

Direct Downloads
Discontinued Software


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Direct Downloads


Local Browser Start Pages 1.4
Local start pages for web browsers with search fields for several search engines and online services.
17 KB
Notepad++ Theme "Gaijin"
Notepad++ Theme "Gaijin" is a theme for Notepad++. A light and dark mode version is included.
14 KB
Notepad++ User Defined Languages
Notepad++ User Defined Languages contains Notepad++ syntax highlighters for Apache .htaccess, robots.txt and Yara files. Each syntax highlighter is available as light and dark mode version.
5 KB

Discontinued Software

The development of the following programs has been discontinued. They can still be downloaded for a limited time before they are removed.

eMule MET Viewer 1.2
eMule MET Viewer shows and exports various information from the eMule "known.met" file.
36 KB • Windows 7/8/10/11, Microsoft .NET Framework 4
eToolz 4.5.2
eToolz includes some of the most important network tools like DNS Lookup, Ping, TraceRoute and Whois.
366 KB • Windows XP/7/8/10/11, Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Multiple File Finder X-Tension for X-Ways Forensics 1.2.1
Multiple File Finder X-Tension for X-Ways Forensics finds filenames and path names, adds them to report tables and/or export and rename them. External applications can be run automatically for further analysis.
797 KB • Windows 7/8/10/11 x64
Opened Ports Viewer 1.4
Opened Ports Viewer displays a list with all opened ports on a machine, including the associated process.
94 KB • Windows 7/8/10/11, Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Password Generator 3.8
Password Generator can generate secure and easy to read and remember passwords.
105 KB • Windows XP/7/8/10/11, Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Picture Viewer 3.8
Picture Viewer is a small viewer for the most common graphic formats.
180 KB • Windows XP/7/8/10/11, Microsoft .NET Framework 4
RegistryReport 1.6
RegistryReport shows information about the operating system, installed software, the last user activity, the user settings and many other details from raw Windows NT 5 Registry files.
424 KB • Windows XP/7
RegistryViewer 1.3
RegistryViewer is a viewer application for raw Windows Registry files.
323 KB • Windows XP/7
WipeFile 3.6
WipeFile deletes files and folders secure and fast.
128 KB • Windows 7/8/10/11, Microsoft .NET Framework 4

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