URLReport checks the accessibility of URLs in the clear web and the Tor/Onion network.
URLReport can output the result of the check as a single file in the formats TSV, CSV and HTML, as well as a comprehensive HTML report.
The data fields and columns of the simple output can be customized. This output is particularly suitable for a quick overview of the reachable URLs or for further processing of the data with another program.
The HTML report (URL report) allows you to view the checked and accessible websites as a secure HTML version and as plain text. The technical details, such as the headers or redirects, can also be viewed.
URLReport is a terminal/console application with an optional graphical user interface GUI.
Version: | 2.0 |
License: | Freeware |
Setup: | Portable (no setup) |
Languages: | English, German (Help) |
Requires: | Windows 10+ or MacOS 14+ ARM |
Format: | Windows: 7z, MacOS: dmg |
Größe: | Windows: 2 MB, MacOS: 4.2 MB |
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URL Report:
HTML output:
GUI of URLReport:
GUI of Onion URL Extractor:
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