rfe | TCP/UDP | radio free ethernet | |
5003 | fmpro-internal | TCP | FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport | |
5003 | fmpro-internal | UDP | FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary name binding | |
5004 | avt-profile-1 | TCP | RTP media data | Referenz: [RFC3551][RFC4571] |
5004 | avt-profile-1 | UDP | RTP media data | Referenz: [RFC3551] |
5004 | avt-profile-1 | DCCP | RTP media data | Referenz: [RFC3551][RFC5762] |
5005 | avt-profile-2 | TCP | RTP control protocol | Referenz: [RFC3551][RFC4571] |
5005 | avt-profile-2 | UDP | RTP control protocol | Referenz: [RFC3551] |
5005 | avt-profile-2 | DCCP | RTP control protocol | Referenz: [RFC3551][RFC5762] |
5006 | wsm-server | TCP/UDP | wsm server | |
5007 | wsm-server-ssl | TCP/UDP | wsm server ssl | |
5008 | synapsis-edge | TCP/UDP | Synapsis EDGE | |
5009 | winfs | TCP/UDP | Microsoft Windows Filesystem | Registriert: 2006-01 |
5010 | telelpathstart | TCP/UDP | TelepathStart | |
5011 | telelpathattack | TCP/UDP | TelepathAttack | |
5012 | nsp | TCP/UDP | NetOnTap Service | Registriert: 2007-10-24 |
5013 | fmpro-v6 | TCP/UDP | FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport | Registriert: 2007-08-01 |
5014 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5014 | onpsocket | UDP | Overlay Network Protocol | Registriert: 2009-08-24 |
5015 | fmwp | TCP | FileMaker, Inc. - Web publishing | Registriert: 2009-11-25 |
5015 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5016-5019 | Unassigned | |||
5020 | zenginkyo-1 | TCP/UDP | zenginkyo-1 | |
5021 | zenginkyo-2 | TCP/UDP | zenginkyo-2 | |
5022 | mice | TCP/UDP | mice server | |
5023 | htuilsrv | TCP/UDP | Htuil Server for PLD2 | |
5024 | scpi-telnet | TCP/UDP | SCPI-TELNET | Geändert: 2021-05-06 |
5025 | scpi-raw | TCP/UDP | SCPI-RAW | Geändert: 2021-05-06 |
5026 | strexec-d | TCP/UDP | Storix I/O daemon (data) | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5027 | strexec-s | TCP/UDP | Storix I/O daemon (stat) | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5028 | qvr | TCP | Quiqum Virtual Relais | Registriert: 2009-07-06 |
5028 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5029 | infobright | TCP/UDP | Infobright Database Server | Registriert: 2009-07-23 |
5030 | TCP/UDP | Reserved | Registriert: 2006-12 Geändert: 2022-01-10 | |
5031 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5031 | dmp | UDP | Direct Message Protocol | Registriert: 2009-09-30 |
5032 | signacert-agent | TCP | SignaCert Enterprise Trust Server Agent | Registriert: 2011-08-05 |
5032 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5033 | jtnetd-server | TCP | Janstor Secure Data | Registriert: 2015-06-08 |
5033 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5034 | jtnetd-status | TCP | Janstor Status | Registriert: 2015-06-08 |
5034 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5035-5041 | Unassigned | |||
5042 | asnaacceler8db | TCP/UDP | asnaacceler8db | |
5043 | swxadmin | TCP/UDP | ShopWorX Administration | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5044 | lxi-evntsvc | TCP/UDP | LXI Event Service | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5045 | osp | TCP | Open Settlement Protocol | Registriert: 2010-03-05 |
5045 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5046 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5046 | vpm-udp | UDP | Vishay PM UDP Service | Registriert: 2010-06-17 |
5047 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5047 | iscape | UDP | iSCAPE Data Broadcasting | Registriert: 2010-06-17 |
5048 | texai | TCP | Texai Message Service | Registriert: 2010-06-17 |
5048 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5049 | ivocalize | TCP/UDP | iVocalize Web Conference | Registriert: 2006-05 |
5050 | mmcc | TCP/UDP | multimedia conference control tool | |
5051 | ita-agent | TCP/UDP | ITA Agent | |
5052 | ita-manager | TCP/UDP | ITA Manager | |
5053 | rlm | TCP | RLM License Server | Registriert: 2008-07-28 |
5053 | rlm-disc | UDP | RLM Discovery Server | Registriert: 2012-11-06 |
5054 | rlm-admin | TCP | RLM administrative interface | Registriert: 2008-07-28 |
5054 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5055 | unot | TCP/UDP | UNOT | |
5056 | intecom-ps1 | TCP/UDP | Intecom Pointspan 1 | |
5057 | intecom-ps2 | TCP/UDP | Intecom Pointspan 2 | |
5058 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5058 | locus-disc | UDP | Locus Discovery | Registriert: 2009-08-13 |
5059 | sds | TCP/UDP | SIP Directory Services | Registriert: 2006-03 |
5060 | sip | TCP/UDP | SIP | Referenz: [RFC3263] Geändert: 2014-04-09 |
5060 | sip | SCTP | SIP | Referenz: [RFC4168] |
5061 | sips | TCP/UDP | SIP-TLS | Referenz: [RFC3263] Geändert: 2014-04-09 |
5061 | sips | SCTP | SIP-TLS | Referenz: [RFC4168] |
5062 | na-localise | TCP/UDP | Localisation access | Registriert: 2009-10-28 |
5063 | csrpc | TCP | centrify secure RPC | Registriert: 2009-10-28 |
5063 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5064 | ca-1 | TCP/UDP | Channel Access 1 | Registriert: 2002-08 |
5065 | ca-2 | TCP/UDP | Channel Access 2 | Registriert: 2002-08 |
5066 | stanag-5066 | TCP/UDP | STANAG-5066-SUBNET-INTF | |
5067 | authentx | TCP/UDP | Authentx Service | Registriert: 2006-01 |
5068 | bitforestsrv | TCP | Bitforest Data Service | Registriert: 2008-06-05 |
5068 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5069 | i-net-2000-npr | TCP/UDP | I/Net 2000-NPR | |
5070 | vtsas | TCP/UDP | VersaTrans Server Agent Service | Registriert: 2006-02 |
5071 | powerschool | TCP/UDP | PowerSchool | |
5072 | ayiya | TCP/UDP | Anything In Anything | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5073 | tag-pm | TCP/UDP | Advantage Group Port Mgr | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5074 | alesquery | TCP/UDP | ALES Query | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5075 | pvaccess | TCP | Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System | Registriert: 2012-03-23 |
5075 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5076-5077 | Unassigned | |||
5078 | pixelpusher | UDP | PixelPusher pixel data | Registriert: 2014-06-24 |
5078 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5079 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5079 | cp-spxrpts | UDP | Cambridge Pixel SPx Reports | Registriert: 2008-09-17 |
5080 | onscreen | TCP/UDP | OnScreen Data Collection Service | Registriert: 2008-01-14 |
5081 | sdl-ets | TCP/UDP | SDL - Ent Trans Server | Registriert: 2002-04 |
5082 | qcp | TCP/UDP | Qpur Communication Protocol | Registriert: 2008-03-19 |
5083 | qfp | TCP/UDP | Qpur File Protocol | Registriert: 2008-03-19 |
5084 | llrp | TCP/UDP | EPCglobal Low-Level Reader Protocol | Registriert: 2006-11 |
5085 | encrypted-llrp | TCP/UDP | EPCglobal Encrypted LLRP | Registriert: 2006-11 |
5086 | aprigo-cs | TCP | Aprigo Collection Service | Registriert: 2010-05-28 |
5086 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5087 | biotic | TCP | BIOTIC - Binary Internet of Things Interoperable Communication | Registriert: 2014-06-16 Geändert: 2015-11-25 |
5087 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5088-5089 | Unassigned | |||
5090 | car | SCTP | Candidate AR | |
5091 | cxtp | SCTP | Context Transfer Protocol | Referenz: [RFC4065] Registriert: 2005-07 |
5092 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5092 | magpie | UDP | Magpie Binary | Registriert: 2008-06-18 |
5093 | sentinel-lm | TCP/UDP | Sentinel LM | |
5094 | hart-ip | TCP/UDP | HART-IP | Registriert: 2010-03-02 |
5095-5098 | Unassigned | |||
5099 | sentlm-srv2srv | TCP/UDP | SentLM Srv2Srv | |
5100 | socalia | TCP/UDP | Socalia service mux | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5101 | talarian-tcp | TCP | Talarian_TCP | |
5101 | talarian-udp | UDP | Talarian_UDP | |
5102 | oms-nonsecure | TCP/UDP | Oracle OMS non-secure | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5103 | actifio-c2c | TCP | Actifio C2C | Registriert: 2010-06-18 |
5103 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5104 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5104 | tinymessage | UDP | TinyMessage | Registriert: 2010-10-20 |
5105 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5105 | hughes-ap | UDP | Hughes Association Protocol | Registriert: 2010-10-20 |
5106 | actifioudsagent | TCP | Actifio UDS Agent | Registriert: 2014-06-05 |
5106 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5107 | actifioreplic | TCP | Disk to Disk replication between Actifio Clusters | Registriert: 2015-10-23 |
5107 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5108-5110 | Unassigned | |||
5111 | taep-as-svc | TCP/UDP | TAEP AS service | Registriert: 2008-11-05 |
5112 | pm-cmdsvr | TCP/UDP | PeerMe Msg Cmd Service | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5113 | Unassigned | Registriert: 2010-11-09 | ||
5114 | ev-services | TCP | Enterprise Vault Services | Registriert: 2009-05-26 |
5114 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5115 | autobuild | TCP | Symantec Autobuild Service | Registriert: 2008-11-17 |
5115 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5116 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5116 | emb-proj-cmd | UDP | EPSON Projecter Image Transfer | Registriert: 2008-11-17 |
5117 | gradecam | TCP | GradeCam Image Processing | Registriert: 2009-09-24 |
5117 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5118-5119 | Unassigned | |||
5120 | barracuda-bbs | TCP/UDP | Barracuda Backup Protocol | Registriert: 2013-04-05 |
5121-5132 | Unassigned | |||
5133 | nbt-pc | TCP/UDP | Policy Commander | Registriert: 2004-11 |
5134 | ppactivation | TCP | PP ActivationServer | Registriert: 2009-10-14 |
5134 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5135 | erp-scale | TCP | ERP-Scale | Registriert: 2009-10-14 |
5135 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5136 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5136 | minotaur-sa | UDP | Minotaur SA | Registriert: 2009-10-14 |
5137 | ctsd | TCP/UDP | MyCTS server port | Registriert: 2002-06 |
5138-5144 | Unassigned | |||
5145 | rmonitor-secure | TCP | RMONITOR SECURE IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "rmonitor_secure". | |
5145 | rmonitor_secure | TCP | RMONITOR SECURE | |
5145 | rmonitor-secure | UDP | RMONITOR SECURE IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "rmonitor_secure". | |
5145 | rmonitor_secure | UDP | RMONITOR SECURE | |
5146 | social-alarm | TCP | Social Alarm Service | Registriert: 2009-08-18 |
5146 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5147-5149 | Unassigned | |||
5150 | atmp | TCP/UDP | Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol | |
5151 | esri-sde | TCP | ESRI SDE Instance IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "esri_sde". | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Unauthorized Use Known on ports 5151 and 5152 |
5151 | esri_sde | TCP | ESRI SDE Instance | |
5151 | esri-sde | UDP | ESRI SDE Remote Start IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "esri_sde". | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Unauthorized Use Known on ports 5151 and 5152 |
5151 | esri_sde | UDP | ESRI SDE Remote Start | |
5152 | sde-discovery | TCP/UDP | ESRI SDE Instance Discovery | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Unauthorized Use Known on ports 5151 and 5152 |
5153 | TCP | Reserved | Registriert: 2009-07-01 Geändert: 2018-04-19 | |
5153 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5154 | bzflag | TCP/UDP | BZFlag game server | Registriert: 2003-07 |
5155 | asctrl-agent | TCP/UDP | Oracle asControl Agent | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5156 | rugameonline | TCP | Russian Online Game | Registriert: 2010-08-17 |
5156 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5157 | mediat | TCP | Mediat Remote Object Exchange | Registriert: 2010-09-02 |
5157 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5158-5160 | Unassigned | |||
5161 | snmpssh | TCP | SNMP over SSH Transport Model | Referenz: [RFC5592] |
5161 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5162 | snmpssh-trap | TCP | SNMP Notification over SSH Transport Model | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Known Unauthorized Use on port 5162 Referenz: [RFC5592] |
5162 | UDP | Reserved | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Known Unauthorized Use on port 5162 | |
5163 | sbackup | TCP | Shadow Backup | Registriert: 2009-08-05 |
5163 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5164 | vpa | TCP | Virtual Protocol Adapter | Registriert: 2009-08-05 |
5164 | vpa-disc | UDP | Virtual Protocol Adapter Discovery | Registriert: 2009-08-05 |
5165 | ife-icorp | TCP | ife_1corp IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "ife_icorp". | |
5165 | ife_icorp | TCP | ife_1corp | |
5165 | ife-icorp | UDP | ife_1corp IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "ife_icorp". | |
5165 | ife_icorp | UDP | ife_1corp | |
5166 | winpcs | TCP/UDP | WinPCS Service Connection | Registriert: 2006-02 |
5167 | scte104 | TCP/UDP | SCTE104 Connection | Registriert: 2005-05 |
5168 | scte30 | TCP/UDP | SCTE30 Connection | Registriert: 2005-05 |
5169-5171 | Unassigned | |||
5172 | pcoip-mgmt | TCP | PC over IP Endpoint Management | Registriert: 2014-04-28 |
5172 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5173-5189 | Unassigned | |||
5190 | aol | TCP/UDP | America-Online | |
5191 | aol-1 | TCP/UDP | AmericaOnline1 | |
5192 | aol-2 | TCP/UDP | AmericaOnline2 | |
5193 | aol-3 | TCP/UDP | AmericaOnline3 | |
5194 | cpscomm | TCP | CipherPoint Config Service | Registriert: 2010-03-03 |
5194 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5195 | ampl-lic | TCP | The protocol is used by a license server and client programs to control use of program licenses that float to networked machines | Registriert: 2012-05-25 |
5195 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5196 | ampl-tableproxy | TCP | The protocol is used by two programs that exchange "table" data used in the AMPL modeling language | Registriert: 2012-05-25 |
5196 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5197 | tunstall-lwp | TCP | Tunstall Lone worker device interface | Registriert: 2014-12-10 |
5197 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5198-5199 | Unassigned | |||
5200 | targus-getdata | TCP/UDP | TARGUS GetData | |
5201 | targus-getdata1 | TCP/UDP | TARGUS GetData 1 | |
5202 | targus-getdata2 | TCP/UDP | TARGUS GetData 2 | |
5203 | targus-getdata3 | TCP/UDP | TARGUS GetData 3 | |
5204-5208 | Unassigned | |||
5209 | nomad | TCP | Nomad Device Video Transfer | Registriert: 2012-08-20 |
5209 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5210-5214 | Unassigned | |||
5215 | noteza | TCP | NOTEZA Data Safety Service | Registriert: 2014-06-12 |
5215 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5215 | noteza | SCTP | NOTEZA Data Safety Service | Registriert: 2014-06-12 |
5216-5220 | Unassigned | |||
5221 | 3exmp | TCP | 3eTI Extensible Management Protocol for OAMP | Registriert: 2010-05-19 |
5221 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5222 | xmpp-client | TCP | XMPP Client Connection | Referenz: [RFC6120] |
5222 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5223 | hpvirtgrp | TCP/UDP | HP Virtual Machine Group Management | Registriert: 2007-06 |
5224 | hpvirtctrl | TCP/UDP | HP Virtual Machine Console Operations | Registriert: 2007-06 |
5225 | hp-server | TCP/UDP | HP Server | |
5226 | hp-status | TCP/UDP | HP Status | |
5227 | perfd | TCP/UDP | HP System Performance Metric Service | Registriert: 2009-05-19 |
5228 | hpvroom | TCP | HP Virtual Room Service | Registriert: 2009-03-19 |
5228 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5229 | jaxflow | TCP | Netflow/IPFIX/sFlow Collector and Forwarder Management | Registriert: 2014-08-15 |
5229 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5230 | jaxflow-data | TCP | JaxMP RealFlow application and protocol data | Registriert: 2014-08-15 |
5230 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5231 | crusecontrol | TCP | Remote Control of Scan Software for Cruse Scanners | Registriert: 2014-08-15 |
5231 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5232 | csedaemon | TCP | Cruse Scanning System Service | Registriert: 2011-03-09 |
5232 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5233 | enfs | TCP | Etinnae Network File Service | Registriert: 2011-03-09 |
5233 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5234 | eenet | TCP/UDP | EEnet communications | Registriert: 2005-11 |
5235 | galaxy-network | TCP/UDP | Galaxy Network Service | Registriert: 2007-10-04 |
5237 | mnet-discovery | TCP/UDP | m-net discovery | Registriert: 2007-11-13 |
5238-5241 | Unassigned | |||
5242 | attune | TCP | ATTUne API | Registriert: 2022-06-01 |
5242 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5243 | xycstatus | TCP | xyClient Status API and rendevous point | Registriert: 2022-06-06 |
5243 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5244 | Unassigned | |||
5245 | downtools | TCP | DownTools Control Protocol | Registriert: 2009-04-07 |
5245 | downtools-disc | UDP | DownTools Discovery Protocol | Registriert: 2009-04-07 |
5246 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5246 | capwap-control | UDP | CAPWAP Control Protocol | Referenz: [RFC5415] |
5247 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5247 | capwap-data | UDP | CAPWAP Data Protocol | Referenz: [RFC5415] |
5248 | caacws | TCP/UDP | CA Access Control Web Service | Registriert: 2008-03-06 |
5249 | caaclang2 | TCP/UDP | CA AC Lang Service | Registriert: 2008-02-19 |
5250 | soagateway | TCP/UDP | soaGateway | Registriert: 2002-02 |
5251 | caevms | TCP/UDP | CA eTrust VM Service | Registriert: 2004-11 |
5252 | movaz-ssc | TCP/UDP | Movaz SSC | Registriert: 2004-11 |
5253 | kpdp | TCP | Kohler Power Device Protocol | Registriert: 2010-11-01 |
5253 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5254 | logcabin | TCP | LogCabin storage service | Registriert: 2015-04-14 |
5254 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5255-5263 | Unassigned | |||
5264 | 3com-njack-1 | TCP/UDP | 3Com Network Jack Port 1 | Registriert: 2003-03 |
5265 | 3com-njack-2 | TCP/UDP | 3Com Network Jack Port 2 | Registriert: 2003-03 |
5266-5268 | Unassigned | |||
5269 | xmpp-server | TCP | XMPP Server Connection | Referenz: [RFC6120] |
5269 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5270 | cartographerxmp | TCP/UDP | Cartographer XMP | Registriert: 2008-04-03 Geändert: 2011-08-31 |
5271 | cuelink | TCP | StageSoft CueLink messaging | Registriert: 2010-03-26 |
5271 | cuelink-disc | UDP | StageSoft CueLink discovery | Registriert: 2010-03-26 |
5272 | pk | TCP/UDP | PK | |
5273-5279 | Unassigned | |||
5280 | xmpp-bosh | TCP | Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH) | Registriert: 2009-11-25 |
5280 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5281 | undo-lm | TCP | Undo License Manager | Registriert: 2010-04-19 Geändert: 2019-01-25 |
5281 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5282 | transmit-port | TCP/UDP | Marimba Transmitter Port | Registriert: 2002-04 |
5283-5297 | Unassigned | |||
5298 | presence | TCP/UDP | XMPP Link-Local Messaging | Registriert: 2008-01-14 |
5299 | nlg-data | TCP/UDP | NLG Data Service | Registriert: 2008-02-19 |
5300 | hacl-hb | TCP/UDP | HA cluster heartbeat | |
5301 | hacl-gs | TCP/UDP | HA cluster general services | |
5302 | hacl-cfg | TCP/UDP | HA cluster configuration | |
5303 | hacl-probe | TCP/UDP | HA cluster probing | |
5304 | hacl-local | TCP/UDP | HA Cluster Commands | |
5305 | hacl-test | TCP/UDP | HA Cluster Test | |
5306 | sun-mc-grp | TCP/UDP | Sun MC Group | |
5307 | sco-aip | TCP/UDP | SCO AIP | |
5308 | cfengine | TCP/UDP | CFengine | |
5309 | jprinter | TCP/UDP | J Printer | |
5310 | outlaws | TCP/UDP | Outlaws | |
5311 | Unassigned | Registriert: 2004-05-07 | ||
5312 | permabit-cs | TCP/UDP | Permabit Client-Server | Registriert: 2004-06 |
5313 | rrdp | TCP/UDP | Real-time & Reliable Data | Registriert: 2004-06 |
5314 | opalis-rbt-ipc | TCP/UDP | opalis-rbt-ipc | |
5315 | hacl-poll | TCP/UDP | HA Cluster UDP Polling | |
5316 | hpbladems | TCP | HPBladeSystem Monitor Service | Registriert: 2011-05-23 Geändert: 2011-05-16 |
5316 | UDP | Unassigned | Registriert: 2011-05-16 | |
5317 | hpdevms | TCP | HP Device Monitor Service | Registriert: 2011-05-16 |
5317 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5318 | pkix-cmc | TCP | PKIX Certificate Management using CMS (CMC) | Referenz: [RFC6402] |
5318 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5319 | Unassigned | |||
5320 | bsfserver-zn | TCP | Webservices-based Zn interface of BSF | Registriert: 2008-05-01 |
5320 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5321 | bsfsvr-zn-ssl | TCP | Webservices-based Zn interface of BSF over SSL | Registriert: 2008-07-03 |
5321 | UDP | Reserved | ||
5322-5342 | Unassigned | |||
5343 | kfserver | TCP/UDP | Sculptor Database Server | Registriert: 2005-12 |
5344 | xkotodrcp | TCP/UDP | xkoto DRCP | Registriert: 2006-02 |
5345-5348 | Unassigned | |||
5349 | stuns | TCP | Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) port | Referenz: [RFC8489] Geändert: 2019-03-28 |
5349 | stuns | UDP | STUN over DTLS | Referenz: [RFC7350] Geändert: 2014-07-03 |
5349 | turns | TCP | TURN over TLS | Referenz: [RFC8656] Geändert: 2019-08-02 |
5349 | turns | UDP | TURN over DTLS | Referenz: [RFC7350] Geändert: 2019-08-02 |
5349 | stun-behaviors | TCP | STUN Behavior Discovery over TLS | Referenz: [RFC5780] |
5349 | stun-behaviors | UDP | Reserved for a future enhancement of STUN-BEHAVIOR | Referenz: [RFC5780] |
5350 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5350 | pcp-multicast | UDP | Port Control Protocol Multicast | Referenz: [RFC6887] |
5351 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5351 | pcp | UDP | Port Control Protocol | Referenz: [RFC6887] |
5352 | dns-llq | TCP/UDP | DNS Long-Lived Queries | Referenz: [RFC8764] Registriert: 2005-08 Geändert: 2019-08-26 |
5353 | mdns | TCP/UDP | Multicast DNS | Referenz: [RFC6762] |
5354 | mdnsresponder | TCP/UDP | Multicast DNS Responder IPC | Registriert: 2004-06 |
5355 | llmnr | TCP/UDP | LLMNR | Registriert: 2004-06 |
5356 | ms-smlbiz | TCP/UDP | Microsoft Small Business | Registriert: 2005-02 |
5357 | wsdapi | TCP/UDP | Web Services for Devices | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5358 | wsdapi-s | TCP/UDP | WS for Devices Secured | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5359 | ms-alerter | TCP/UDP | Microsoft Alerter | Registriert: 2007-08-07 |
5360 | ms-sideshow | TCP/UDP | Protocol for Windows SideShow | Registriert: 2008-03-12 |
5361 | ms-s-sideshow | TCP/UDP | Secure Protocol for Windows SideShow | Registriert: 2008-03-12 |
5362 | serverwsd2 | TCP/UDP | Microsoft Windows Server WSD2 Service | Registriert: 2008-03-26 |
5363 | net-projection | TCP/UDP | Windows Network Projection | Registriert: 2009-02-17 |
5364 | kdnet | UDP | Microsoft Kernel Debugger | Registriert: 2013-06-16 |
5364 | TCP | Reserved | ||
5365-5396 | Unassigned | |||
5397 | stresstester | TCP/UDP | StressTester(tm) Injector | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5398 | elektron-admin | TCP/UDP | Elektron Administration | Registriert: 2005-08 |
5399 | securitychase | TCP/UDP | SecurityChase | Registriert: 2005-08 |
Quelle: IANA
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