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0 - 511512 - 10231024 - 14992000 - 24992500 - 29993000 - 34993500 - 39994000 - 46994700 - 53995400 - 64996500 - 79998000 - 999910000 - 1999920000 - 49151
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Benutzer-Ports von 1500 bis 1999
Port | Service-Name | Protokoll | Bezeichnung | Kommentar |
1500 | vlsi-lm | TCP/UDP | VLSI License Manager | |
1501 | saiscm | TCP/UDP | Satellite-data Acquisition System 3 | |
1502 | shivadiscovery | TCP/UDP | Shiva | |
1503 | imtc-mcs | TCP/UDP | Databeam | |
1504 | evb-elm | TCP/UDP | EVB Software Engineering License Manager | |
1505 | funkproxy | TCP/UDP | Funk Software, Inc. | |
1506 | utcd | TCP/UDP | Universal Time daemon (utcd) | |
1507 | symplex | TCP/UDP | symplex | |
1508 | diagmond | TCP/UDP | diagmond | |
1509 | robcad-lm | TCP/UDP | Robcad, Ltd. License Manager | |
1510 | mvx-lm | TCP/UDP | Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man. | |
1511 | 3l-l1 | TCP/UDP | 3l-l1 | |
1512 | wins | TCP/UDP | Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service | |
1513 | fujitsu-dtc | TCP/UDP | Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc | |
1514 | fujitsu-dtcns | TCP/UDP | Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc | |
1515 | ifor-protocol | TCP/UDP | ifor-protocol | |
1516 | vpad | TCP/UDP | Virtual Places Audio data | |
1517 | vpac | TCP/UDP | Virtual Places Audio control | |
1518 | vpvd | TCP/UDP | Virtual Places Video data | |
1519 | vpvc | TCP/UDP | Virtual Places Video control | |
1520 | atm-zip-office | TCP/UDP | atm zip office | |
1521 | ncube-lm | TCP/UDP | nCube License Manager | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Unauthorized Use Known on port 1521 Geändert: 2022-02-14 |
1522 | ricardo-lm | TCP/UDP | Ricardo North America License Manager | |
1523 | cichild-lm | TCP/UDP | cichild | |
1524 | ingreslock | TCP/UDP | ingres | |
1525 | orasrv | TCP/UDP | oracle | |
1525 | prospero-np | TCP/UDP | Prospero Directory Service non-priv | |
1526 | pdap-np | TCP/UDP | Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv | |
1527 | tlisrv | TCP/UDP | oracle | |
1528 | norp | TCP | Not Only a Routeing Protocol | Registriert: 2021-04-07 |
1528 | norp | UDP | Not Only a Routeing Protocol | Registriert: 2016-09-13 Geändert: 2021-04-07 |
1528 | norp | SCTP | Not Only a Routeing Protocol | Registriert: 2021-04-07 |
1529 | coauthor | TCP/UDP | oracle | |
1530 | rap-service | TCP/UDP | rap-service | |
1531 | rap-listen | TCP/UDP | rap-listen | |
1532 | miroconnect | TCP/UDP | miroconnect | |
1533 | virtual-places | TCP/UDP | Virtual Places Software | |
1534 | micromuse-lm | TCP/UDP | micromuse-lm | |
1535 | ampr-info | TCP/UDP | ampr-info | |
1536 | ampr-inter | TCP/UDP | ampr-inter | |
1537 | sdsc-lm | TCP/UDP | isi-lm | |
1538 | 3ds-lm | TCP/UDP | 3ds-lm | |
1539 | intellistor-lm | TCP/UDP | Intellistor License Manager | |
1540 | rds | TCP/UDP | rds | |
1541 | rds2 | TCP/UDP | rds2 | |
1542 | gridgen-elmd | TCP/UDP | gridgen-elmd | |
1543 | simba-cs | TCP/UDP | simba-cs | |
1544 | aspeclmd | TCP/UDP | aspeclmd | |
1545 | vistium-share | TCP/UDP | vistium-share | |
1546 | abbaccuray | TCP/UDP | abbaccuray | |
1547 | laplink | TCP/UDP | laplink | |
1548 | axon-lm | TCP/UDP | Axon License Manager | |
1549 | shivahose | TCP | Shiva Hose | |
1549 | shivasound | UDP | Shiva Sound | |
1550 | 3m-image-lm | TCP/UDP | Image Storage license manager 3M Company | |
1551 | hecmtl-db | TCP/UDP | HECMTL-DB | |
1552 | pciarray | TCP/UDP | pciarray | |
1553 | sna-cs | TCP/UDP | sna-cs | |
1554 | caci-lm | TCP/UDP | CACI Products Company License Manager | |
1555 | livelan | TCP/UDP | livelan | |
1556 | veritas-pbx | TCP | VERITAS Private Branch Exchange IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "veritas_pbx". | Registriert: 2004-04 |
1556 | veritas_pbx | TCP | VERITAS Private Branch Exchange | Registriert: 2004-04 |
1556 | veritas-pbx | UDP | VERITAS Private Branch Exchange IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "veritas_pbx". | Registriert: 2004-04 |
1556 | veritas_pbx | UDP | VERITAS Private Branch Exchange | Registriert: 2004-04 |
1557 | arbortext-lm | TCP/UDP | ArborText License Manager | |
1558 | xingmpeg | TCP/UDP | xingmpeg | |
1559 | web2host | TCP/UDP | web2host | |
1560 | asci-val | TCP/UDP | ASCI-RemoteSHADOW | |
1561 | facilityview | TCP/UDP | facilityview | |
1562 | pconnectmgr | TCP/UDP | pconnectmgr | |
1563 | cadabra-lm | TCP/UDP | Cadabra License Manager | |
1564 | pay-per-view | TCP/UDP | Pay-Per-View | |
1565 | winddlb | TCP/UDP | WinDD | |
1566 | corelvideo | TCP/UDP | CORELVIDEO | |
1567 | jlicelmd | TCP/UDP | jlicelmd | |
1568 | tsspmap | TCP/UDP | tsspmap | |
1569 | ets | TCP/UDP | ets | |
1570 | orbixd | TCP/UDP | orbixd | |
1571 | rdb-dbs-disp | TCP/UDP | Oracle Remote Data Base | |
1572 | chip-lm | TCP/UDP | Chipcom License Manager | |
1573 | itscomm-ns | TCP/UDP | itscomm-ns | |
1574 | mvel-lm | TCP/UDP | mvel-lm | |
1575 | oraclenames | TCP/UDP | oraclenames | |
1576 | moldflow-lm | TCP/UDP | Moldflow License Manager | |
1577 | hypercube-lm | TCP/UDP | hypercube-lm | |
1578 | jacobus-lm | TCP/UDP | Jacobus License Manager | |
1579 | ioc-sea-lm | TCP/UDP | ioc-sea-lm | |
1580 | tn-tl-r1 | TCP | tn-tl-r1 | |
1580 | tn-tl-r2 | UDP | tn-tl-r2 | |
1581 | mil-2045-47001 | TCP/UDP | MIL-2045-47001 | |
1582 | msims | TCP/UDP | MSIMS | |
1583 | simbaexpress | TCP/UDP | simbaexpress | |
1584 | tn-tl-fd2 | TCP/UDP | tn-tl-fd2 | |
1585 | intv | TCP/UDP | intv | |
1586 | ibm-abtact | TCP/UDP | ibm-abtact | |
1587 | pra-elmd | TCP | pra_elmd IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "pra_elmd". | |
1587 | pra_elmd | TCP | pra_elmd | |
1587 | pra-elmd | UDP | pra_elmd IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "pra_elmd". | |
1587 | pra_elmd | UDP | pra_elmd | |
1588 | triquest-lm | TCP/UDP | triquest-lm | |
1589 | vqp | TCP/UDP | VQP | |
1590 | gemini-lm | TCP/UDP | gemini-lm | |
1591 | ncpm-pm | TCP/UDP | ncpm-pm | |
1592 | commonspace | TCP/UDP | commonspace | |
1593 | mainsoft-lm | TCP/UDP | mainsoft-lm | |
1594 | sixtrak | TCP/UDP | sixtrak | Geändert: 2014-09-22 |
1595 | radio | TCP/UDP | radio | |
1596 | radio-sm | TCP | radio-sm | |
1596 | radio-bc | UDP | radio-bc | |
1597 | orbplus-iiop | TCP/UDP | orbplus-iiop | |
1598 | picknfs | TCP/UDP | picknfs | |
1599 | simbaservices | TCP/UDP | simbaservices | |
1600 | issd | TCP/UDP | issd | |
1601 | aas | TCP/UDP | aas | |
1602 | inspect | TCP/UDP | inspect | |
1603 | picodbc | TCP/UDP | pickodbc | |
1604 | icabrowser | TCP/UDP | icabrowser | |
1605 | slp | TCP/UDP | Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol) | |
1606 | slm-api | TCP/UDP | Salutation Manager (SLM-API) | |
1607 | stt | TCP/UDP | stt | |
1608 | smart-lm | TCP/UDP | Smart Corp. License Manager | |
1609 | isysg-lm | TCP/UDP | isysg-lm | |
1610 | taurus-wh | TCP/UDP | taurus-wh | |
1611 | ill | TCP/UDP | Inter Library Loan | |
1612 | netbill-trans | TCP/UDP | NetBill Transaction Server | |
1613 | netbill-keyrep | TCP/UDP | NetBill Key Repository | |
1614 | netbill-cred | TCP/UDP | NetBill Credential Server | |
1615 | netbill-auth | TCP/UDP | NetBill Authorization Server | |
1616 | netbill-prod | TCP/UDP | NetBill Product Server | |
1617 | nimrod-agent | TCP/UDP | Nimrod Inter-Agent Communication | |
1618 | skytelnet | TCP/UDP | skytelnet | |
1619 | xs-openstorage | TCP/UDP | xs-openstorage | |
1620 | faxportwinport | TCP/UDP | faxportwinport | |
1621 | softdataphone | TCP/UDP | softdataphone | |
1622 | ontime | TCP/UDP | ontime | |
1623 | jaleosnd | TCP/UDP | jaleosnd | |
1624 | udp-sr-port | TCP/UDP | udp-sr-port | |
1625 | svs-omagent | TCP/UDP | svs-omagent | |
1626 | shockwave | TCP/UDP | Shockwave | |
1627 | t128-gateway | TCP/UDP | T.128 Gateway | |
1628 | lontalk-norm | TCP/UDP | LonTalk normal | |
1629 | lontalk-urgnt | TCP/UDP | LonTalk urgent | Registriert: 2008-04-10 |
1630 | oraclenet8cman | TCP/UDP | Oracle Net8 Cman | |
1631 | visitview | TCP/UDP | Visit view | |
1632 | pammratc | TCP/UDP | PAMMRATC | |
1633 | pammrpc | TCP/UDP | PAMMRPC | |
1634 | loaprobe | TCP/UDP | Log On America Probe | |
1635 | edb-server1 | TCP/UDP | EDB Server 1 | |
1636 | isdc | TCP/UDP | ISP shared public data control | |
1637 | islc | TCP/UDP | ISP shared local data control | |
1638 | ismc | TCP/UDP | ISP shared management control | |
1639 | cert-initiator | TCP/UDP | cert-initiator | |
1640 | cert-responder | TCP/UDP | cert-responder | |
1641 | invision | TCP/UDP | InVision | |
1642 | isis-am | TCP/UDP | isis-am | |
1643 | isis-ambc | TCP/UDP | isis-ambc | |
1644 | saiseh | TCP/UDP | Satellite-data Acquisition System 4 | |
1645 | sightline | TCP/UDP | SightLine | |
1646 | sa-msg-port | TCP/UDP | sa-msg-port | |
1647 | rsap | TCP/UDP | rsap | |
1648 | concurrent-lm | TCP/UDP | concurrent-lm | |
1649 | kermit | TCP/UDP | kermit | |
1650 | nkd | TCP | nkdn | |
1650 | nkd | UDP | nkd | |
1651 | shiva-confsrvr | TCP | shiva_confsrvr IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "shiva_confsrvr". | |
1651 | shiva_confsrvr | TCP | shiva_confsrvr | |
1651 | shiva-confsrvr | UDP | shiva_confsrvr IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "shiva_confsrvr". | |
1651 | shiva_confsrvr | UDP | shiva_confsrvr | |
1652 | xnmp | TCP/UDP | xnmp | |
1653 | alphatech-lm | TCP/UDP | alphatech-lm | |
1654 | stargatealerts | TCP/UDP | stargatealerts | |
1655 | dec-mbadmin | TCP/UDP | dec-mbadmin | |
1656 | dec-mbadmin-h | TCP/UDP | dec-mbadmin-h | |
1657 | fujitsu-mmpdc | TCP/UDP | fujitsu-mmpdc | |
1658 | sixnetudr | TCP/UDP | sixnetudr | Geändert: 2014-05-21 |
1659 | sg-lm | TCP/UDP | Silicon Grail License Manager | |
1660 | skip-mc-gikreq | TCP/UDP | skip-mc-gikreq | |
1661 | netview-aix-1 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-1 | |
1662 | netview-aix-2 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-2 | |
1663 | netview-aix-3 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-3 | |
1664 | netview-aix-4 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-4 | |
1665 | netview-aix-5 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-5 | |
1666 | netview-aix-6 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-6 | |
1667 | netview-aix-7 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-7 | |
1668 | netview-aix-8 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-8 | |
1669 | netview-aix-9 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-9 | |
1670 | netview-aix-10 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-10 | |
1671 | netview-aix-11 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-11 | |
1672 | netview-aix-12 | TCP/UDP | netview-aix-12 | |
1673 | proshare-mc-1 | TCP/UDP | Intel Proshare Multicast | |
1674 | proshare-mc-2 | TCP/UDP | Intel Proshare Multicast | |
1675 | pdp | TCP/UDP | Pacific Data Products | |
1676 | netcomm1 | TCP | netcomm1 | |
1676 | netcomm2 | UDP | netcomm2 | |
1677 | groupwise | TCP/UDP | groupwise | |
1678 | prolink | TCP/UDP | prolink | |
1679 | darcorp-lm | TCP/UDP | darcorp-lm | |
1680 | microcom-sbp | TCP/UDP | microcom-sbp | |
1681 | sd-elmd | TCP/UDP | sd-elmd | |
1682 | lanyon-lantern | TCP/UDP | lanyon-lantern | |
1683 | ncpm-hip | TCP/UDP | ncpm-hip | |
1684 | snaresecure | TCP/UDP | SnareSecure | |
1685 | n2nremote | TCP/UDP | n2nremote | |
1686 | cvmon | TCP/UDP | cvmon | |
1687 | nsjtp-ctrl | TCP/UDP | nsjtp-ctrl | |
1688 | nsjtp-data | TCP/UDP | nsjtp-data | |
1689 | firefox | TCP/UDP | firefox | |
1690 | ng-umds | TCP/UDP | ng-umds | |
1691 | empire-empuma | TCP/UDP | empire-empuma | |
1692 | sstsys-lm | TCP/UDP | sstsys-lm | |
1693 | rrirtr | TCP/UDP | rrirtr | |
1694 | rrimwm | TCP/UDP | rrimwm | |
1695 | rrilwm | TCP/UDP | rrilwm | |
1696 | rrifmm | TCP/UDP | rrifmm | |
1697 | rrisat | TCP/UDP | rrisat | |
1698 | rsvp-encap-1 | TCP/UDP | RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-1 | |
1699 | rsvp-encap-2 | TCP/UDP | RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-2 | |
1700 | mps-raft | TCP/UDP | mps-raft | |
1701 | l2f | TCP/UDP | l2f | |
1701 | l2tp | TCP/UDP | l2tp | |
1702 | deskshare | TCP/UDP | deskshare | |
1703 | hb-engine | TCP/UDP | hb-engine | |
1704 | bcs-broker | TCP/UDP | bcs-broker | |
1705 | slingshot | TCP/UDP | slingshot | |
1706 | jetform | TCP/UDP | jetform | |
1707 | vdmplay | TCP/UDP | vdmplay | |
1708 | gat-lmd | TCP/UDP | gat-lmd | |
1709 | centra | TCP/UDP | centra | |
1710 | impera | TCP/UDP | impera | |
1711 | pptconference | TCP/UDP | pptconference | |
1712 | registrar | TCP/UDP | resource monitoring service | |
1713 | conferencetalk | TCP/UDP | ConferenceTalk | |
1714 | sesi-lm | TCP/UDP | sesi-lm | |
1715 | houdini-lm | TCP/UDP | houdini-lm | |
1716 | xmsg | TCP/UDP | xmsg | |
1717 | fj-hdnet | TCP/UDP | fj-hdnet | |
1718 | h323gatedisc | TCP/UDP | H.323 Multicast Gatekeeper Discover | Geändert: 2013-01-31 |
1719 | h323gatestat | TCP/UDP | H.323 Unicast Gatekeeper Signaling | Geändert: 2013-01-31 |
1720 | h323hostcall | TCP/UDP | H.323 Call Control Signalling | Geändert: 2013-01-31 |
1720 | h323hostcall | SCTP | H.323 Call Control | Registriert: 2014-07-30 |
1721 | caicci | TCP/UDP | caicci | |
1722 | hks-lm | TCP/UDP | HKS License Manager | |
1723 | pptp | TCP/UDP | pptp | Referenz: [RFC2637] Geändert: 2021-09-21 |
1724 | csbphonemaster | TCP/UDP | csbphonemaster | |
1725 | iden-ralp | TCP/UDP | iden-ralp | |
1726 | iberiagames | TCP/UDP | IBERIAGAMES | |
1727 | winddx | TCP/UDP | winddx | |
1728 | telindus | TCP/UDP | TELINDUS | |
1729 | citynl | TCP/UDP | CityNL License Management | |
1730 | roketz | TCP/UDP | roketz | |
1731 | msiccp | TCP/UDP | MSICCP | |
1732 | proxim | TCP/UDP | proxim | |
1733 | siipat | TCP/UDP | SIMS - SIIPAT Protocol for Alarm Transmission | |
1734 | cambertx-lm | TCP/UDP | Camber Corporation License Management | |
1735 | privatechat | TCP/UDP | PrivateChat | |
1736 | street-stream | TCP/UDP | street-stream | |
1737 | ultimad | TCP/UDP | ultimad | |
1738 | gamegen1 | TCP/UDP | GameGen1 | |
1739 | webaccess | TCP/UDP | webaccess | |
1740 | encore | TCP/UDP | encore | |
1741 | cisco-net-mgmt | TCP/UDP | cisco-net-mgmt | |
1742 | 3Com-nsd | TCP/UDP | 3Com-nsd | |
1743 | cinegrfx-lm | TCP/UDP | Cinema Graphics License Manager | |
1744 | ncpm-ft | TCP/UDP | ncpm-ft | |
1745 | remote-winsock | TCP/UDP | remote-winsock | |
1746 | ftrapid-1 | TCP/UDP | ftrapid-1 | |
1747 | ftrapid-2 | TCP/UDP | ftrapid-2 | |
1748 | oracle-em1 | TCP/UDP | oracle-em1 | |
1749 | aspen-services | TCP/UDP | aspen-services | |
1750 | sslp | TCP/UDP | Simple Socket Library's PortMaster | |
1751 | swiftnet | TCP/UDP | SwiftNet | |
1752 | lofr-lm | TCP/UDP | Leap of Faith Research License Manager | |
1753 | predatar-comms | TCP | Predatar Comms Service | Registriert: 2011-09-15 |
1753 | UDP | Reserved | ||
1754 | oracle-em2 | TCP/UDP | oracle-em2 | |
1755 | ms-streaming | TCP/UDP | ms-streaming | |
1756 | capfast-lmd | TCP/UDP | capfast-lmd | |
1757 | cnhrp | TCP/UDP | cnhrp | |
1758 | tftp-mcast | TCP/UDP | tftp-mcast | |
1759 | spss-lm | TCP/UDP | SPSS License Manager | |
1760 | www-ldap-gw | TCP/UDP | www-ldap-gw | |
1761 | cft-0 | TCP/UDP | cft-0 | |
1762 | cft-1 | TCP/UDP | cft-1 | |
1763 | cft-2 | TCP/UDP | cft-2 | |
1764 | cft-3 | TCP/UDP | cft-3 | |
1765 | cft-4 | TCP/UDP | cft-4 | |
1766 | cft-5 | TCP/UDP | cft-5 | |
1767 | cft-6 | TCP/UDP | cft-6 | |
1768 | cft-7 | TCP/UDP | cft-7 | |
1769 | bmc-net-adm | TCP/UDP | bmc-net-adm | |
1770 | bmc-net-svc | TCP/UDP | bmc-net-svc | |
1771 | vaultbase | TCP/UDP | vaultbase | |
1772 | essweb-gw | TCP/UDP | EssWeb Gateway | |
1773 | kmscontrol | TCP/UDP | KMSControl | |
1774 | global-dtserv | TCP/UDP | global-dtserv | |
1775 | vdab | TCP | data interchange between visual processing containers | Registriert: 2014-04-23 |
1775 | UDP | Reserved | ||
1776 | femis | TCP/UDP | Federal Emergency Management Information System | |
1777 | powerguardian | TCP/UDP | powerguardian | Registriert: 2008-08-29 |
1778 | prodigy-intrnet | TCP/UDP | prodigy-internet | |
1779 | pharmasoft | TCP/UDP | pharmasoft | |
1780 | dpkeyserv | TCP/UDP | dpkeyserv | |
1781 | answersoft-lm | TCP/UDP | answersoft-lm | |
1782 | hp-hcip | TCP/UDP | hp-hcip | |
1783 | Decomissioned Port 04/14/00, ms | |||
1784 | finle-lm | TCP/UDP | Finle License Manager | |
1785 | windlm | TCP/UDP | Wind River Systems License Manager | |
1786 | funk-logger | TCP/UDP | funk-logger | |
1787 | funk-license | TCP/UDP | funk-license | |
1788 | psmond | TCP/UDP | psmond | |
1789 | hello | TCP/UDP | hello | Geändert: 2018-04-05 |
1790 | nmsp | TCP/UDP | Narrative Media Streaming Protocol | |
1791 | ea1 | TCP/UDP | EA1 | |
1792 | ibm-dt-2 | TCP/UDP | ibm-dt-2 | |
1793 | rsc-robot | TCP/UDP | rsc-robot | |
1794 | cera-bcm | TCP/UDP | cera-bcm | |
1795 | dpi-proxy | TCP/UDP | dpi-proxy | |
1796 | vocaltec-admin | TCP/UDP | Vocaltec Server Administration | |
1797 | uma | TCP/UDP | UMA | |
1798 | etp | TCP/UDP | Event Transfer Protocol | |
1799 | netrisk | TCP/UDP | NETRISK | |
1800 | ansys-lm | TCP/UDP | ANSYS-License manager | |
1801 | msmq | TCP/UDP | Microsoft Message Que | |
1802 | concomp1 | TCP/UDP | ConComp1 | |
1803 | hp-hcip-gwy | TCP/UDP | HP-HCIP-GWY | |
1804 | enl | TCP/UDP | ENL | |
1805 | enl-name | TCP/UDP | ENL-Name | |
1806 | musiconline | TCP/UDP | Musiconline | |
1807 | fhsp | TCP/UDP | Fujitsu Hot Standby Protocol | |
1808 | oracle-vp2 | TCP/UDP | Oracle-VP2 | |
1809 | oracle-vp1 | TCP/UDP | Oracle-VP1 | |
1810 | jerand-lm | TCP/UDP | Jerand License Manager | |
1811 | scientia-sdb | TCP/UDP | Scientia-SDB | |
1812 | radius | TCP/UDP | RADIUS | Referenz: [RFC2865] |
1813 | radius-acct | TCP/UDP | RADIUS Accounting | Referenz: [RFC2866] |
1814 | tdp-suite | TCP/UDP | TDP Suite | |
1815 | mmpft | TCP/UDP | Manufacturing messaging protocol for factory transmission | Geändert: 2024-06-12 |
1816 | harp | TCP/UDP | HARP | |
1817 | rkb-oscs | TCP/UDP | RKB-OSCS | |
1818 | etftp | TCP/UDP | Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol | |
1819 | plato-lm | TCP/UDP | Plato License Manager | |
1820 | mcagent | TCP/UDP | mcagent | |
1821 | donnyworld | TCP/UDP | donnyworld | |
1822 | es-elmd | TCP/UDP | es-elmd | |
1823 | unisys-lm | TCP/UDP | Unisys Natural Language License Manager | |
1824 | metrics-pas | TCP/UDP | metrics-pas | |
1825 | direcpc-video | TCP/UDP | DirecPC Video | |
1826 | ardt | TCP/UDP | ARDT | |
1827 | asi | TCP/UDP | ASI | |
1828 | itm-mcell-u | TCP/UDP | itm-mcell-u | |
1829 | optika-emedia | TCP/UDP | Optika eMedia | |
1830 | net8-cman | TCP/UDP | Oracle Net8 CMan Admin | |
1831 | myrtle | TCP/UDP | Myrtle | |
1832 | tht-treasure | TCP/UDP | ThoughtTreasure | |
1833 | udpradio | TCP/UDP | udpradio | |
1834 | ardusuni | TCP/UDP | ARDUS Unicast | |
1835 | ardusmul | TCP/UDP | ARDUS Multicast | |
1836 | ste-smsc | TCP/UDP | ste-smsc | |
1837 | csoft1 | TCP/UDP | csoft1 | |
1838 | talnet | TCP/UDP | TALNET | |
1839 | netopia-vo1 | TCP/UDP | netopia-vo1 | |
1840 | netopia-vo2 | TCP/UDP | netopia-vo2 | |
1841 | netopia-vo3 | TCP/UDP | netopia-vo3 | |
1842 | netopia-vo4 | TCP/UDP | netopia-vo4 | |
1843 | netopia-vo5 | TCP/UDP | netopia-vo5 | |
1844 | direcpc-dll | TCP/UDP | DirecPC-DLL | |
1845 | altalink | TCP/UDP | altalink | |
1846 | tunstall-pnc | TCP/UDP | Tunstall PNC | |
1847 | slp-notify | TCP/UDP | SLP Notification | Referenz: [RFC3082] |
1848 | fjdocdist | TCP/UDP | fjdocdist | |
1849 | alpha-sms | TCP/UDP | ALPHA-SMS | |
1850 | gsi | TCP/UDP | GSI | |
1851 | ctcd | TCP/UDP | ctcd | |
1852 | virtual-time | TCP/UDP | Virtual Time | |
1853 | vids-avtp | TCP/UDP | VIDS-AVTP | |
1854 | buddy-draw | TCP/UDP | Buddy Draw | |
1855 | fiorano-rtrsvc | TCP/UDP | Fiorano RtrSvc | |
1856 | fiorano-msgsvc | TCP/UDP | Fiorano MsgSvc | |
1857 | datacaptor | TCP/UDP | DataCaptor | |
1858 | privateark | TCP/UDP | PrivateArk | |
1859 | gammafetchsvr | TCP/UDP | Gamma Fetcher Server | |
1860 | sunscalar-svc | TCP/UDP | SunSCALAR Services | |
1861 | lecroy-vicp | TCP/UDP | LeCroy VICP | |
1862 | mysql-cm-agent | TCP/UDP | MySQL Cluster Manager Agent | Registriert: 2009-12-08 |
1863 | msnp | TCP/UDP | MSNP | |
1864 | paradym-31port | TCP/UDP | Paradym 31 Port | |
1865 | entp | TCP/UDP | ENTP | |
1866 | swrmi | TCP/UDP | swrmi | |
1867 | udrive | TCP/UDP | UDRIVE | |
1868 | viziblebrowser | TCP/UDP | VizibleBrowser | |
1869 | transact | TCP/UDP | TransAct | |
1870 | sunscalar-dns | TCP/UDP | SunSCALAR DNS Service | |
1871 | canocentral0 | TCP/UDP | Cano Central 0 | |
1872 | canocentral1 | TCP/UDP | Cano Central 1 | |
1873 | fjmpjps | TCP/UDP | Fjmpjps | |
1874 | fjswapsnp | TCP/UDP | Fjswapsnp | |
1875 | westell-stats | TCP/UDP | westell stats | |
1876 | ewcappsrv | TCP/UDP | ewcappsrv | |
1877 | hp-webqosdb | TCP/UDP | hp-webqosdb | |
1878 | drmsmc | TCP/UDP | drmsmc | |
1879 | nettgain-nms | TCP/UDP | NettGain NMS | |
1880 | vsat-control | TCP/UDP | Gilat VSAT Control | |
1881 | ibm-mqseries2 | TCP/UDP | IBM WebSphere MQ Everyplace | |
1882 | ecsqdmn | TCP/UDP | CA eTrust Common Services | |
1883 | mqtt | TCP/UDP | Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Protocol | Geändert: 2015-02-10 |
1884 | idmaps | TCP/UDP | Internet Distance Map Svc | |
1885 | vrtstrapserver | TCP/UDP | Veritas Trap Server | |
1886 | leoip | TCP/UDP | Leonardo over IP | |
1887 | filex-lport | TCP/UDP | FileX Listening Port | |
1888 | ncconfig | TCP/UDP | NC Config Port | |
1889 | unify-adapter | TCP/UDP | Unify Web Adapter Service | Geändert: 2012-07-31 |
1890 | wilkenlistener | TCP/UDP | wilkenListener | |
1891 | childkey-notif | TCP/UDP | ChildKey Notification | |
1892 | childkey-ctrl | TCP/UDP | ChildKey Control | |
1893 | elad | TCP/UDP | ELAD Protocol | |
1894 | o2server-port | TCP/UDP | O2Server Port | |
1895 | TCP/UDP | unassigned | ||
1896 | b-novative-ls | TCP/UDP | b-novative license server | |
1897 | metaagent | TCP/UDP | MetaAgent | |
1898 | cymtec-port | TCP/UDP | Cymtec secure management | |
1899 | mc2studios | TCP/UDP | MC2Studios | |
1900 | ssdp | TCP/UDP | SSDP | |
1901 | fjicl-tep-a | TCP/UDP | Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program A | |
1902 | fjicl-tep-b | TCP/UDP | Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program B | |
1903 | linkname | TCP/UDP | Local Link Name Resolution | |
1904 | fjicl-tep-c | TCP/UDP | Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program C | |
1905 | sugp | TCP/UDP | Secure UP.Link Gateway Protocol | |
1906 | tpmd | TCP/UDP | TPortMapperReq | |
1907 | intrastar | TCP/UDP | IntraSTAR | |
1908 | dawn | TCP/UDP | Dawn | |
1909 | global-wlink | TCP/UDP | Global World Link | |
1910 | ultrabac | TCP/UDP | UltraBac Software communications port | |
1911 | mtp | TCP/UDP | Starlight Networks Multimedia Transport Protocol | |
1912 | rhp-iibp | TCP/UDP | rhp-iibp | |
1913 | armadp | TCP/UDP | armadp | |
1914 | elm-momentum | TCP/UDP | Elm-Momentum | |
1915 | facelink | TCP/UDP | FACELINK | |
1916 | persona | TCP/UDP | Persoft Persona | |
1917 | noagent | TCP/UDP | nOAgent | |
1918 | can-nds | TCP/UDP | IBM Tivole Directory Service - NDS | |
1919 | can-dch | TCP/UDP | IBM Tivoli Directory Service - DCH | |
1920 | can-ferret | TCP/UDP | IBM Tivoli Directory Service - FERRET | |
1921 | noadmin | TCP/UDP | NoAdmin | |
1922 | tapestry | TCP/UDP | Tapestry | |
1923 | spice | TCP/UDP | SPICE | |
1924 | xiip | TCP/UDP | XIIP | |
1925 | discovery-port | TCP/UDP | Surrogate Discovery Port | |
1926 | egs | TCP/UDP | Evolution Game Server | |
1927 | videte-cipc | TCP/UDP | Videte CIPC Port | |
1928 | emsd-port | TCP/UDP | Expnd Maui Srvr Dscovr | |
1929 | bandwiz-system | TCP/UDP | Bandwiz System - Server | |
1930 | driveappserver | TCP/UDP | Drive AppServer | |
1931 | amdsched | TCP/UDP | AMD SCHED | |
1932 | ctt-broker | TCP/UDP | CTT Broker | |
1933 | xmapi | TCP/UDP | IBM LM MT Agent | |
1934 | xaapi | TCP/UDP | IBM LM Appl Agent | |
1935 | macromedia-fcs | TCP | Macromedia Flash Communications Server MX | |
1935 | macromedia-fcs | UDP | Macromedia Flash Communications server MX | |
1936 | jetcmeserver | TCP/UDP | JetCmeServer Server Port | |
1937 | jwserver | TCP/UDP | JetVWay Server Port | |
1938 | jwclient | TCP/UDP | JetVWay Client Port | |
1939 | jvserver | TCP/UDP | JetVision Server Port | |
1940 | jvclient | TCP/UDP | JetVision Client Port | |
1941 | dic-aida | TCP/UDP | DIC-Aida | |
1942 | res | TCP/UDP | Real Enterprise Service | |
1943 | beeyond-media | TCP/UDP | Beeyond Media | |
1944 | close-combat | TCP/UDP | close-combat | |
1945 | dialogic-elmd | TCP/UDP | dialogic-elmd | |
1946 | tekpls | TCP/UDP | tekpls | |
1947 | sentinelsrm | TCP/UDP | SentinelSRM | Unautorisierte Verwendung: Unauthorized Use Known on port 1947 Registriert: 2010-07-23 |
1948 | eye2eye | TCP/UDP | eye2eye | |
1949 | ismaeasdaqlive | TCP/UDP | ISMA Easdaq Live | |
1950 | ismaeasdaqtest | TCP/UDP | ISMA Easdaq Test | |
1951 | bcs-lmserver | TCP/UDP | bcs-lmserver | |
1952 | mpnjsc | TCP/UDP | mpnjsc | |
1953 | rapidbase | TCP/UDP | Rapid Base | |
1954 | abr-api | TCP/UDP | ABR-API (diskbridge) | |
1955 | abr-secure | TCP/UDP | ABR-Secure Data (diskbridge) | |
1956 | vrtl-vmf-ds | TCP/UDP | Vertel VMF DS | |
1957 | unix-status | TCP/UDP | unix-status | |
1958 | dxadmind | TCP/UDP | CA Administration Daemon | |
1959 | simp-all | TCP/UDP | SIMP Channel | |
1960 | nasmanager | TCP/UDP | Merit DAC NASmanager | |
1961 | bts-appserver | TCP/UDP | BTS APPSERVER | |
1962 | biap-mp | TCP/UDP | BIAP-MP | |
1963 | webmachine | TCP/UDP | WebMachine | |
1964 | solid-e-engine | TCP/UDP | SOLID E ENGINE | |
1965 | tivoli-npm | TCP/UDP | Tivoli NPM | |
1966 | slush | TCP/UDP | Slush | |
1967 | sns-quote | TCP/UDP | SNS Quote | |
1968 | lipsinc | TCP/UDP | LIPSinc | |
1969 | lipsinc1 | TCP/UDP | LIPSinc 1 | |
1970 | netop-rc | TCP/UDP | NetOp Remote Control | |
1971 | netop-school | TCP/UDP | NetOp School | |
1972 | intersys-cache | TCP/UDP | Cache | |
1973 | dlsrap | TCP/UDP | Data Link Switching Remote Access Protocol | |
1974 | drp | TCP/UDP | DRP | |
1975 | tcoflashagent | TCP/UDP | TCO Flash Agent | |
1976 | tcoregagent | TCP/UDP | TCO Reg Agent | |
1977 | tcoaddressbook | TCP/UDP | TCO Address Book | |
1978 | unisql | TCP/UDP | UniSQL | |
1979 | unisql-java | TCP/UDP | UniSQL Java | |
1980 | pearldoc-xact | TCP/UDP | PearlDoc XACT | |
1981 | p2pq | TCP/UDP | p2pQ | |
1982 | estamp | TCP/UDP | Evidentiary Timestamp | |
1983 | lhtp | TCP/UDP | Loophole Test Protocol | |
1984 | bb | TCP/UDP | BB | |
1985 | hsrp | TCP/UDP | Hot Standby Router Protocol | Referenz: [RFC2281] |
1986 | licensedaemon | TCP/UDP | cisco license management | |
1987 | tr-rsrb-p1 | TCP/UDP | cisco RSRB Priority 1 port | |
1988 | tr-rsrb-p2 | TCP/UDP | cisco RSRB Priority 2 port | |
1989 | tr-rsrb-p3 | TCP/UDP | cisco RSRB Priority 3 port | |
1989 | mshnet | TCP/UDP | MHSnet system | |
1990 | stun-p1 | TCP/UDP | cisco STUN Priority 1 port | |
1991 | stun-p2 | TCP/UDP | cisco STUN Priority 2 port | |
1992 | stun-p3 | TCP/UDP | cisco STUN Priority 3 port | |
1992 | ipsendmsg | TCP/UDP | IPsendmsg | |
1993 | snmp-tcp-port | TCP/UDP | cisco SNMP TCP port | |
1994 | stun-port | TCP/UDP | cisco serial tunnel port | |
1995 | perf-port | TCP/UDP | cisco perf port | |
1996 | tr-rsrb-port | TCP/UDP | cisco Remote SRB port | |
1997 | gdp-port | TCP/UDP | cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol | |
1998 | x25-svc-port | TCP/UDP | cisco X.25 service (XOT) | |
1999 | tcp-id-port | TCP/UDP | cisco identification port |
Quelle: IANA
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