Time Converter

Time Converter is an online tool to convert date and time, UNIX Epoch Time (time_t) and Apple Core Foundation Absolute Time (CFAbsoluteTime).

The date and time can be set as formatted "date string". All common date and time formats will be supported. Day and month names must be entered in English. Is a time zone given (as in the default value), the this thime zone will be used for conversion.

The UNIX Epoch Time (time_t) is also known as UNIX time or POSIX time. The UNIX Epoch Time indicates the number of seconds that have passed since 01.01.1970 00:00:00 UTC.

The Apple Core Foundation Absolute Time (CFAbsoluteTime) is also known as Mach Absolute Time or Apple Cocoa Core Data Time. The CFAbsoluteTime indicates the number of seconds that have passed since 01.01.2001 00:00:00 UTC.

The time zone can be set for the input and output date. UNIX Epoch Time and Apple Core Foundation Absolute Time are always based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The keyboard can be used for faster selection of the time zone.

 -   -   ,   :   : 
(Format: Year - Month - Day, Hours : Minutes : Seconds)
Input Time Zone: (Optional)
Output Time Zone: (Optional)

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